Gang - La Corte dei Miracoli - Remastered - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gang - La Corte dei Miracoli - Remastered

La Corte dei Miracoli - Remastered
The Court of Miracles - Remastered
Era fame era sete
It was hunger, it was thirst
Erano giorni di carestia
They were days of famine
Era la corte dei miracoli
It was the court of miracles
Era l'inverno e la malattia
It was the winter and the disease
Era ordine e pulizia
It was order and cleanliness
Era il tempio il supermercato
It was the temple, the supermarket
Erano fantasmi che tornavano
They were ghosts coming back
Era il futuro surgelato.
It was the frozen future.
Era ancora l'assalto al treno
It was still the assault on the train
Era l'imbroglio e la rovina
It was the swindle and the ruin
Era la ruota della fortuna
It was the wheel of fortune
Era tutto come prima.
It was all like before.
Erano in pochi erano in tanti
There were few, there were many
Era la vecchia dinastia
It was the old dynasty
Era piccola e feroce
It was small and fierce
Era la nuova borghesia.
It was the new bourgeoisie.
Era una sporca camicia nera
It was a dirty black shirt
Mandata in lavanderia
Sent to the laundry
Era l'uomo dei miracoli
He was the man of miracles
Era di nuovo la nostalgia
It was nostalgia again
Era il telepredicatore
He was the televangelist
Era il servo e la catena
He was the servant and the chain
Era l'inizio era la fine
It was the beginning, it was the end
Era il rogo era la pena.
It was the stake, it was the penalty.
Era Arcore l'epidemia
It was Arcore, the epidemic
Era l'idiota l'ideologia
It was the idiot, the ideology
Era vino che diventa aceto
It was wine turning into vinegar
Era ancora piazzale Loreto
It was still Piazzale Loreto
Erano in pochi erano in tanti
There were few, there were many
Era la vecchia dinastia
It was the old dynasty
Era piccola e feroce
It was small and fierce
Era la nuova borghesia.
It was the new bourgeoisie.
Con Dio dall'altra parte
With God on the other side
Era un soldato mandato lontano
He was a soldier sent far away
Erano le borse dei mercati
They were the bags of the markets
Era la notte
It was night
Che scendeva piano
That was coming down slowly
Era il feudo e il federale
It was the fiefdom and the federal
Era Pontida la capitale
Pontida was the capital
Era il girone dei barattieri
It was the circle of the bribers
Era la ciurma da tribunale
It was the gang from court
Era il vuoto e la vertigine
It was the void and the vertigo
Era il trionfo del carnevale
It was the triumph of the carnival
Era l'ingorgo dei canali
It was the congestion of the canals
La TV era la cattedrale.
TV was the cathedral.
Erano in pochi erano in tanti
There were few, there were many
Era la vecchia dinastia
It was the old dynasty
Era piccola e feroce
It was small and fierce
Era la nuova borghesia
It was the new bourgeoisie
Che il vento tristo
That sad wind
Che il vento tristo
That sad wind
Che il vento tristo
That sad wind
Se la porti via...
Take it away...

Writer(s): Alessandro Severini, Marino Severini

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