LMF - 傲氣長存 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais LMF - 傲氣長存

Arrogance Endures
喂! 係咪講幾句粗口就會教壞你個仔
Hey! Is it true that just a few curses will corrupt your son?
But I don't see me scolding to solve societal problems.
There are so many problems in society, and it's not our place to police them.
I'll fucking curse you until you're sick of it, and you'll still say
唔好懶撚得戚 我駛撚睇你面色
Don't be so self-important. I don't give a damn about your opinion.
Which means you have no standing to criticize me.
話我地教壞細路 其實係你地對我地冇認識
You say we corrupt the children, but it's you who don't understand us.
屋村幫襯粗口歌 我地就係咁偏激
The neighborhood supports vulgar songs. That's how we are, this extreme.
Behind all this extremity, have you gained or benefited?
定係覺得我地得得戚戚 講啲嘢你又唔識
Or do you feel that we're being smug, and you don't understand what we're saying?
蕉撚戚戚大懶堂係咁寸 將你個Party返轉再玩寸
You're being smug and lazy. How dare you, I'll turn your party upside down.
唔會屌完就算 睇你幾時玩完
We won't stop cursing, and we'll see how long you last.
From this day forward, we'll all set ourselves free.
仍然輸得起 其實我地也置諸不理
Still able to afford to lose. In fact, we don't care.
拿一句到尾 我宜家就唔長氣襯氣由頭到尾
In short, I'm not going to waste my breath going over everything.
We just have to curse you out.
I know your platform is so petty.
Look at what kind of musical trend you've created.
What the hell is this music program director?
Music is meant to be listened to, not played like a game.
啊! 邊撚個邊撚個邊撚個邊撚個邊個蛋散
Who the hell, who the hell, who the hell, who the hell's an idiot?
你要扮 都唔該你拆左支結他先拎上台玩
If you're going to pretend, at least take off your guitar before you go on stage.
你冇野好扮 又走去扮日本撚
You're useless, like a drag queen's dick.
化撚到鬼五馬綠 又搞乜撚人撚要滾
You've made yourself up to look like a monster. What the hell do you want to roll around for?
你冇撚用 就正一好似人妖條撚
You're a useless piece of shit.
唔撚同你玩 你既音樂就係咁撚冇品
We're not going to play with you. Your music is just that tasteless.
香港就係冇音樂 淨係得娛樂
Hong Kong has no music, only entertainment.
啲偶像一身係蟻 但係啲人就好撚受落
The idols are covered in ants, but the people love them.
啲水準好撚曳 仲係玩緊翻炒舊作
The standards are terrible. They're still churning out old hits.
你唔撚識創作 你就冇撚咁惡
If you don't know how to create, then don't be so mean.
From this day forward, we'll all set ourselves free.
仍然輸得起 其實我地也置諸不理
Still able to afford to lose. In fact, we don't care.
From this day forward, we'll finally stop deceiving ourselves.
仍然打不死 营造歲月 再創出傳奇
Still undefeated, we'll create the times, and make another legend.
LMF. We are LMF.
We want you to know, we want you to know.
LMF. We are LMF.
This is our attitude, our attitude.
LMF. We are LMF.
We want you to know, we want you to know.
LMF. We are LMF.
This is our attitude, our attitude.
From this day forward, we'll all set ourselves free.
仍然輸得起 其實我地也置諸不理
Still able to afford to lose. In fact, we don't care.
From this day forward, we'll finally stop deceiving ourselves.
仍然打不死 形造歲月 再創出傳奇
Still undefeated, we'll create the times, and make another legend.

Writer(s): Davy, Mc Kit, Mc Phat, Mc Yan

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