Lax'n'Busto - Tu Ets La Llum - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Lax'n'Busto - Tu Ets La Llum

Tu Ets La Llum
You Are the Light
Feia temps que de tu em parlaven
People had been telling me about you for a long time
Però el meu cap a altres llocs estava
But my head was in other places
Pensaments de tu en tenia
I had thoughts of you
Però estimar-te, jo no en sabia
But I didn't know how to love you
A poc a poc en tu jo vaig creure
Little by little, I came to believe in you
Tot vaig deixar-ho per venir a veure't
I left everything to come and see you
I ara que si et vull trobar sempre t'hauré de buscar
And now I know that if I want to find you, I will always have to seek you
I per què així, tan difícil
And why is it so difficult?
És la vida el que em queda
It is life that remains for me
La regalo, no m'importa
I give it away, it doesn't matter
Si tu volguessis
If you wanted to
Creuaria pel temps per estar amb tu
I would travel through time to be with you
Abans de l'hora per sempre
Before the hour, and forever
Tu ets la llum, tu ets el camí
You are the light, you are the way
Tu ets la fi del meu destí
You are the end of my destiny
I quan a tu arribi ja no hi haurà per on tornar
And when I reach you, there will be no way to return
Sento el cor el sento a dintre
I feel my heart within me
Sento algú a dins meu que crida
I feel someone inside me calling out
Diu que segueixi encara que em senti feble
He says to follow, even if I feel weak
Passaré per mar, terra i aire
I will pass through sea, land, and air
Lluitaré sempre amb el diable
I will always fight with the devil
Tu només fes quetingui forces
You just make sure I have strength
I ni cent homes podran parar-me
And a hundred men will not be able to stop me
Si em dius que em posi al foc, jo em cremo
If you tell me to put myself in the fire, I will burn
Si em dius que em tiri al pou, m'ofego
If you tell me to jump into the well, I will drown
Si em dius corre, jo més depressa
If you tell me to run, I will run faster
Si em dius calla, escoltaré
If you tell me to be quiet, I will listen
Tan sols parla, tan sols guia'm
Just speak, just guide me
Tan sols porta'm i tan sols digue'm
Just lead me and just tell me
Com buscar-te i com trobar-te
How to search for you and how to find you
Si tu volguessis
If you wanted to
Creuaria pel temps per estar amb tu
I would travel through time to be with you
Abans de l'hora i per sempre
Before the hour, and forever
Tu ets la llum, tu ets el camí
You are the light, you are the way
Tu ets la fi del meu destí
You are the end of my destiny
Quan a tu arribi ja no hi haurà per on tornar
When I reach you, there will be no way to return
Sento el cor, el sento a dintre
I feel my heart, I feel it within me
Sento algú dins meu que crida
I feel someone inside me calling out
Diu que segueixi
He says to follow
Encara que em senti feble
Even if I feel weak
Tant se val si d'un gra
It doesn't matter if from a grain of sand
Se'm fa una muntanya, tan se val
A mountain is made for me, it doesn't matter
El que hagi d'aguantar per tu
Whatever I have to endure for you
No m'importa que hagi de deixar
I do not care what I have to leave behind
La porta ben oberta, si es el que tu vols
The door wide open, if that is what you want
Tu ets la llum, tu ets el camí
You are the light, you are the way
Tu ets la fi del meu destí
You are the end of my destiny
I quan a tu arribi ja no hi haurà per on tornar
And when I reach you, there will be no way to return
Sento el cor, el sento a dintre
I feel my heart, I feel it within me
Sento algú dins meu que crida
I feel someone inside me calling out
Diu que segueixi encara que em senti feble
He says to follow, even if I feel weak
Quan a tu arribi ja no hi haurà per on tornar
When I reach you, there will be no way to return
Diu que segueixi encara que em senti feble
He says to follow, even if I feel weak

Writer(s): Pemi Rovirosa

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