E.Se - Serotonina - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction E.Se - Serotonina

Via a vida em consciência fotográfica
I saw life in photographic consciousness
Não reflectia no que o meu reflexo dava
I didn't reflect on what my reflection gave
O dia eram instantes e eram tantos que eu revelava
The day was moments, so many that I revealed
Esquecia os negativos na imagem projectada
I forgot the negatives in the projected image
Flash, cegava, vivia nessa ilusão dada
Flash, it only blinded me, I lived in that given illusion
Deslizava dia-a-dia na leveza da manada
Slipping day by day in the lightness of the herd
O corpo flutuava a consciência alienada
The body floated, the mind alienated
Caiu-me tudo, era miúdo
It all fell apart, I was a kid
Senti essa dor que ecoa
I felt that echoing pain
Num segundo, caí no fundo
In a second, I fell to the bottom
Onde parti a proa
Where I broke the bow
No Ludo, não era aluno
In Ludo, I wasn't a student
Antes entrei à força
Instead I entered by force
Sem escudo, no Testudo
Without a shield, in the Testudo
E com o ego apontado à boca
And with my ego pointed at the mouth
E sem preparo esse peso caiu
And unprepared, that weight fell
E sem reparo o meu ego ruiu
And without repair, my ego crumbled
Não pela carga que o atingiu e submergiu
Not by the weight that hit and submerged it
Mas por falta de uma rede na estrutura concluiu
But for lack of a net in the structure it concluded
Ser positivo era o que encarava
Being positive was all I faced
O copo cheio mesmo sem sequer ter nada
The glass was full even without having anything
Chegou esse dia e esse céu enevoava
That day came and the sky clouded over
Onde havia luz surgiu a sombra inesperada
Where there was light, an unexpected shadow appeared
Onde cabia a alegria não fundada
Where unfounded joy fit
Restava a dúvida na mente abandonada
Doubt remained in the abandoned mind
Essa matéria por si acinzentada
That matter already grayish
Parda estava e a Serotonina ressacava
It was brown and the Serotonin ebbed away
Sessões em serões, serões em sessões
Sessions in evenings, evenings in sessions
Eu com questões eles com as medicações
Me with questions, them with medications
Saía sem resposta, esta alma tão disposta
I would leave without an answer, this soul so willing
A formular hipóteses
To formulate hypotheses
Que me abeiravam dessa encosta
That brought me closer to that hillside
E a imagem passada mesmo sendo a oposta
And the past image, even though it was the opposite
No fundo da nuca ela vivia contraposta
At the back of my mind, it lived contrasted
Foram 6 meses em que não me conheci
It was 6 months that I didn't know myself
Não aceitava ser mais frágil para ti
I didn't accept being more fragile for you
Procurava, pesquisava, em sequência somatizava
I searched, researched, in sequence I somatized
Sem eloquência pensamentos que antes eram uma acendalha
Without eloquence, thoughts that were once a kindling
Que ateava e me iluminava, que ardia e me motivava
That ignited and illuminated me, that burned and motivated me
Me movia e me fazia ter certeza na passada
Moved me and made me feel confident in my step
E de uma assentada, como uma mortalha
And in one fell swoop, like a shroud
Me fechou nessa muralha
It closed me in this wall
Ser positivo era o que encarava
Being positive was all I faced
O copo cheio mesmo sem sequer ter nada
The glass was full even without having anything
Chegou esse dia e esse céu enevoava
That day came and the sky clouded over
Onde havia luz surgiu a sombra inesperada
Where there was light, an unexpected shadow appeared
Onde cabia a alegria não fundada
Where unfounded joy fit
Restava a dúvida na mente abandonada
Doubt remained in the abandoned mind
Essa matéria por si acinzentada
That matter already grayish
Parda estava e a Serotonina ressacava
It was brown and the Serotonin ebbed away
Demorou mas aprendi a receita
It took time, but I learned the recipe
Apreendi os meus receios e fiz deles a minha seita
I learned my fears and made them my sect
Não rejeita, olha e aceita
Don't reject, look and accept
Se uma sombra, uma luz que a projecta
If there is a shadow, there is a light that projects it
Bebi desse néctar, construí nesse hectare
I drank from that nectar, I built on that hectare
Centrei, escavei e não parei até o encontrar
I centered, I dug and didn't stop until I found it
Um el-dorado doravante para mim
An el-dorado henceforth just for me
Uma Alexandria com estantes com cantos em que bati
An Alexandria with shelves with corners where I bumped into
Fico bem disposto, ter tudo exposto
I'm well disposed, having everything exposed
As cicatrizes no peito, espreitam e brilham no rosto
The scars on my chest peek out and shine on my face
E esta colheita, ela é divina
And this harvest, it is divine
28 anos a pisar nesta vindíma
For 28 years stepping on this vintage
E no lagar o que é meu vem ao de cima
And in the winepress, what is mine comes to the top
Que nem tudo o que luz são diamantes nesta mina
Because not all that glitters is diamonds in this mine
também carvão e escuridão em demasia
There is also coal and darkness in excess
Que uso como combustível como eu antes não fazia
That I use as fuel as I didn't before
Ser positivo era o que encarava
Being positive was all I faced
O copo cheio mesmo sem sequer ter nada
The glass was full even without having anything
Chegou esse dia e esse céu enevoava
That day came and the sky clouded over
Onde havia luz surgiu a sombra inesperada
Where there was light, an unexpected shadow appeared
Onde cabia a alegria não fundada
Where unfounded joy fit
Restava a dúvida na mente abandonada
Doubt remained in the abandoned mind
Essa matéria por si acinzentada
That matter already grayish
Parda estava e a Serotonina ressacava
It was brown and the Serotonin ebbed away

Writer(s): Carlos Alves

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