Bläck Fööss - Unser Bäumche - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Bläck Fööss - Unser Bäumche

Unser Bäumche
Our Little Tree
Hellichovend kom eran, Papp, wor op Jöck
Christmas Eve arrived, Dad was out on a spree
De Mamm hatt övverall jesook un saht:,, Wo es Jeck?!"
Mom had looked everywhere and said, "Where is that silly goose?!"
Do feel ehr en, moht jo noch e Bäumche kaufe jonn
Then it dawned on her, he was still out buying a tree
Op Hellichovend, typisch Schäng! wollt sollt dat verstonn!
On Christmas Eve, typical Cologne! Who could understand that!
Et woodten Vier, et woodten Fünf, de Dämmrung trok ald op,
Four o'clock, five o'clock, dusk was already setting in,
Do kom jet Kleines, kromm un scheef, die Stroß zum Huus erop.
Then something small, crooked and lopsided came up the street.
Lch hatt in dann als eetz erkannt un reef:"et Bäumche kütt!"
I recognized him right away and shouted, "The little tree is coming!"
De Mamm, die saht, als sie et soch:,, Mein Jott dat jitt et nit!"
Mom, when she saw it, said, "My God, that can't be real!"
Unser Bäumche, oh Tannenbaum Unser Bäumche, dat wor ne Draum
Our little tree, oh Christmas tree, our little tree, it was a dream
Unser Bäumche verjess ich nie...
Our little tree, I'll never forget it...
Nä, su ne schöne Baum, krijje mer niemols mih!
No, such a beautiful tree, we'll never get one like that again!
Papp, wor janz stolz un saht:,, Es nit wunderschön?!"
Dad, he was quite proud and said, "Isn't it beautiful?!"
De Mamm, die wor am laache:,, Jo, winnigstens es' he jrön...!"
Mom, she was laughing, "Well, at least it's green...!"
Dot Bäumche wor noch nit ens huh, doför unheimlich krumm,
The little tree wasn't even tall, but incredibly crooked,
De Mamm, die saht:,, Dat scheefe Ding, dat kriss Do nit zom Stonn!"
Mom said, "You won't get that lopsided thing to stand up!"
Der Papp, janz drüch:,, No waat ens av, es jo noch janz rüh!
Dad, very dryly, "Just wait and see, it's still very young!
Wann do eetz alles dran es, erkenns De nit mih"
When everything is on it, you won't even recognize it anymore"
Dot Bäumche links, en Fläsch Schabau rääts unger'm Ärm jeklemmp,
The little tree on the left, a bottle of Schabau clamped under his right arm,
Dot wor et Letzte, wat ich sohch, als en't Zemmer jingk... Unser Bäumche
That was the last thing I saw as he went into the room... Our little tree
Unser Bäumche, oh Tannenbaum Unser Bäumche, dat wor ne Draum
Our little tree, oh Christmas tree, our little tree, it was a dream
Unser Bäumche verjess ich nie...
Our little tree, I'll never forget it...
Nä, su ne schöne Baum, krijje mer niemols mih!
No, such a beautiful tree, we'll never get one like that again!
Unser Bäumche, oh Tannenbaum Unser Bäumche, dat wor ne Draum
Our little tree, oh Christmas tree, our little tree, it was a dream
Unser Bäumche verjess ich nie...
Our little tree, I'll never forget it...
Nä, su ne schöne Baum, krijje mer niemols mih!
No, such a beautiful tree, we'll never get one like that again!
Die Dör, die schloss immer av et darf im keiner' ren,
He kept closing the door, no one was allowed to enter,
Denn keiner sollt dat Wunder, dat do passeerte, sinn!
Because no one should see the miracle that was happening there!
Zoeets wor am säge - Baum wor doch su klein ...!
Sometimes he was muttering - the tree was so small after all...!
Dann hoht mer'n plötzlich nääle, ich daach, Baum jingk en!
Then we suddenly heard him hammering, I thought the tree was coming down!
En Zick lang wor et dann janz stell, kei Töönche us döm Raum,
For a while it was completely silent, not a sound from the room,
Op eimol hoht mer'n singe, janz laut:,, Oh Tannenbaum!"
Suddenly we heard him singing, very loudly, "Oh Christmas tree!"
Lch jläuv, jetz dejt hä'n schmöcke, met Jlöckcher un esu -,,
I think he's decorating it now, with baubles and such -,,
Es ist ein Ros entsprungen..." kom falsch un vill zo huh.Unser Bäumche
"Es ist ein Ros entsprungen..." came out wrong and much too high. Our little tree
Unser Bäumche, oh Tannenbaum Unser Bäumche, dat wor ne Draum
Our little tree, oh Christmas tree, our little tree, it was a dream
Unser Bäumche verjess ich nie...
Our little tree, I'll never forget it...
Nä, su ne schöne Baum, krijje mer niemols mih!
No, such a beautiful tree, we'll never get one like that again!
Op eimol jov et dann 'ne Knall, jetz woodt et furchbor stell...,
Suddenly there was a bang, now it was eerily quiet...,
Zo Bethlehem jeboren..." kom leis met vill Jeföhl.
"Zo Bethlehem jeboren..." came softly with much emotion.
Noh zwei Stund kom endlich 'rus, et Schlemmste wor jedon,
After two hours he finally came out, the worst was done,
Ich lohrt in ahn, saht och jet - ich kunnt in nit verstonn!
I looked at him, he also said something - I couldn't understand him!
Öm aach Uhr wor Bescherung, der Papp, wie immer, fit,
At eight o'clock it was time for presents, Dad, as always, sharp,
En singem beste Anzoch, de Mamm em schwatze Kleid.
In his best suit, Mom in a black dress.
dät mem Jlöckche lügge, dann sunge mer e Leed
He rang the bell for us, then we sang a song
Un sohchen dann dat Bäumche, met Kääze en der Eck. Unser Bäumche
And then we looked for the little tree, with candles in the corner. Our little tree
Unser Bäumche, oh Tannenbaum Unser Bäumche, dat wor ne Draum
Our little tree, oh Christmas tree, our little tree, it was a dream
Unser Bäumche verjess ich nie...
Our little tree, I'll never forget it...
Nä, su ne schöne Baum, krijje mer niemols mih!
No, such a beautiful tree, we'll never get one like that again!
Et wor noch kleiner als vürher, doch wirklich wunderschön,
It was even smaller than before, but truly beautiful,
Stundt käzejrad un nit mih kromm ein Wunder war jeschehn!
Standing there decorated and no longer crooked, a miracle had happened!
Lch hatt e Rädche kräje, minge allerjrößte Draum,
I got a bike, my biggest dream,
Dann jov et Ovendesse, unger däm schöne Baum.
Then we had Christmas dinner, under the beautiful tree.
Wat ich dann esu vill späder vun im erfahre han,
What I learned from him so much later,
Vum Papp, hück nit mih met uns Chressfess fiere kann:
From Dad, who can no longer celebrate Christmas with us today:
Dat, wat ich för e Wunder heelt, wor'n zwei Nääl en der Wand,
What I thought was a miracle were two nails in the wall,
Vun do en Kood rund öm Baum dröm hatt feste Stond! Unser Bäumche
From there a cord around the tree gave it a firm stand! Our little tree
Unser Bäumche, oh Tannenbaum Unser Bäumche, dat wor ne Draum
Our little tree, oh Christmas tree, our little tree, it was a dream
Unser Bäumche verjess ich nie...
Our little tree, I'll never forget it...
Nä, su ne schöne Baum, krijje mer niemols mih!
No, such a beautiful tree, we'll never get one like that again!

Writer(s): Bläck Fööss, Hans Rudolf Knipp

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