Giuseppe Verdi, Maria Callas/Philharmonia Orchestra/Nicola Rescigno, Nicola Rescigno & Philharmonia Orchestra - Verdi: Nabucco, Act 2: "Ben io t'invenni ... Anch'io dischiuso un giorno" (Abigaille) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Giuseppe Verdi, Maria Callas/Philharmonia Orchestra/Nicola Rescigno, Nicola Rescigno & Philharmonia Orchestra - Verdi: Nabucco, Act 2: "Ben io t'invenni ... Anch'io dischiuso un giorno" (Abigaille)

Verdi: Nabucco, Act 2: "Ben io t'invenni ... Anch'io dischiuso un giorno" (Abigaille)
Verdi: Nabucco, Act 2: "Ben io t'invenni ... Anch'io dischiuso un giorno" (Abigaille)
(Esce con impeto, avendo
(She enters hastily, holding
Una carta fra e mani)
A paper in her hand)
Ben io t'invenni, o fatal scritto!...
Finally I found you, fatal document!...
In seno mal ti celava il rege,
The king hid you poorly in his heart,
Onde a me fosse di scorno!...
As if it were a shame to me!...
Prole Abigaille di schiavi!
Abigaille, offspring of slaves!
Ebben!... sia tale!
Well!... let it be so!
Di Nabucco figlia, qual l'Assiro mi crede,
Daughter of Nabucco, as the Assyrian believes me to be,
Che sono io qui?...
What am I here?...
Peggior che schiava!
Worse than a slave!
Il trono affida il rege alla minor Fenena,
The king entrusts the throne to the younger Fenena,
Mentre ei fra l'armi a sterminar Giudea
While he, among the weapons to exterminate Judea
L'animo intende!...
Intends his soul!...
Me gli amori altrui
Someone else's love for me
Invia dal campo a qui mirar!...
He sends from the field to watch here!...
Oh iniqui tutti, e più folli ancor!...
Oh, all of you are wicked, and even more foolish!...
D'Abigaille mal conoscete il core...
You badly know the heart of Abigaille...
Su Tutti il mio furore piombar vedrete!...
You will see my fury descend upon all of you!...
Ah sì! cada Fenena...
Ah yes! let Fenena fall...
Il finto padre!... il regno!...
The fake father!... the kingdom!...
Su me stessa rovina, o fatal sdegno!
Ruin upon myself, o fatal disdain!
Anch'io dischiuso un giorno
One day I too opened
Ebbi alla gioia il core;
My heart to joy;
Tutto parlarmi intorno
All around me I heard speaking
Udia di santo amore;
Of holy love;
Piangeva all'altrui pianto,
I cried at the tears of others,
Soffriva degli altri al duol;
I suffered at the grief of others;
Ah! chi del perduto incanto
Ah! who will return to me
Mi torna un giorno sol
The lost enchantment
Salgo già del trono aurato
I already ascend the golden throne
Lo sgabello insanguinato;
The bloodstained stool;
Ben saprà la mia vendetta
My revenge will know well
Da quel seggio fulminar.
How to strike from that seat.
Che lo scettro a me s'aspetta
That the scepter awaits me
Tutti i popoli vedranno,
All the people will see,
Ah! regie figlie qui verranno
Ah! royal daughters will come here
L'umil schiava a supplicar.
To beg the humble slave.
(Entra apresuradamente con
(She enters hastily with
Un pergamino en la mano)
A parchment in her hand)
¡Al fin te encontré, oh fatal documento!
Finally I found you, oh fatal document!
Mal te guardaba en el pecho el rey
The king poorly kept you in his chest
Para mi vergüenza
To my shame!
¡Abigaille hija de esclavos!
Abigaille, daughter of slaves!
¡Pues bien, que así sea!
Well then, so be it!
¿Soy hija de Nabucodonosor
Am I the daughter of Nebuchadnezzar,
Según me creen los asirios
As the Assyrians believe me to be?
Pero qué soy en realidad?...
But what am I in reality?...
Peor que una esclava!
Worse than a slave!
¡El rey confía el trono a Fenena,
The king entrusts the throne to Fenena,
Mientras él pone todo su interés
While he puts all his interest
En exterminar a Judea!
In exterminating Judea!
¡Me envía aquí para vigilar sus amores!
He sends me here to watch over his love!
¡Oh malditos seáis todos!
Oh, cursed be you all!
Mal conocéis el corazón de Abigaille...
You badly know Abigaille's heart...
¡Veréis caer sobre todos vosotros
You will see falling upon you
El peso de mi furor!
The weight of my fury!
¡Que caiga Fenena y su fingido padre!...
Let Fenena and her fake father fall!...
¡Caiga el reino sobre mi misma!
Let the kingdom fall upon myself!
Yo también tuve un tiempo atrás
I too once had
El corazón abierto a los placeres.
My heart open to pleasures.
Por doquier oía hablar del amor puro;
Everywhere I heard people talking about pure love;
Lloraba ante las lágrimas de los demás;
I cried at the tears of others;
Sufría por los dolores de otros...
I suffered for the pains of others...
¿Quién me puede devolver
Who can give me back
La inocencia perdida,
The lost innocence,
Aunque fuese por un solo día.
Even if it were for a single day?
Ya me veo ascendiendo
I can already see myself ascending
Al sanguinario trono dorado:
To the bloodthirsty golden throne:
Desde allí sabré mejor
From there I will know better
Cómo ejercer mi venganza:
How to exercise my revenge:
¡Todo el pueblo será testigo de que
All the people will witness that
El cetro sólo me corresponde a mí!
The scepter belongs only to me!
¡Hasta vendrán princesas
Even princesses will come to me
Para suplicar a la humilde esclava!
To beg the humble slave!

Writer(s): Giuseppe Verdi, Arrangement Library

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