Connect feat. Jelena Rozga - Dalmatinka - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Connect feat. Jelena Rozga - Dalmatinka

Dalmatian Lady
Išao sam dole na more
I went down to the sea
Svako ljeto na ferije
Every summer for vacation
I skakuto sam oko nje
And I used to jump around her
Ko zeko na baterije
Like a rabbit on batteries
I dan danas
And to this day
Sanjam da će ona jednog dana
I dream that one day she will
Biti moja prva dama
Be my first lady
Moja Michele Obama
My Michelle Obama
A mislio sam da sam velika manga
And I thought I was a big flirt
Nije se ulovila
She didn't take the bait
Makar bacio sam parangal
At least I threw the fishing line
I tražio sam onda mali francuski poljubac
And then I asked for a little French kiss
Ali srce mi je nabila na trozubac
But she pierced my heart with a trident
I rekla ovo
And she said this
Zanima te kako ljubi Dalmatinka
Are you interested in how a Dalmatian woman kisses?
Biži ća jer mene nećeš imat nikad
Run away because you'll never have me, never ever
Znači nikad
I mean never ever
Eee znači nikad
Eee, I mean never ever
(Biži ča, biži ča)
(Run away, run away)
Stari, Rozga kaže ništa kontra Splita
Man, Rozga says nothing against Split
Furešte on voli ali samo priko lita, priko lita
You flirt over the internet but only over the internet, over the internet
Eee priko lita
Eee, over the internet
I moš' se slikat
And you can take a picture
Dalmatian woman
Eee, Dalmatinka
Eee, Dalmatian woman
Ti si moja, ti si moja
You're mine, you're mine
Dalmatian woman
Eee, Dalmatinka
Eee, Dalmatian woman
Ali, ja nikad neću, i nisam odusto
But, I'll never give up, and I didn't give up
Kupio sam kartu, dole došo sa busom
I bought a ticket, came down on the bus
Ravno iz Zagreba da je vodim svojoj kući
Straight from Zagreb to take her to my house
Ja bi do nje ako treba išao čak i plivajući
I would go to her if I had to swim there
Jer volim njenu guzaru ko škampe na buzaru
Because I love her perfume like shrimp in a stew
I želim cijeli svijet s njom oploviti na kruzeru
And I want to sail the whole world with her on a cruise
Ali mi se čini da se vraćam Zagrebe tebi
But I think I'm going back to Zagreb because of you
Jer ona mi je rekla: "O, jao meni"
Because she told me: "Oh, woe is me"
Zanima te kako ljubi Dalmatinka
Are you interested in how a Dalmatian woman kisses?
Biži ća jer mene nećeš imat' nikad, znači nikad
Run away because you'll never have me, never ever
Eeeee znači nikad
Eeeee, I mean never ever
(Biži ča, biži ča)
(Run away, run away)
Stari, Rozga kaže ništa kontra Splita
Man, Rozga says nothing against Split
Furešte on voli ali samo priko lita, priko lita
You flirt over the internet but only over the internet, over the internet
Eee, priko lita
Eee, over the internet
I moš' se slikat
And you can take a picture
(Dalmatian woman)
Ti si moja, ti si moja
You're mine, you're mine
Dalmatian woman
Eee, Dalmatinka
Eee, Dalmatian woman
Slušaj sinko
Listen, son
Znam da već si čuo, al pobijedit će dobrota
I know you've heard it before, but kindness will prevail
I u tome je ljepota ovog zemaljskog života
And that's the beauty of this earthly life
Jer nije važna svota niti iz kojeg si kraja
Because the amount of money or where you're from doesn't matter
Vidjet ćeš da ljubav različite ljude spaja
You'll see that love brings different people together
Bijela ili plava, sjever ili jug
White or blue, north or south
Uvijek ista priča koja vrti se u krug
It's always the same story that goes in circles
Zato glavu gore, nisu potonule lađe
So keep your head up, your ships haven't sunk
Jer prestaju te svađe kad se srodna duša nađe
Because all the fighting will stop when a kindred spirit is found
Kad se srodna duša nađe
When a kindred spirit is found
Kad se srodna duša nađe
When a kindred spirit is found
Kad se srodna duša nađe
When a kindred spirit is found
Zanima te kako ljubi Dalmatinka
Are you interested in how a Dalmatian woman kisses?
Biži ća jer mene nećeš imat' nikad, znači nikad
Run away because you'll never have me, never ever
Eeeee znači nikad
Eeeee, I mean never ever
(Biži ča, biži ča)
(Run away, run away)
Stari, Rozga kaže ništa kontra Splita
Man, Rozga says nothing against Split
Furešte on voli ali samo priko lita, priko lita
You flirt over the internet but only over the internet, over the internet
Eee priko lita
Eee over the internet
I moš' se slikat
And you can take a picture
Dalmatian woman
Eee, Dalmatinka
Eee, Dalmatian woman
Ti si moja, ti si moja
You're mine, you're mine
Dalmatian woman
Eee, Dalmatinka
Eee, Dalmatian woman
(I nema veze šta tvoj stari kaže da sam mlitav)
(And it doesn't matter what your old man says that I'm lazy)
(Ka' kuhana blitva)
(Like boiled chard)
Ti si moja, ti si moja
You're mine, you're mine
Dalmatian woman
Eee, Dalmatinka
Eee, Dalmatian woman

Writer(s): bojan salamon

Connect feat. Jelena Rozga - Dalmatinka
date de sortie

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