Wo
simmer
he?
Wa's
dat?
He
woor'mer
jo
noch
nie,
wo
simmer
he'
erinnjeroode?
Weshalv
un
wann,
ey
Mann,
vüür
allen
Dingen
wie,
wat
hammer
he'n
dämm
Loch
verloore?
Saach,
wat
dunn
die
Lück
he,
hann
die
kei
Zohuss,
hann
die
kei
Bett?
Ich
gläuv,
ich
muß
he
widder
russ.
Wa's
dat
für
'ne
Krach
he,
wat
sinn
dat
für
Tön?
Sieht
fass
su
uss,
als
jööv
et
he
jet
ömesöns.
Wo
simmer
he?
Jitt
et
he
Absolution?
Wo
simmer
he?
Ess
dat
he
die
Endstation?
Wo
simmer
he?
Hann
mir
uns
en
der
Düür
verdonn?
Wo
simmer
he?
Simmer
he'
ner
Peep
Show
oder
irjendwo
beim
Psycho-Rodeo?
Luhr,
dä
Idiot,
me'm
Hoot,
ess
dä
uss
Fleisch
un
Bloot
un
do
dä
Schoss,
met
Hennahohre?
Wa's
met
dä
Frau,
en
grau?
Die
kenn
ich
doch
jenau,
die
kütt
mer
vüür,
wie
enjefroore.
Simmer
he
em
Zirkus?
Ess
dat
he'ne
Zoo,
en
Achterbahn?
Sinn
mir
he
en
nem
Fundbüro?
Jeht
et
he
öm
Lüje,
jeht
et
he
öm
Sex
oder
weed
sich
he
vüür
irjendjet
versteck?
Wo
simmer
he?
Jeht
et
he
noh
Marathon?
Wo
simmer
he?
Simmer
he
en
nem
Fundbüro?
Wo
simmer
he?
Jitt
et
he'n
billje
Sensation?
Wo
simmer
he?
Simmer
he'
ner
Peep-Show
oder
irjendwo
beim
Psycho-Rodeo?
Where
are
we
here?
What
is
this?
We've
never
been
here
before,
how
did
we
end
up
here?
Why
and
when,
oh
man,
most
of
all,
how
did
we
get
lost
in
this
hole?
Tell
me,
what
are
these
people
doing
here,
don't
they
have
a
home,
don't
they
have
a
bed?
think
have
to
get
out
of
here
again.
What's
that
noise
here,
what
are
those
sounds?
It
almost
looks
like
there's
something
free
here.
Where
are
we
here?
Is
there
absolution
here?
Where
are
we
here?
Is
this
the
final
destination?
Where
are
we
here?
Did
we
make
a
wrong
turn?
Where
are
we
here?
Are
we
just
in
a
peep
show
or
somewhere
at
Psycho
Rodeo?
Look,
that
idiot
with
the
hat,
is
he
made
of
flesh
and
blood,
and
there
the
lady
with
henna
hair?
What
about
the
woman
in
grey?
know
her
very
well,
she
seems
frozen
to
me.
Are
we
at
the
circus?
Is
this
a
zoo,
a
roller
coaster?
Are
we
in
a
lost
and
found?
Is
this
about
lies,
is
this
about
sex,
or
is
someone
hiding
for
something?
Where
are
we
here?
Are
we
going
to
Marathon?
Where
are
we
here?
Are
we
in
a
lost
and
found?
Where
are
we
here?
Is
there
a
cheap
sensation?
Where
are
we
here?
Are
we
just
in
a
peep
show
or
somewhere
at
Psycho
Rodeo?