Gola - Hey Hey - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Gola - Hey Hey

Hey Hey
Hey Hey
Es isch jede Tag z'gliche, vo früeh bis spät,
Every day is the same, from early morning until late at night,
Gah i d'Bude ga bügle, nid das is nid guet hät,
I go to the shop to iron, not that it's not fine, truly,
Aber irgendwie frag i mi haut mängisch scho...
But sometimes I just have to ask myself...
Stah i zmitz im Läbe oder ziehts a mir verbi,
Am I standing still in the middle of life or is it just passing me by,
Si die paar wilde Jugendjahr iz scho aues gsi,
Are those few wild years of my youth all I'm going to get?
Irgend öppis geischtesgschtörts muess doch no cho...
There must be something more intellectually stimulating to come...
I weiss nid was es isch
I don't know what it is
U was es chönnti sii
Or what it could be
Aber irgend öppis
But something
Fahrt mir ganz schreg i
Drives me absolutely crazy
Hey, hey, säg kennsch das o
Hey, hey, tell me, do you know that feeling too
Das d'nümm weisch wo d'schteisch,
When you just don't know where to go anymore,
Hey, hey, u d'Musig usem Radio...
Hey, hey, and the music on the radio...
Seit: wenn geisch, wenn geisch?
Keeps saying, "When are you going to leave, when are you going to leave?"
Hey, hey, sag kennsch Du das nid,
Hey, hey, don't you know,
Blick uf d'Igangstüür.
That look towards the exit door.
Gang so lang no chasch
Go while you still can
Renn so lang no masch...
Run as long as you can...
Gang, läb dini Troim...
Go, live your dream...
Bevor dass's ds spät isch derfür!
Before it's too late!
Es isch e ewige Kampf, zwsche Guet u Schlächt,
It's an eternal struggle, between good and evil,
Z'Läbe isch e Chramp, ligi fautsch, häni rächt?
Life is a grind, is that right, am I wrong?
Was kapput geit heilt, oder blibt e Narbe für geng...
What breaks heals, or leaves a scar for life...
U i weiss nume eis, faus i aut sött wärde,
And I only know one thing, if I should grow old,
U es chunnt Tag u i lige im Stärbe,
And that day comes and I lie on my deathbed,
De wet i chönne sage, I gloub i has guet gmacht, denn...
Then I want to be able to say, I believe I did it well, because...

Writer(s): Marco Pfeuti

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