Aspencat - Sense por - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Aspencat - Sense por

Sense por
Without Fear
Tenies por als rajos de sol, por a l'obscuritat,
You were afraid of the sun's rays, afraid of the darkness,
A la policia i a l'abús de les autoritats.
Of the police and the abuse of authority.
Tenies por a cridar per la llibertat,
You were afraid to cry out for freedom,
Por als espais oberts i por als espais tancats.
Afraid of open spaces and closed spaces.
Volen que tinguem la por a les profecies,
They want us to fear prophecies,
Por a l'inmigrant i a les malalties,
Fear immigrants and diseases,
Por a que vinga el futur i no tanquen les ferides,
Fear that the future will come and wounds won't heal,
Por per a que creiem en falsos mesies.
Fear so that we believe in false messiahs.
Por a que algú et trencara el cor,
Fear that someone would break your heart,
Por a la vida i por a la mort.
Fear of life and fear of death.
Tenies por a no tindre sort,
You were afraid of having no luck,
Però ara som tan forts, que ja no tenim por!
But now we are so strong, that we are no longer afraid!
A construir el món i començar de zero,
To build the world and start from scratch,
A viure la vida al ritme del teu cor,
To live life to the rhythm of your heart,
A somniar desperts i doblegar el ferro,
To daydream and bend iron,
A cridar als 4 vents que ja no tenim por!
To shout to the 4 winds that we are no longer afraid!
Por al desconegut, por a la veritat,
Fear of the unknown, fear of the truth,
Por a intentar-ho per la por a fracassar,
Fear of trying for fear of failure,
Por a volar, por a canviar,
Fear of flying, fear of changing,
Tenies por fins i tot a deixar de respirar.
You were afraid even to stop breathing.
Volen que tinguem por a no complaure a les dinasties,
They want us to be afraid of not pleasing the dynasties,
Por a que et furten tot el que tenies,
Afraid that they will steal everything you have,
Vols canviar el món i tu mai canvies,
You want to change the world and you never change,
Por a dormir, per si de cas somnies.
Fear of sleeping, in case you dream.
Por a que algú et trencara el cor,
Fear that someone would break your heart,
Por a la vida i por a la mort.
Fear of life and fear of death.
Tenies por a no tindre sort,
You were afraid of having no luck,
Però ara som tan forts que ja no tenim por!
But now we are so strong that we are no longer afraid!
A construir el món i començar de zero,
To build the world and start from scratch,
A viure la vida al ritme del teu cor,
To live life to the rhythm of your heart,
A somniar desperts i doblegar el ferro,
To daydream and bend iron,
A cridar als 4 vents que ja no tenim por!
To shout to the 4 winds that we are no longer afraid!
Tenemos miedo a la verdad,
We are afraid of the truth,
Miedo a las mentiras, miedo a la realidad,
Afraid of lies, afraid of reality,
Miedo a lo que piensen,
Afraid of what they think,
También miedo al qué dirán,
Also afraid of what they will say,
Miedo a ser esclavos, miedo a la libertad.
Afraid of being slaves, afraid of freedom.
Tenemos miedo, miedo a este juego,
We are afraid, afraid of this game,
Miedo en cada casa, en cada pueblo,
Fear in every house, in every town,
Miedo a la Ley Mordaza y desde luego;
Fear of the Gag Law and of course;
A ver crecer a niños en un mundo sin consuelo.
To see children grow up in a world without consolation.
Estamos encerrados en la carcel del silencio con papel y un lapicero, para crear un mundo nuevo y limpio desde cero,
We are locked in the prison of silence with paper and a pen, to create a new and clean world from scratch,
Green Valley y Aspencat con la voz en alma y fuego,
Green Valley and Aspencat with the voice in soul and fire,
Luchando con la música en contacto con el pueblo ouooooouooo
Fighting with music in contact with the people ouooooouooo
A construir el món i començar de zero,
To build the world and start from scratch,
A viure la vida al ritme del teu cor,
To live life to the rhythm of your heart,
A somniar desperts i doblegar el ferro,
To daydream and bend iron,
A cridar als 4 vents que ja no tenim por.
To shout to the 4 winds that we are no longer afraid.
Piénsalo, nos tienen encerrados, atados de pies y manos.
Think about it, they have us locked up, tied hand and foot.
Nos quieren silenciados, mira hermano digo piénsalo.
They want us silenced, look brother I say think about it.
Venimos hoy armados Green Valley y Aspencat
We come today armed Green Valley and Aspencat
Para quemar con nuestro fuego todo el miedo.
To burn with our fire all the fear.

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