John Feierabend - 'Round And 'Round - Simple Songs & Circles paroles de chanson

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John Feierabend - 'Round And 'Round the Garden: Music in My First Year

1 Giggles - Bounces
2 Ride-O - Bounces
3 Here Come Three Kings - Bounces
4 Ride a Cock-Horse - Bounces
5 This Is Bill Anderson - Bounces
6 To Market, To Market - Bounces
7 O Misses Sippy-O - Bounces
8 Let's Go to the Wood - Wiggles & Tickles
9 Row, Row, A-Fishing We'll Go - Wiggles & Tickles
10 This Little Baby - Wiggles & Tickles
11 This Little Piggy Went to Market - Wiggles & Tickles
12 This Kitty Said - Wiggles & Tickles
13 This Little Mousie - Wiggles & Tickles
14 Fais Dodo - Simple Songs & Circles
15 Rock-a-Bye - Simple Songs & Circles
16 Rain, Rain, Go Away - Simple Songs & Circles
17 A Little Flea Went Walking - Wiggles & Tickles
18 Bumble Bee - Wiggles & Tickles
19 Old Hawk Goes - Wiggles & Tickles
20 These Are Baby's Fingers - Wiggles & Tickles
21 Bird Fly Away, Away - Wiggles & Tickles
22 'Round And 'Round the Garden - Wiggles & Tickles
23 Pitter, Patter - Tapping & Clapping
24 Pat-a-Cake - Tapping & Clapping
25 Shoe the Horse - Tapping & Clapping
26 Climb up the Ladder - Tapping & Clapping
27 Shoe the Colt - Tapping & Clapping
28 Soft Kitty - Tapping & Clapping
29 Ally Bally - Lullabies
30 Bim Bam, Biri, Biri, Bam - Lullabies
31 Hush, My Babe, Lie Still and Slumber - Lullabies
32 Riding Here to Get Married - Bounces
33 Handy Spandy - Bounces
34 Trot on to Boston - Bounces
35 Bimbo, Bimbo - Bounces
36 Bossy-Cow - Bounces
37 Ride, Charley, Ride - Bounces
38 Seesaw, Margery Daw - Wiggles & Tickles
39 The First Little Pig - Wiggles & Tickles
40 This Little Wind - Wiggles & Tickles
41 Fire! Fire! - Wiggles & Tickles
42 Laughing Baby Susan - Wiggles & Tickles
43 The Dog Says, "Bow Wow" - Wiggles & Tickles
44 Johnny Had One Friend - Simple Songs & Circles
45 There She Goes - Simple Songs & Circles
46 'Round And 'Round - Simple Songs & Circles
47 I'm Gonna Bore a Hole - Wiggles & Tickles
48 My Father Was a Butcher - Wiggles & Tickles
49 Shear the Sheep - Wiggles & Tickles
50 Tommy Thumb Is Up - Wiggles & Tickles
51 1, 2, 3 - Wiggles & Tickles
52 What Do I See? - Wiggles & Tickles
53 Hot Cross Buns - Tapping & Clapping
54 Clap Hands 'Til Daddy Comes Home - Tapping & Clapping
55 Hickory, Dickory, Dock - Tapping & Clapping
56 Little Hand - Tapping & Clapping
57 There Was a Mouse - Tapping & Clapping
58 Two Little Eyes - Tapping & Clapping
59 Baloo Baleerie - Lullabies
60 Bye-O, Bye-O, Bye-O Baby - Lullabies
61 Little Baby Sweetly Sleep - Lullabies

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