Lax'n'Busto - Cançó del Pagès - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Lax'n'Busto - Cançó del Pagès

Cançó del Pagès
The Peasant's Song
En Joan era un pobre pagès
Joan was a poor peasant,
Ell sempre humil, ell sempre honest
Always humble, always honest,
Vivia amb l'hermosa Maria
He lived with the beautiful Maria,
I ho feia tot perquè sempre mengés
And did everything to ensure she was always fed.
En canvi el Lluís era molt ric
In contrast, Lluís was very rich,
A ell mai no li va faltar de res
He never lacked anything,
Com si tot el que ell volgués
As if everything he desired,
En dir-ho, als peus ho tingués
Would appear at his feet with a simple word.
I és que uns tant
Some have so much,
I altres tan poc
And others so little,
Però tots feliços tal com són
But all are happy as they are.
Un dia el Lluís es va creuar
One day Lluís crossed paths
Amb la Maria passejant
With Maria while she was walking,
I enamorat es va jurar
And, smitten, he swore to himself
Pagar per ella el preu més alt
To pay the highest price for her.
I en aquells temps va haver una guerra
And in those times there was a war,
En Joan jove i fort per força va marxar
Young and strong Joan was forced to leave,
El Lluís no era apte per morir
Lluís wasn't fit to die,
Això és una merda, tio has d'aguantar
"This is crap, man, you have to hold on."
Tot era estrany en els seus ulls
Everything was strange in his eyes,
La por, l'odi, la tristor
Fear, hatred, sadness.
I la Maria se'l va mirar
And Maria looked at him,
Com si ja no pogués veure'l mai més
As if she would never see him again.
Llavors el Lluís va aprofitar
Then Lluís took advantage,
I a la Maria va comprar, i li va dir
And bought Maria, and said to her,
"Sé que m'estaves esperant, jo no t'havia oblidat
"I know you were waiting for me, I hadn't forgotten you,
Jo et puc donar tot el que vols
I can give you everything you want,
Tinc tot el que puguis desitjar"
I have everything you could desire."
"Sé que m'estaves esperant, jo no t'havia oblidat
"I know you were waiting for me, I hadn't forgotten you,
Jo et puc donar tot el que vols
I can give you everything you want,
Tinc tot el que puguis desitjar"
I have everything you could desire."
Agafa'm de la mà, corre i no t'ho pensis massa
Take my hand, run and don't think too much,
Que et donaré el que vols, si no ho tens en aquesta casa
I'll give you what you want, even if you don't have it in this house.
Jo el que tu vols i tu fa temps que ho desitjaves
I know what you want and you've desired it for a long time,
Pensa el que faràs i com viuràs a partir d'ara
Think about what you'll do and how you'll live from now on.
En Joan no tornarà, és el seu fi, jo ja ho sabia
Joan won't return, it's his end, I already knew it,
Si fos tu "sí" diria i no m'ho pensaria més
If I were you, I'd say "yes" and wouldn't think twice.
Jo et dono flors i joies, festes criats i vestits
I give you flowers and jewels, parties, servants and dresses,
I et cobriré d'or, plata, bons perfums i weiss do frings
And I'll cover you in gold, silver, fine perfumes and weiss do frings.
I la Maria, se'l va mirar
And Maria looked at him,
I de la el va agafar
And took his hand,
Anava tot cega amb tants regals
She was blinded by so many gifts,
Que sense pensar-s'ho, d'en Joan va passar, i li va dir
That without thinking, she forgot about Joan, and said to him,
"Jo a tu ja no et puc esperar, tu em fas patir i treballar
"I can't wait for you anymore, you make me suffer and work,
Ell tot el dia juga amb mi, bona sort que l'hagi trobat"
He plays with me all day, good thing I found him."
"Jo a tu ja no et puc esperar, tu em fas patir i treballar
"I can't wait for you anymore, you make me suffer and work,
Ell tot el dia juga amb mi, bona sort que l'hagi trobat"
He plays with me all day, good thing I found him."
Aquell pobre pagès sabia que anava a morir
That poor peasant knew he was going to die,
Llavors va dir: "si em moro, tu també et mores amb mi"
Then he said: "If I die, you die with me too."
La va esperar a les fosques al carrer tota la nit
He waited for her in the dark on the street all night,
Quan ella va sortir la va matar sense patir
When she came out, he killed her without suffering.
Amb la mateixa arma es va fer ell un tret al cap
With the same weapon he shot himself in the head,
Va caure estès a terra amb la Maria al seu costat
He fell to the ground with Maria by his side.
La conya de la història, amics meus reflexioneu
The irony of the story, my friends, reflect on this,
No és que en Joan morís, sinó que el Lluís està de peu
It's not that Joan died, but that Lluís is still standing.
I el Lluís se'ls va mirar
And Lluís looked at them,
Va ser d'aquells dies que més va plorar
It was one of the days he cried the most,
Sol es trobava amb els seus calés
He was alone with his money,
Per molts que en tingués, massa car per ell, i es va dir
No matter how much he had, it was too expensive for him, and he said to himself,
"Segur que algú m'està esperant, això ho oblido jo demà
"Surely someone is waiting for me, I'll forget about this tomorrow,
A moltes noies puc comprar, no importa a qui hagi de trepitjar"
I can buy many girls, it doesn't matter who I have to step on."
"Segur que algú m'està esperant, això ho oblido jo demà
"Surely someone is waiting for me, I'll forget about this tomorrow,
A moltes noies puc comprar, no importa a qui hagi de trepitjar"
I can buy many girls, it doesn't matter who I have to step on."

Writer(s): Pemi Rovirosa

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