Balti - Galouli Ma Tji - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Balti - Galouli Ma Tji

Galouli Ma Tji
They Told Me Don't Come
او قالولي روح(قالولي ما تجي) (×2)
They told me to leave (They told me don't come) (×2)
براني قعدت ملوح(قالولي ما تجي)
I remained a stranger, cast aside (They told me don't come)
هاو قالولي روح(قالولي ما تجي)
Oh, they told me to leave (They told me don't come)
قلتلهم هاني جاي(قالولي ما تجي)
I told them, "Here I am, coming" (They told me don't come)
عمر براد التاي(قالولي ما تجي)
Omar with the cold tea (They told me don't come)
ياو في بلادي نكروني(قالولي ما تجي)
Oh, they denied me in my own country (They told me don't come)
ياو عملوا معايا الدوني(قالولي ما تجي)
Oh, they treated me unjustly (They told me don't come)
قالولي براني قالوا ماكش من هوني
They said I'm an outsider, said I'm not from here
براني في بلادي عملوا معايا الدوني
A stranger in my own land, they treated me unjustly
انواسي في محوني تقول نعيش في غربة
They console me in my misery, saying I live in exile
و الي يسايسوني يحبوا تونس خربة
And those who exploit me want Tunisia in ruins
قالوا مانا جيهة قالولي انت منين
They said I'm not from any region, asked where I'm from
قالوا انت يسار وقالوا انت يمين
They said I'm left-wing, and they said I'm right-wing
قالولي من الكفار انت و لا ملمسلمين
They asked if I'm an infidel or a Muslim
قلتلهم ورا الإمام الكلنا نقولوا آمين
I told them, "Behind the Imam, we all say Amen"
قلتلهم انا تونسي ملحومة يا حومة
I told them, "I'm Tunisian, a warrior woman, mother-in-law"
هاو معنgر كبوسي ومعلق المشموم
Here I am with my couscous and hanging dried meat
بابا م الشمال و اللميمة م الجنوب
My father is from the North and my mother from the South
مولود في الوسط و بيناتهم محبوب
Born in the center, loved by both
و الجهويات انتوما الي صنعتوها
And it's you who created regionalism
لقلوب سرقتوها قسمتوها وسختوها
You stole hearts, divided them, and corrupted them
على بالي بالخبزة ما عمبالي بلقاب
I care about the bread, not the title
قلتوا هذا م الابعاد و قلتوا هذا م القراب
You said this one is from afar and this one is from nearby
نحب زغاريت في عرسي وقفة ع الولي
I want ululations at my wedding, a gathering at the saint's tomb
وتجيني المالي من بوسالم و من قبلي
And for my dowry to come from Bousalem and from Kebili
هاو قالولي روح (قالولي ما تجي)
Oh, they told me to leave (They told me don't come)
قلتلهم أني نايا نا ونا واني
I told them, "Here I am, and here I am, and here I am"
او قالولي روح قالولي ما تجي (×2)
Oh, they told me to leave (They told me don't come) (×2)
براني قعدت ملوح (قالولي ما تجي)
I remained a stranger, cast aside (They told me don't come)
هاو قالولي روح (قالولي ما تجي)
Oh, they told me to leave (They told me don't come)
قلتلهم هاني جاي (قالولي ما تجي)
I told them, "Here I am, coming" (They told me don't come)
عمر براد التاي (قالولي ما تجي)
Omar with the cold tea (They told me don't come)
ياو في بلادي نكروني (قالولي ما تجي)
Oh, they denied me in my own country (They told me don't come)
ياو عملوا معايا الدوني (قالولي ما تجي)
Oh, they treated me unjustly (They told me don't come)
قالولي انت منا قالولي و لا من غادي
They said, "Are you one of us or from somewhere else?"
قلتلهم على روحي لاني منا ولا من غادي
I told them, "For myself, I'm neither from here nor there"
قلتلهم هذي بلادي وين يطيح الليل نبات
I told them, "This is my country, where night falls I sleep"
ولا تحبوها visa ليوم بين الجهات
Or do you want a visa between regions for the day?
تحبوا دوانا بين خوات تحب تفرقهم
You want customs between brothers, you want to separate them
الريس الي شادد السفينة يحب يغرقهم يشركهم ويغربهم و يزرع الخوف
The captain holding the ship wants to drown them, divide them, exile them, and plant fear
قالولي الشمس كي تقابل القمرة يولي كسوف
They told me, "When the sun meets the moon, there will be an eclipse"
قلتلهم هذي ارضي و انا فاها جالي
I told them, "This is my land, and on it, I found my place"
انا ولد الارض والقمرة والشمس مالي
I am a child of the earth, the moon and the sun are mine
جيتوا فتنة ازرعتوا فتن
You came as a temptation, you planted discord
و الي يدخل بين ظفر و لحم يخلف النتن
And whoever gets between nail and flesh leaves a stench
انا ولد الوطن و انتوما رسمتوا الحدود
I am a child of the nation, and you drew the borders
والي فرق العريبة قراتوا اليهود
Those who divided the Arabs, you read the Jews
يحبوا يبعدونا ما يحبوش يقربوا
They want to distance us, they don't want to bring us closer
يحبوا يحربوا يغربوا يخربوا
They want to wage war, to exile, to destroy
تونس مهاش برلين تحبوا تعليوا حيوط
Tunisia is not Berlin, you want to build walls
10ملاين تونسي منا 10 ملاين حوت
10 million Tunisians, 10 million fish from here
انا اني انا اني نا نايا
I am, I am, I am, here I am
بلطي زينة القصرينية اراح اسمع لغناية
Balti, the beauty of Kasserine, come listen to my song
هاو قالوي روح قالولي ما تجي (×2)
Oh, they told me to leave (They told me don't come) (×2)
براني قعدت ملوح (قالولي ما تجي)
I remained a stranger, cast aside (They told me don't come)
هاو قالولي روح(قالولي ما تجي)
Oh, they told me to leave (They told me don't come)
قلتلهم هاني جاي(قالولي ما تجي)
I told them, "Here I am, coming" (They told me don't come)
عمر براد التاي(قالولي ما تجي)
Omar with the cold tea (They told me don't come)
ياو في بلادي نكروني(قالولي ما تجي)
Oh, they denied me in my own country (They told me don't come)
ياو عملوا معايا الدوني(قالولي ما تجي)
Oh, they treated me unjustly (They told me don't come)
قلتلهم مالشمال (قالولي ما تجي)
I told them, "From the North" (They told me don't come)
قلتلهم مالوسط انا (قالولي ما تجي)
I told them, "From the Center, I am" (They told me don't come)
قلتلهم مالجنوب (قالولي ما تجي)
I told them, "From the South" (They told me don't come)
هاو قالولي روح قالولي ما تجي
Oh, they told me to leave (They told me don't come)
جندوبي باجي كافي (قالولي ما تجي)
Jendouba, Beja, Kairouan (They told me don't come)
بوزيدي قصريني قفصي (قالولي ما تجي)
Sidi Bouzid, Kasserine, Gafsa (They told me don't come)
مستيري مهداوي ساحلي (قالولي ما تجي)
Monastir, Mahdia, Sahel (They told me don't come)
هاو قالولي روح قالولي ما تجي
Oh, they told me to leave (They told me don't come)
قلتلهم بنزرتي نابلي (قالولي ما تجي)
I told them, "Bizerte, Nabeul" (They told me don't come)
جلاصي قروي عياري (قالولي ما تجي)
Sousse, Kairouan, Zaghouan (They told me don't come)
مدنيني جربي عكاري (قالولي ما تجي)
Medenine, Gabes, Tataouine (They told me don't come)
هاو قالولي روح قالولي ما تجي
Oh, they told me to leave (They told me don't come)
قبلاوي دوزي توزري (قالولي ما تجي)
Kebili, Tozeur, Douz (They told me don't come)
شابي جبنياني صفاقسي (قالولي ما تجي)
Sfax, Gabes, Djerba (They told me don't come)
مطماطي حامي قابسي (قالولي ما تجي)
Tataouine, Gabes, Kebili (They told me don't come)
هاو قالولي روح قالولي ما تجي
Oh, they told me to leave (They told me don't come)
راني تونسي (قالولي ما تجي) (×2)
I am Tunisian (They told me don't come) (×2)
هها هها
Haha Haha
(قالولي ما تجي) (×2)
(They told me don't come) (×2)
قالولي ما تجي (×2)
They told me don't come (×2)
وقالولي ما تجي(قالولي ما تجي) yup (قالولي ما تجي) (×6)
And they told me don't come (They told me don't come) yup (They told me don't come) (×6)

Writer(s): mohammed saleh balti

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