Benom guruhi - Notanish Qiz - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Benom guruhi - Notanish Qiz

Notanish Qiz
Unknown Girl
Hech kim uni tanimas, hech kim uni bilmas A a a a a a a a a a a.
No one knows her, no one recognizes her. A a a a a a a a a a.
Surishtirdim, so'radim, hammajoydan izladim. A a a a a a a a a a
I've asked around, inquired, searched everywhere. A a a a a a a a a a
Umidvor bor, yuragimda sevgi boe,
Hope remains, love blooms in my heart,
qayerda u maftunkor? Nigohlari beg'ubor. (seni sevaman)
where is she, the enchanting one? Her gaze so innocent. (I love you)
Yor, notanishsan menga yor.
My love, you are a stranger to me.
Yo'llaringga intizor bo'laman men endi yor.
I will eagerly await your path now, my love.
Yuzlari beg'ubor, ko'zlari betakror, kulishi biram yoqimtoy...
With a flawless face, unique eyes, and a smile so sweet...
Uni ko'rib men bir bora,
Seeing her just once,
aqlu hushimdan begona, notanish qizni men zora bir yumda yo'qottim.
I lost my mind and senses, the unknown girl vanished in an instant.
Toshkentdan qidirib, eski shahar tomondan, uni topishga qaror qildim.
Searching through Tashkent, from the old town, I decided to find her.
Darxonga men bordim, Chosudan qidirdim, Chilonzordan topolmadim.
I went to Chorsu, searched in Chilanzar, but couldn't find her.
Is she in Olmazor, or Yunusobod, or maybe somewhere else?
Yana qidiray men sani qatlani? Yana ko'zlaring izlab ovora seni.
I search for you again, my dear. Restlessly seeking your eyes.
Olmazor, Yunusobod, or another district?
Yana topolmadim sani sho'tlani., yuragim ko'na olmasa bunga.
I still haven't found you, my love, my heart can't accept this.
Negaaaaaaaa? Hech kim uni tanimas,
Whyyyyy? No one knows her,
hech kim uni bilmas a a a a a a a a .
no one recognizes her. a a a a a a a a .
Surishtirdim, so'radim, hamma joydan izladim a a a a a a a a a a.
I've asked around, inquired, searched everywhere. a a a a a a a a a a.
Hattoki ismin bilmas, sira aqlga sig'mas a a a a a a a.
I don't even know her name, it's beyond comprehension. a a a a a a a.
Yana kimlardan so'ray? Yana qaydan qidiray a a a a a a a .
Who else can I ask? Where else can I search? a a a a a a a .
Notanish qiz...
Unknown girl...
Uzoq bu manzillar, bepayon bu yo'llar, shoshilib orzuyim tooomoon.
These long distances, endless roads, I rush towards my dream.
Yana ko'rsaydim bir bora,
If only I could see you once more,
sog'inib yana men takrora,
longing for you again and again,
bo'lib ortingdan ovora, faqat seni izlayman.
restlessly following you, I only search for you.
Toshkentdan men chiqdim, Samarqand yo'liga, uni izlab ovora bo'ldim.
I left Tashkent, towards Samarkand, searching for you tirelessly.
Buxoroga bordim, Xivadan qidirdim, Vodiy tomonga yo'l oldim.
I went to Bukhara, searched in Khiva, and headed towards the Fergana Valley.
Hech kim uni tanimas, hech kim uni bilmas a a a a a a a a a.
No one knows her, no one recognizes her. a a a a a a a a a.
Hattoki ismin bilmas, sira aqlga sig'mas a a a a a a
I don't even know her name, it's beyond comprehension. a a a a a a
Iroda va Dildora? Shaxnoza va Dilnoza?
Is it Iroda or Dildora? Shakhnoza or Dilnoza?
Balki ismi Kamola?! Umuman bilmayman.
Maybe her name is Kamola?! I have no idea.
Gulnoza va Sabina? Zilola va Madina?
Gulnoza or Sabina? Zilola or Madina?
Yoki ismi Zarina?! Aslo topolmayman.
Or maybe her name is Zarina?! I can't find her at all.
Bor meni unda ko'nglim bor,
My heart yearns for her,
asalimga so'zim bor, yana aytaman men takror.(seni sevaman)
I have words for my sweetheart, I'll say it again and again. (I love you)
Yora meni tinglayotgan bo'lsang zora,
My love, if you're listening,
aytaman yana men bir bora, yana aytaman men takrora.(seni sevaman)
I'll say it once more, I'll say it again and again. (I love you)
Notanish qiz.
Unknown girl.

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