Bittereinder feat. Toast Coetzer, Hunter Kennedy, Ilze Ontong, M.J. du Preez, Andries Bezuidenhout, Mavis Vermaak & Tom Gouws - Regstreeks: Die Dinkmasjien - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Bittereinder feat. Toast Coetzer, Hunter Kennedy, Ilze Ontong, M.J. du Preez, Andries Bezuidenhout, Mavis Vermaak & Tom Gouws - Regstreeks: Die Dinkmasjien

Regstreeks: Die Dinkmasjien
Live: The Think Machine
Toast Coetzer:
Toast Coetzer:
Hierdie is 'n klein nota nou
This is a small note now
Kom regstreeks uit die voël se kou
Coming live from the cold of the bird
Meng jy sterlig met jou skaad
Do you mix starlight with your shadow
Swem jy saans saam jou haat
Do you swim at night with your hatred
Uit jou oog en jou hart en jou mond
From your eye and your heart and your mouth
Kom jou ma en jou pa en jou broer se kind
Come your mother and your father and your brother's child
Wyd oor die aarde saai jou smart
Sow your pain wide across the earth
In die donkerland swem jou sein
In the dark land your signal swims
Regstreeks oor die wegmaak van
Live on the removal of
Die mure die grafte die gragte tussen ons
The walls the graves the canals between us
Graag pleister ons die toekoms heel
We like to plaster the future whole
Regstreeks oor die regmaak van
Live on the fixing of
Die man met die plan in die Ponte-toring
The man with the plan in the Ponte tower
Die vrou wat wou in die fyn van haar mou
The woman who wanted in the fine of her sleeve
Lig julle koppe hou op met skrou
Raise your heads hold on tight
Hoop op die paaie
Hope on the roads
Hoop op die water
Hope on the water
Jaco van der Merwe:
Jaco van der Merwe:
Jy sal nooit weer hoef te baklei oor 'n remote
You will never again have to fight over a remote
Of skaam te kry of trots te wees oor jou vyf voorname
Or be ashamed or proud of your five first names
Wat in die baarde van jou swart en wit stamvaders
Which in the beards of your black and white ancestors
Jou deur bloed en babadoop benader
Approach you through blood and baptism
Genade, ons is vasgenael aan die kassie
Grace, we are nailed to the box
Soos spykers in 'n kruis (elke huis het mos een)
Like nails in a cross (every house has one)
Ons passie word uitgesuig of verdrink soos die dopsisteem
Our passion is sucked out or drowned like the dopsystem
Stilletjies opgeneem maar luidkeels
Recorded quietly but loudly
Word ons wydsbeen-wielie-walie-wawiele viral
Our wide-legged-wheelie-wobblie-wows go viral
Daar wapper 'n vierkleur irriterend op die skerm soos 'n vlam
There a four-color flutters irritatingly on the screen like a flame
O nee, dis tandepasta wat als kan doen in een, mam!
Oh no, it's toothpaste that can do everything in one, ma'am!
Maar meeste van die volk besit dan skaars een tand
But most of the people hardly have one tooth
Sit jou vaderlandromanse eers eenkant, bewegings sonder weerstand
Put your patriotic romance aside for now, movements without resistance
Ons blink in die dof-lig en dink oor die redes hoekom ons pa's in die hof sit
We shine in the dim light and think about the reasons why our dads are in court
As ons deur die vrot en trots sif verander ons vonnis na belofte
If we sift through the rotten and proud, we change our sentence to promise
Hunter Kennedy:
Hunter Kennedy:
Staan op
Stand up
Staan op
Stand up
Gaan gym
Go to the gym
Was jou
Wash your
Werk toe
Go to work
Kyk goed
Look closely
Werk 'n bietjie
Work a little
Kyk goed
Look closely
Werk 'n bietjie
Work a little
Dis huis toe gaan tyd
It's time to go home
En dit hang af waar jy bly
And it depends on where you live
Hoe lank dit jou gaan vat voor jy weer kan
How long it will take you before you can again
En goed kyk
And watch closely
En slaap
And sleep
Ilze Ontong:
Ilze Ontong:
In 'n oogwink as jy mooi dink, spook die beelde by jou.
In the blink of an eye, if you think carefully, the images haunt you.
Haar kontoere vorm vloere, waar jou brein herkou.
Her contours form floors, where your brain ruminates.
Sou jy terugstaan by 'n ligpaal en die waarheid sien.
Should you stand back by a lamppost and see the truth.
Mag jy wonder oor die inhoud wat jy jouself mee bedien.
You may wonder about the content you serve yourself.
Sien 'n prentjie van die mensies om 'n vuurtjie sit,
See a picture of the people sitting around a fire,
Hul vertel stories van legendes, vandag noem ons dit bid.
They tell stories of legends, today we call it prayer.
So 'n beeld vorm norms waar refleksie sou lê,
Such an image forms norms where reflection should lie,
Waardes en waarheid in gebare wat wyse manne sou sê.
Values and truth in gestures that wise men would say.
Is there disgrace in the foe of the power of one?
Is there disgrace in the foe of the power of one?
Dancing to freedom was exchanged with core battles of tongue.
Dancing to freedom was exchanged with core battles of tongue.
Mr President is a synonym for the blaming game.
Mr President is a synonym for the blaming game.
Bouncing ignorance, feed the system with more hunger pains.
Bouncing ignorance, feed the system with more hunger pains.
Truth is lacking yet we're stacking in front of television sets.
Truth is lacking yet we're stacking in front of television sets.
Maar change die channel want ek kyknet sodat ek saam kan klets.
But change the channel because I'm just watching so I can chat.
Onthou jy die kringe in 'n bos, waar vuur die middelpunt was?
Do you remember the circles in a forest, where fire was the center?
Boek met bladsy, staan opsy; Boks met beeld draai mens in haar as.
Book with page, stand aside; Box with image turns one to ashes.
M.J. du Preez:
M.J. du Preez:
Ag ekskuus meneer, ag teken my petisie.
Oh excuse me sir, oh sign my petition.
Ekskuus meneer, het u dalk tyd vir 'n revolusie?
Excuse me sir, do you have time for a revolution?
Ek ly aan 'n illusie oor my mede mense se evolusie
I suffer from an illusion about the evolution of my fellow human beings
Want ek het my eie visie maar ek's besig om my te vervies hier.
Because I have my own vision but I'm getting annoyed here.
Ekskuus meneer, dink u nie ook dis sies hier?
Excuse me sir, don't you think it's a shame here?
Liewe Meneer, al wat ek na drang is 'n bietjie rusie!
Dear sir, all I crave is a little fight!
Ek kan rêrig nie glo dat u nie my kant wil kies nie.
I really can't believe you don't want to choose my side.
Al wat ek rêrig kort is 'n klein bietjie publisi...
All I really need is a little publici...
Tyd om te go! Genoeg ou, ek's moeg nou.
Time to go! Enough old man, I'm tired now.
Ek verstaan jy wroeg gou, maar jou ou vlag vlieg flou.
I understand you get angry quickly, but your old flag is flying low.
Ekskuus bro. Dude, wees verseker, as jy nie die regering vertrou,
Excuse me bro. Dude, rest assured, if you don't trust the government,
Wil jy hulle verseker nie met die doodstraf aanskou.
You certainly don't want to see them with the death penalty.
Uh, maar... meneer!
Uh, but... sir!
Hou op met al julle komberse, hou op met al julle brood.
Stop with all your blankets, stop with all your bread.
Minder mense, minder gaan dan dood.
Less people, less will die.
Wees die verskil wat jy in die samelewing wil sien
Be the difference you want to see in society
So hang jouself as jy weet dis wat jy verdien.
So hang yourself if you know that's what you deserve.
Andries Bezuidenhout:
Andries Bezuidenhout:
Die Grootrivier is elders groot,
The Great River is great elsewhere,
Hier's dit bloot ʼn sloot met gal
Here it is just a ditch with bile
Wat skrik tot slik en dan
Which shrinks to mud and then
Winterkoud die grond in syg.
Winter-cold seeps into the ground.
Iewers brand boeke in ʼn biblioteek,
Somewhere books are burning in a library,
Rook wat eenbeen regop staan
Smoke that stands upright on one leg
Dan deur wind geamputeer
Then amputated by wind
En wegbloei uit my truspieëlraam.
And bleeds away from my rearview mirror frame.
Iemand soebat in Frans en Lingala,
Someone pleads in French and Lingala,
Maar ʼn buiteband word aangesteek.
But an outer tire is set on fire.
Koppe is die doppe van die omelette
Heads are the shells of the omelet
Wat moet breek om die storie te wreek.
Which must break to avenge the story.
Hou die landskap wat na agter verdwyn
Keep the landscape that disappears behind
Vir net nog ʼn ruk in kwarantyn
In quarantine for just another moment
Dit het meer as winter onderlede
It is more than winter underneath
En is siek siek siek, siek siek siek
And is sick sick sick, sick sick sick
Mavis Vermaak:
Mavis Vermaak:
Vergeet, vergeet van 'n revolusie
Forget, forget about a revolution
Die revolusie krap in asblikke
The revolution scrapes in garbage cans
Die revolusie vra R2
The revolution asks for R2
Die revolusie wil jou venster was
The revolution wants to wash your window
Dit is vuil en dit snuffel langs snelweë
It is dirty and it sniffles along highways
Dis alleen en dis swanger op twaalf
It's lonely and it's pregnant at twelve
Die revolusie stort ineen op die golfbaan
The revolution collapses on the golf course
Dit hou jou kos warm en dit wag
It keeps your food warm and it waits
Vergeet, vergeet van die revolusie
Forget, forget about the revolution
Dit brand soos 'n droom, oneindig, onblusbaar
It burns like a dream, infinite, unquenchable
Dis ewig soos alles, dit reis deur die lug
It's eternal like everything, it travels through the air
Dis die sopkombuis van die kosmos
It's the soup kitchen of the cosmos
Dis die diepste sug wat daar is
It's the deepest sigh there is
Tom Gouws:
Tom Gouws:
Die fusie van rewolusie
The fusion of revolution
Smelt tradisie en illusie.
Melts tradition and illusion.
Woorde word ons ammunisie,
Words are our ammunition,
Kartetse van seer presisie.
Cartels of precise pain.
My tongsambok blitsklits die taal
My tongue whip flashes the language
Gee die teken vir die vuurverhaal.
Give the sign for the fire story.
Rewolusie dwing die hek oop,
Revolution forces the gate open,
Slaan rymend vensters met 'n vuis.
Rhyming fists beat windows.
Op asem se kragveldkontoere
On the force field contours of breath
Dreunsing boer, pandoer en hoer.
Drone farmer, riot police and whore drone.
Die fusie van rewolusie
The fusion of revolution
Staan op my pa se stoep en roep:
Stand on my dad's porch and shout:
Maak oop jou hart maak oop jou deur.
Open your heart open your door.
Laat my binnekom, laat my bly.
Let me in, let me stay.

Writer(s): Jaco Van Der Merwe, Peach Van Pletzen, Louis Minnaar

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