Gabriel o Pensador - Encerramento.3 - Um Garoto Chamado Rorbeto - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gabriel o Pensador - Encerramento.3 - Um Garoto Chamado Rorbeto

Encerramento.3 - Um Garoto Chamado Rorbeto
Closing.3 - A Boy Named Rorbeto
O rio ia sempre passando
The river was always flowing
Sem nunca parar um segundo
Never stopping for a second
E o tempo, imitando o rio
And time, imitating the river
Passou também, pra todo mundo
Passed also, for everyone
E assim foi crescendo Rorbeto
And so Rorbeto grew up
Ao lado dos seus bons amigos
Beside his good friends
O tempo, o cachorro, as pessoas
Time, the dog, the people
As árvores e o rio antigo
The trees and the old river
Rorbeto ainda era pequeno
Rorbeto was still small
Mas caminhava e corria
But already could walk and run
Também sabia falar
Also already knew how to talk
E além de falar, ele ouvia
And besides talking, he listened
Crianças aprendem a pensar
Children learn to think
E ele aprendeu desde cedo
And he learned from a young age
Também aprendeu a contar
Also learned to count
Usando a ajuda dos dedos
Using the help of his fingers
Pensou nos amigos que tinha
Thought of the friends he had
O pai e a mãe eram dois
His father and mother were two
Filé o terceiro da lista
Filet, the third on the list
Não lembro quem veio depois
Can’t remember who came after
Contou na mão direita
He counted only on his right hand
Os pais, o cachorro e mais três
His parents, the dog and three more
Contou do dedão ao dedinho
He counted from his thumb to his pinky
Rorbeto contou outra vez
Rorbeto counted again
Prestando bastante atenção
Paying close attention
Contou do dedinho ao dedão
He counted from his pinky to his thumb
Seis dedos em uma mão
Six fingers on one hand only
Será que na outra são quatro?
Could it be that on the other there are four?
Olhou para os dedos dos pés
He looked at his toes
Mas antes tirou os sapatos
But first, he removed his shoes
Rorbeto estava tão nervoso
Rorbeto was so nervous
Que nem percebeu o chulé
That he didn’t even notice the foot odor
Contando de um até dez
Counting from one to ten
Contou cinco dedos por
He counted five toes per foot
Olhou para a mão novamente
He looked at his hand again
Sentindo um grande embaraço
Feeling very embarrassed
Chorou um pouquinho, coitado
He cried a little, poor thing
Pensando na mão do outro braço
Thinking about the hand on his other arm
Queria contar também nela
He also wanted to count on it
Mas parou um pouco, com medo
But stopped a bit, out of fear
E se nessa mão, à esquerda
And if on this hand, on the left
Tivessem ainda muito mais dedos
There were even more fingers
Podia ter sete, até oito
It could have seven, even eight
Quem sabe até nove, talvez
Who knows, even nine, maybe
Ninguém tinha visto até hoje
No one had seen until today
Que na mão direita eram seis
That on the right hand there were six
Então não seria impossível
So it wouldn’t be impossible
Agora a esquerda ter mil
Now the left one could have a thousand
Rorbeto nem queria ver
Rorbeto didn’t even want to see
Mas abriu os olhos e viu
But he opened his eyes and saw
Contou cinco dedos na esquerda
He counted five fingers on his left hand
Usando um dos seis da direita
Using one of the six on his right hand
E vendo que tinha cinco, gritou
And seeing that he only had five, he shouted
Tenho uma mão perfeita
I have a perfect hand
A turma da rua escutou o seu grito
The street kids heard his shout
E correu pra janela
And ran to the window
Queriam saber do Rorbeto
They wanted to know about Rorbeto
Que gritaria era aquela
What was all that yelling
Rorbeto escutou as perguntas
Rorbeto heard the questions
Mas não quis dizer a resposta
But didn’t want to say the answer
Ficou com vergonha da mão, a direita
He was ashamed of his hand, the right one
E botou a nas costas
And hid it behind his back

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