Anthony Rolfe Johnson feat. Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists & John Eliot Gardiner - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: I. Accompagnato. Comfort Ye, My People paroles de chanson

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Anthony Rolfe Johnson feat. Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists & John Eliot Gardiner - 50 Baroque Masterpieces
Album 50 Baroque Masterpieces
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1 Vespro della Beata Vergine: Audi coelum a 8
2 Vespro della Beata Vergine: Dixit Dominus a 6
3 Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: 36. Air. How Beautiful Are the Feet
4 Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248, Pt. 1 "For the First Day of Christmas": No. 8 Aria (Baß). "Großer Herr, o starker König"
5 Saul, HWV 53, Act I: 20. Symphony - 21. Recitative. Already See - 22. Chorus. Welcome, Welcome Mighty King!
6 Saul, HWV 53, Act I: 23. Accompagnato. What Do I Hear? - 24. Chorus. David His Ten Thousands Slew - 25. Accompagnato. To Him Ten Thousands!
7 Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: I. Accompagnato. Comfort Ye, My People
8 Vespro della Beata Vergine: Nisi Dominus a 10
9 Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen Cantata, BWV 51: Aria. "Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen"
10 The Fairy Queen, Act II: Prelude - Come, All Ye Songsters of the Sky
11 Dixit Dominus, HWV 232: Die Torrente in via bibet
12 Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, Cantata, BWV 147: X. Choral. "Jesus bleibet meine Freude"
13 "Saul, Saul, was verfolgst du mich?", SWV 415
14 L'Orfeo, Act III: O tu ch'innanzi morte
15 L'Orfeo, Act I: "In questo lieto e fortunato giorno" - "Vieni, Imeneo" - "Muse, onor di Parnasso"
16 "Auf dem Gebirge hat man ein Geschrei gehöret", SWV 396
17 Dido and Aeneas, Act II: Prelude for the Witches, "Wayward Sisters"
18 Dido and Aeneas, Act III: "Thy Hand, Belinda...When I Am Laid in Earth"
19 Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, BWV 61: III. Aria "Komm, Jesu, komm zu deiner Kirche" (Tenor)
20 L'Orfeo, Act III: Possente spirto
21 St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244, Pt. 1: No. 15 Choral. "Erkenne mich, mein Hüter"
22 St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244, Pt. 1: No. 1 Chorus I/II. "Kommt, ihr Töchter, helft mir klagen"
23 The Fairy Queen, Act I: Scene of the Drunken Poet, "Fill Up the Bowl"
24 O bone Jesu, fili Mariae, SWV 471
25 St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244, Pt. 1: No. 8 Aria (Soprano). "Blute nur, du liebes Herz"
26 Mass in B Minor, BWV 232: Gloria in excelsis Deo
27 Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248, Pt. 1 "For the First Day of Christmas": No. 5 Choral. "Wie soll ich dich empfangen"
28 St. John Passion, BWV 245, Pt. 1: No. 1 Chorus. "Herr, unser Herrscher"
29 St. John Passion, BWV 245, Pt. 2: No. 39 Chorus. "Ruht wohl, ihr heiligen Gebeine"
30 Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248, Pt. 1 "For the First Day of Christmas": No. 1 Chorus. "Jauchzet, frohlocket"
31 St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244, Pt. 1: No. 3 Choral. "Herzliebster Jesu, was hast du verbrochen"
32 Solomon HWV 67, Act I: "May No Rash Intruder"
33 Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: XII. Chorus. For unto Us a Child Is Born
34 Coronation Anthem No. 1, HWV 258 "Zadok the Priest"
35 Membra Jesu Nostri, BuxWV 75: II. Ad genua
36 Gloria, RV 589: Gloria in excelsis Deo
37 Gloria, RV 589: Et in terra pax hominibus
38 Saul, HWV 53, Act III: 86. Chorus. Gird on Thy Sword
39 Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: III. Chorus. And the Glory of the Lord
40 L'Orfeo, Prologo: Toccata
41 The Fairy Queen, Act I: Prelude
42 Saul, HWV 53, Act III: 77. March
43 Hercules, Act III: Sinfonia
44 Solomon HWV 67, Act III: The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba

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