John Keys - The Star-Spangled Banner (Instrumental Version) paroles de chanson

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John Keys - Remembrance Hymns Accompaniments
Album Remembrance Hymns Accompaniments
date de sortie

1 Thy Kingdom Come O God - St Cecilia (Instrumental Version)
2 Thine Be the Glory, MacCabaeus (Instrumental Version)
3 The Lord's My Shepherd - Crimond (Instrumental Version)
4 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty - Lobe Den Herren (Instrumental Version)
5 O Valiant Hearts, The Supreme Sacrifice (Instrumental Version)
6 Onward Christian Soldiers - St Gertrude (Instrumental Version)
7 O God Our Help in Ages Past, St Anne (Instrumental Version)
8 Now Thank We All Our God, Nun Danket (Instrumental Version)
9 Lord of the Worlds, Crofts 136th (Instrumental Version)
10 Lead Us Heavenly Father Lead Us, Mannheim (Instrumental Version)
11 Judge Eternal Throned in Splendour (Rhuddlan) [Instrumental Version]
12 I Vow to Thee My Country, Thaxted (Instrumental Version)
13 God Save the Queen With Fanfare (Instrumental Version)
14 For the Healing of the Nations (Alleluia Dulce Carmen) (Instrumental Version)
15 Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation, Westminster Abbey (Instrumental Version)
16 Blest Are the Pure in Heart (Franconia) [Instrumental Version]
17 And Did Those Feet, Jerusalem (Instrumental Version)
18 Eternal Father Strong to Save, Melita (Instrumental Version)
19 Last Post and Reveille (Trumpet)
20 Last Post and Reveille, 1 Minute Silence (Trumpet)
21 Last Post and Reveille, 2 Minute Silence (Trumpet)
22 God Save the Queen (Instrumental Version)
23 Advance Australia Fair (Instrumental Version)
24 O Canada! (Instrumental Version)
25 God Defend New Zealand (Instrumental Version)
26 The Star-Spangled Banner (Instrumental Version)
27 All My Hope On God Is Founded (Michael) [Instrumental Version]
28 All People That On Earth Do Dwell - Old 100th (Instrumental Version)
29 Son of God, Eternal Saviour, Everton (Instrumental Version)

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