Kei Ogura - 砂漠の少年 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kei Ogura - 砂漠の少年

Boy from the Desert
母親の物語りに飽きて 父親の本も読み飽きて
Tired of stories from my mother and finished reading my father's books
風の吹く 夜砂丘を一人 少年は旅に出た
On a windy night, alone in the sand dunes, a boy set out on a journey
Something must be beyond the horizon
I thought something must be there
見えるのは砂ばかり 砂の山 砂の谷
I can only see sand, mountains of sand and valleys of sand
風の吹く 夜砂丘を一人 少年は旅を続けた
On a windy night, alone in the sand dunes, the boy continued his journey
What is beyond the horizon?
I thought something must be there
のどはかわききって 頭は狂いそうで
My throat is parched and my head is going crazy
旅をあきらめかけた 少年が遠くに見た
The boy who was about to give up on his journey saw something in the distance
地平線のあたりに見える 何かひとつの点
A point on the horizon seems to be visible
It is gradually getting bigger and bigger
La... La... La... La...
喜びの叫びをあげて ただ一目散に
With a cry of joy and at full speed
その点めざして 少年はかけ出した
The boy ran towards that point
La... La... La... La...
そして見た その点は 彼と同じ年頃の
And then saw that the dot was a
腹をへらしてつかれ切った 少年だった
Tired and hungry boy of the same age as him

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