Bittereinder feat. Chris Chameleon - Kulkuns - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Bittereinder feat. Chris Chameleon - Kulkuns

Dis kulkuns, meisie, hy's 'n woordesmous
That's bullshit, girl, he's a wordsmouse
Hy lag nou in sy mou in terwyl hy jou hart wegflous
He now laughs in his sleeve as he flusters your heart away
Dis kulkuns, meisie, hy's 'n woordesmous
That's bullshit, girl, he's a wordsmouse
Hy lag nou in sy mou in terwyl hy jou hart wegflous
He now laughs in his sleeve as he flusters your heart away
Dis kulkuns
Dis kulkuns
Dis kulkuns
Dis kulkuns
Dis kulkuns
Dis kulkuns
Dis kulkuns
Dis kulkuns
Ek't 'n seemonster verdrink en hom laat sink in 'n tsunami
Drowning a sea monster and sinking it in a tsunami
In die kloosters van die Ooste het ek geleer van origami
In the monasteries of the East I learned about origami
In die Russiese winter het ek met wolwe gestoei
In the Russian winter I wrestled with Wolves
Met my rewolwer het ek al 22 cowboys laat bloei
With my revolver I made all 22 cowboys bleed
Ek was 'n sluipmoordenaar in Suid-Amerika in die tagtigs
I was an assassin in South America in the Eighties
En 'n slipdraer by Fyodor Dostoevsky se begrafnis
And a slip-bearer at Fyodor Dostoevsky's funeral
Ek't al liedjies gesing saam met Chris Chameleon
I've been singing songs with Chris Chameleon
En in Holland langs die see van 'n toring afgespring
And jumped off a tower in Holland by the sea
Ek het meerminne bemin in Skandinawiese waters
I loved mermaids in Scandinavian waters
En in Granada gedraai met die fraai Flamenco dansers
And rotated in Granada with the beautiful Flamenco dancers
In Kanada se baaie het ek salm met die palm gevang
In Canada's bays I caught salmon with the palm
En groot sesse gemoer van Muralitharan met een hand
And Big Six moors of Muralitharan with one hand
In Nieu Seeland se reënwoud het ek Kiwi's gejag
In New Zealand's rainforest I hunted Kiwis
En ek het al grappies gemaak wat Corné en Twakkie laat lag
And I've already made jokes that make Corné and Twakkie laugh
Maar na al my avonture moet ek nou doodeerlik
But after all my adventures I must now say bluntly
Jy's mooier as dit alles, dis vir jou wat ek wil
You're more beautiful than all this, that's what I want for you
Dis kulkuns, meisie, hy's 'n woordesmous
That's bullshit, girl, he's a wordsmouse
Hy lag nou in sy mou in terwyl hy jou hart wegflous
He now laughs in his sleeve as he flusters your heart away
Dis kulkuns, meisie, hy's 'n woordesmous
That's bullshit, girl, he's a wordsmouse
Hy lag nou in sy mou in terwyl hy jou hart wegflous
He now laughs in his sleeve as he flusters your heart away
Dis kulkuns
Dis kulkuns
Dis kulkuns
Dis kulkuns
Dis kulkuns
Dis kulkuns
Dis kulkuns
Dis kulkuns
(Chris Chameleon) jy is die begin van
(Chris Chameleon) you are the beginning of
Alles sedert die einde van my vorige bestaan
Everything since the end of my previous existence
Wat nou oneindig ver weg voel sedert die dag
What feels infinitely far away now since the day
Wat jy aan die tralies van my hart kom raak het
That you have touched the bars of my heart
Dis nie regtig my styl nie my maar ek
It's not my style, it's me.
Voel my onteenseglik genoop om jou te besing
I feel compelled to sing to you.
Met my hele wese te bemin en as ek mag te be-tas
With my whole being to love and as I may to be-tas
En ek sal jou nooit laat gaan nie as ek jou net eers vas kan hou
And I'll never let you go if I can just hold you first
Want ek weet nou hoekom ek hier geplaas is
For I now know why I am placed here
In 'n wêreld waar alles net 'n geroesemoes en 'n geraas is
In a world where everything is just a rustle and a noise
Sodat my lot met joune verstrengel kon raak
So that my fate might become entangled with yours
En dit alles oplaas vir die eerste keer sin kon maak
And it all made sense for the first time
Een volledige geheel twee lewens word een
One complete whole two lives become one
Saam teen die wêreld daarbuite... watter wêreld?
Together against the world beyond... what world?
Daar is geen ander wêreld nie, net die een waarin ek my met jou bevind
There is no other world, only the one in which I find myself with you
Ek sien en ek hoor en ek weet van geen ander nie
I see and I hear and I know of no other.
En niemand en niks kan dit ooit verander nie
And no one and nothing can ever change that
Want dis net jy en ek en ek en jy
Because it's just you and me and me and you
Dis kulkuns, meisie, hy's 'n woordesmous
That's bullshit, girl, he's a wordsmouse
Hy lag nou in sy mou in terwyl hy jou hart wegflous
He now laughs in his sleeve as he flusters your heart away
Dis kulkuns, meisie, hy's 'n woordesmous
That's bullshit, girl, he's a wordsmouse
Hy lag nou in sy mou in terwyl hy jou hart wegflous
He now laughs in his sleeve as he flusters your heart away
Dis kulkuns
Dis kulkuns
Dis kulkuns
Dis kulkuns
Dis kulkuns
Dis kulkuns
Dis kulkuns
Dis kulkuns
Ai, meisiekind, as jy maar net vir jouself kon dink
If only you could think for yourself
Die man se woorde het minder inhoud as die wind
The man's words have less substance than the wind
Hy rek sy bek, maar hy's net 'n wolf wat verslind
He stretches his mouth, but he's just a wolf devouring
Hy sit sy hoed so eenkant toe, maar eieroem stink
He put his hat aside like that, but eggnog stinks
Ai, meisiekind, as jy maar net vir jouself kon dink
If only you could think for yourself
Die man se woorde het minder inhoud as die wind
The man's words have less substance than the wind
Hy rek sy bek, maar hy's net 'n wolf wat verslind
He stretches his mouth, but he's just a wolf devouring
Hy sit sy hoed so eenkant toe, maar eieroem stink
He put his hat aside like that, but eggnog stinks

Writer(s): Jaco Van Der Merwe, Louis Minnaar, Peach Van Pletzen

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