Bap - Et Neuste Testament - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Bap - Et Neuste Testament

Et Neuste Testament
The Newest Testament
En Golgatha ess Jubiläum. All sinn do.
On Golgotha it's jubilee. Everyone's here.
Et hätt sich vill jeändert, nix blevv wie et woor.
Much has changed, nothing remained as it was.
Nur die Akteure, die sinn noch fit wie eh un je.
Only the actors, they are still as fit as ever.
Se hann sich irjendwann jesaht: Mer blieven he!
They said to themselves at some point: We're staying here!
Paar hann Karrier jemaht, Rest, jeht ahm Stock.
A few have made careers, the rest walk with a cane.
Su wie Thomas, nix jläuv un trotzdem noch
Like Thomas, who believes nothing and still
Mem Wachturm op der Eck steht, oder nevenahn.
Stands with the watchtower on the corner, or next to it.
Maria Magdalena schaff noch immer ahn.
Mary Magdalene still works on the street.
Chef vum janze, heiß Pilatus - immer noch.
The boss of the whole thing is still called Pilate.
Dämm sing Händ, die weeden jetz met 60 Grad jekoch.
His hands are now boiled at 60 degrees.
En Unschuld einjeweich, em Vorwaschjang jeschont,
Soaked in innocence, spared in the pre-wash,
Die Amnestie für Barabas hätt sich jelohnt.
The amnesty for Barabbas has paid off.
Denn Barabas ess jetz dämm Chef sing räächte Hand,
Because Barabbas is now the boss's right-hand man,
Eez nur inkognito, dann Goebbels Jupp jenannt. Als Propajandachef un Superintendant mäht Jung die Inszenierung övverall bekannt.
Just incognito, then called Goebbels Jupp. As propaganda chief and superintendent, the young man makes the staging known everywhere.
Maria hätt met Josef un Veronika null-komma-nix en Souvenierbuud opjemaaht.
Maria, with Joseph and Veronica, opened a souvenir shop in no time.
Vum Waggelbild bess zu der Kreuzijung em Schnee
From the wobbling picture to the crucifixion in the snow
Un enem Abziehbild: Oh, Jesus, ich woor he!
And a sticker: Oh, Jesus, I was here!
Die Firma Kleenex hätt als Sonderanjebot
Kleenex has a special offer
Portraits vum Herrjott op ihr Dööcher dropjedruck.
Portraits of the Lord printed on their tissues.
Un en dämm Wühltisch met dämm Schild Bastlerbedarf,
And in the bargain bin with the sign "Craft Supplies,"
Do hammer Näjel, Balke, Dornenkrone un e Jraav.
We have nails, beams, crowns of thorns and a grave.
Petrus hätt ne Steinbruch. Judas ess Spion.
Peter has a quarry. Judas is a spy.
arbeit für Herodes für ne Hungerlohn.
He works for Herod for a pittance.
Herodes selvs mäht en singer neue Fleischfabrik
Herod himself makes in his new meat factory
Uss alle Neujeborene Pänzköpp en Aspik.
From all newborns, brawn heads in aspic.
Un och Esel vum Palmsonndaach, ess noch do.
And even the donkey from Palm Sunday is still here.
steht jetz bei Fleurop un kritt sing Jnadenbrot.
He's now at Fleurop and gets his bread of grace.
Sags durch den Palmzweig, steht do op jeder Litfass-Säul,
Say it with a palm branch, it says on every billboard,
Maach dinge Sklave aff un zo domet en Freud.
Make your slaves happy with it every now and then.
Un Hosianna Kaufhaus heiß Supermarkt.
And Hosanna Kaufhaus is the name of the supermarket.
Annas un Kaiphas hann e he zo jet gebraat.
Annas and Caiaphas have contributed something here too.
He stund Tempel domohls vüür 2000 Johr.
Here stood the temple 2000 years ago.
Jetz sinn die Wucherer un die Händler widder do.
Now the usurers and merchants are back.
Se hann Versicherunge, Banke hingesetz
They have set up insurance companies, banks
Un die weeden alljemein verehrt un hochgeschätz.
And they are generally revered and highly esteemed.
Bundesverdienstkreuz, EK 1 un Fridaachs Fisch.
Federal Cross of Merit, Iron Cross 1st Class and fish on Fridays.
Un jeden Sonndaach jeht et schön brav en de Kirch.
And every Sunday it's off to church.
Nur einer nimmp he kein Sau mieh für voll.
Only one person here doesn't take any crap anymore.
Typ uss Nazareth, woos noch nie, wat he sollt.
The guy from Nazareth, who never knew what he was supposed to do here.
hätt et dranjejovve, süff jetz nur noch Wing.
He gave up on it, now only drinks wine.
Dat met dämm Bruutverdeile lööt lang ald sinn.
He gave up on the bread distribution a long time ago.
INRI weet hückzodaach Denker ennjebrannt,
INRI is now branded on the thinker,
Su wie ne Jüddestään, op de räächte Hand.
Like a Jewish star, on the right hand.
dann noch wiggerdenk, weed exekutiert
Those who think further are executed
Oder zumindest eez ens präventiv kastriert.
Or at least preventively castrated.
Jesus vun Nazareth trifft Heilije Jeist:
Jesus of Nazareth meets the Holy Ghost:
Jung, ess unsere Vatter he? Jo? Dann simmer jo ald drei.
Boy, is our father here? Yes? Then there are already three of us.
nimmp sing Kaatespill, ze mische bruch nit,
He takes his deck of cards, he doesn't need to shuffle,
Denn et steiht immer fess, wat wer für Kaate kritt.
Because it's always fixed, who gets what cards.
Sohn deilt uss, Jeist säht: Nullewehr!
The Son deals, the Spirit says: Zero-nothing!
Do säht Bapp: Wat ess he loss?
Then the Dad says: What's going on here?
Ich daach, mer spille jetz e Ründche Sibbzehn-Vier?
I thought we were playing a round of Seventeen-Four?
Doch Sohnemann säht, met vier Asse op der Hand:
But Son says, with four aces in his hand:
Nä, leeve Bapp, et weet jepokert,
No, dear Dad, we're playing poker,
Weil mer do joot blöffe kann!
Because we can bluff well there!

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