I Muvrini - Cu lu stessu destinu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction I Muvrini - Cu lu stessu destinu

Cu lu stessu destinu
Cu lu stessu destinu
Fratellu chì mi senti à bughju in la to stanza
Brother, who hears me crying in your room
Dopu à lu primu pientu pensa à la fratellanza
After the first tear, think about the brotherhood
Acella messagera chì nasce in la to terra
Swift messenger, who was born on your land
Fratellu lu t'amore duv'ellu t'hà mandatu
Brother, where has your love led you
Mughjà lu to dulore quessu lu to peccatu
Your pain cries out; this is your sin
Spera quant'è poi si movenu li toi
Hope as long as you can; your people are moving
Longu lu to caminu spessu ci face notte
Long is your path; often it is dark
lu stessu destinu meie le to lotte
Your struggles are mine; we share the same destiny
Corsu è oramai mei li to guai
You are Corsican, and now your troubles are mine
In paese fratellu mosse le cuscenze
In the village, brother, consciences are stirring
Ghjustizia per mantellu Corse e to sperenze
Justice is your cloak; your hopes are Corsican
Tra u è trà u male incù a luce pigli ale
Between good and evil, find light and take flight
Quelli di li to guai dicenu malfattore
Those who cause you trouble call you an evildoer
U lume ch'è dai nuce à lu so culore
The light you bring exposes their true colors
Più sparghji la to pena più strinta la catena
The more you spread your pain, the tighter your chains become
Fratellu pare strana a vita di l'umanu
Brother, the life of a human seems strange
incarceratu ma spunta per dumane
You are imprisoned, but tomorrow will dawn
Un ragiu di verità chì in l'isula si spanna
A ray of truth spreads across the island
Da sopra à la to lotta fratellu ci natu u fiore di a verità
From your struggle, brother, a flower of truth has sprung
Nantu à a strada di u sudore da u mio cantu l'annacqueraghju
On the path of sweat, I will water it with my song
Spera quant'è poi ...
Hope as long as you can ...
GF Bernardini
GF Bernardini
Du Même Destin
Of the Same Destiny
Frère toi qui m'entends en ta prison le soir
Sister, who hears me crying in your room
Le cśur serré pense à la fraternité
After the first tear, think about the sisterhood
À l'oiseau messager sur ta terre en espoir
Swift messenger, who was born on your land
Frère c'est ton amour qui t'a emmené
Sister, where has your love led you
Crier ta peine un jour voilà ton seul péché
Your pain cries out; this is your sin
Tant que tu peux espère te soutiennent tes frères
As long as you can, hope; your sisters are supporting you
Liberté/En avant/Liberté
Si long est ton chemin s'il y fait souvent nuit
If long is your path; often it is dark
Pour un même destin nous lutterons unis
For the same destiny, we will fight together
Aujourd'hui comme demain tes malheurs sont les miens
Today and tomorrow, your misfortunes are mine
Frère en nos maisons s'éveillent les consciences
Sister, in our homes, consciences are awakening
La justice est ton habit Corses tes espérances
Justice is your dress; Your hopes are Corsican
Entre le meilleur et le pire la lumière pourra luire
Between the best and the worst, light can shine
Liberté/En avant/Liberté
Ceux qui font ton malheur te nomment malfaiteur
Those who cause you trouble call you an evildoer
Ta lumière au dehors à leur couleur fait tort
Your light outside harms their color
Plus tu étales ta peine plus serrées sont tes chaînes
The more you spread your pain, the tighter your chains become
Etrange doit te sembler le sort de l'humanité
Strange must seem to you the fate of humanity
Tu es emprisonné mais déjà va briller
You are imprisoned but shine already
Là-bas sur ton île un rayon de vérité
Over there, on your island, a ray of truth
Liberté/En avant/Liberté
Frère sur ton combat une fleur est née
Sister, on your fight, a flower is born
Sur les chemins de la lutte de mon chant je l'arroserai
On the paths of struggle, with my song, I will water it
Espère à chaque instant ...
Hope at every moment ...
GF Bernardini
GF Bernardini

Writer(s): G.f. Bernardini

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