Et
woor
en
stinknormale
Naach,
noch
woor
nix
jrooß
passiert.
Er
hatt
et
Radio
ahnjemaht
un
dann
nit
hinjehührt:
"En
dämm
Dinge
läuf
dä
janze
Daach
däselve
Müll.
Su
joot
wie
nie
kütt
ir'ndjet
wat
mer
wirklich
hühre
will!"
Op
eimohl
daach'e:
"Wat
ess
dat,
dä
kenn
ich
doch
woher!?"
Ne
Spot
für'n
Marjerien,
et
Konzentriere
feel
ihm
schwer.
Eins
woor
secher:
Die
Stemm
woor
positiv
besetz.
Op
eimohl
hatte't:
Da's
dä
D.
It
was
a
stinknormal
night,
nothing
major
had
happened
yet.
He
had
turned
on
the
radio
and
then
ignored
it:
"The
same
crap
runs
on
that
thing
all
day.
As
good
as
never
there's
anything
that
really
want
to
hear!"
Suddenly
he
thought:
"What's
that,
know
that
from
somewhere!"
An
ad
for
margarine,
it
was
hard
for
him
to
concentrate.
One
thing
was
certain:
The
voice
had
positive
vibes.
Suddenly
it
hit
him:
That's
D.
J.,
der'e
johrelang
vermess
hätt:
"Radio
Show,
here
is
Eddie's
Radio-Show"
Wie
lang
ess
dat
her
un
vüür
allem
wieso?
En
singem
Kopp
leefe
zehnmillione
Minifilme
aff.
Dank
dämm
Eddie
hatte't
domols
durch
su
manche
Naach
jeschaff,
hatt
sich
selvs
durch
ihn
kapiert,
dä
wohr
dat
Schlösselloch
zur
Welt,
hatt
ihm
immer
zojehührt,
bess
datte
ir'ndwann
saare
däät:
"Radio
Show,
this
was
Eddies
Radio-Show"
Wie
lang
ess
dat
her
un
vüür
allem
wieso?
Er
sooß
do,
wie
en
Trance,
et
Radio
hatte
ussjedrieht
un
sing
Jedanke
noh
dä
janze
Bands
un
Sänger
durchsieb,
die'e
zum
eezte
Mohl
beim
Eddie
bemerk.
Dä
Klos
em
Hals,
dä
jing
nit
weg,
dä
hätt
sich
eher
noch
verstärk.
Wieso
löhß
du
dir
dat
jefalle,
wieso
mähßte
sujet
met,
all
dä
Schrott,
dä
sich
Format
nennt,
wieso
wehrste
dich
bloß
nit
jäje
Umweltsünde,
die
jetarnt
sinn
als
Musik,
Seife-Oper-Fuzzies
un
Container-Freaks?
J.,
who'd
been
annoying
him
for
years:
"Radio
Show,
here
is
Eddie's
Radio-Show"
How
long
ago
was
that
and
most
importantly
why?
ten
million
mini-movie
was
running
in
his
head.
Thanks
to
this
Eddie,
he
had
made
it
through
many
a
night
back
then,
he
had
even
understood
himself
through
him,
he
was
the
keyhole
to
the
world,
and
he
had
always
listened
to
him,
until
at
some
point
he
would
say:
"Radio
Show,
this
was
Eddie's
Radio-Show"
How
long
ago
was
that
and
most
importantly
why?
He
sat
there
as
if
in
a
trance,
he
had
turned
off
the
radio
and
sifted
through
his
thoughts
of
all
the
bands
and
singers
who
he'd
noticed
for
the
first
time
with
Eddie.
The
lump
in
his
throat
would
not
go
away,
it
would
more
likely
get
worse.
Why
do
you
put
up
with
it,
why
do
you
have
to
participate
in
all
this
crap
that's
called
format,
why
don't
you
defend
yourself
against
environmental
sins
that
are
camouflaged
as
music,
soap
opera
fuzzies
and
container
freaks?