Mario Zwinkle - Diyu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mario Zwinkle - Diyu

Perkampungan kumuh hingga perkotaan besar
From slums to big cities
Manusia dalam kurung dengan gemerlap kepalsuan
Humans are caged with glittering falsehood
Terbagi dalam kotak status kepercayaan
Divided in boxes of belief status
Strata dibedakan agar sistem berjalan lancar
Strata are differentiated so that the system runs smoothly
Tikus bergeriliya lewat dari atap atap
Guerrilla rats pass from the rooftops
Grogoti makanan rakyat kecil sibak tuntas
Gnawing at the food of the little people, splitting it all up
Topeng berlapis lempar batu sembunyi tangan
Masked layers throw stones and hide hands
Uang bicara kawan bertepuk sebelah tangan
Money talks, friends clap with one hand
Serigala berbulu domba siap terkam domba aduan
Wolves in sheep's clothing ready to pounce on the fighting sheep
Siapa yang tak cermat pasti hancur kena babat
Those who are not careful will surely be destroyed and slashed
Literasi di kurasi generasi haus ilmu
Literacy is curated for a generation thirsty for knowledge
Tak dapat menuntut kalau beda terkena tuntutan
You can't sue if you're different, you get sued
Dengan dalil yang tak masuk akal
With unreasonable arguments
Peradaban kolot membunuh mengatasnamakan "Tuhan" jadikan momok
Ancient civilizations kill in the name of "God," making it a bogeyman
Agar dapat kuasa alam semakin rusak
So they can gain power, nature is increasingly damaged
Satu sembah pemberi profit
One worship, the giver of profit
Dua serakah tamak licik
Two, greedy, cunning
Tiga persatuan korporasi
Three, corporate unity
Empat tuli
Four, deaf
Lima adil hanya untuk oligarki
Five, justice only for the oligarchy
Dimana cinta hari ini sapaan hangat tanpa
Where is love today, a warm greeting without
Harus memandang kulit indahkan beda warna
Having to look at the skin, to beautify different colors
Jangan paksakan aku untuk berseragam
Don't force me to wear a uniform
Aku terlahir karena ada perbedaan
I was born because there is a difference
Bhinneka tunggal Ika skarang tinggal kenangan
Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is now just a memory
Berbeda beda tetap satu sudah dilupakan
Unity in diversity has been forgotten
Hidup rukun berdampingan terdengar seperti mitos
Living in harmony side by side sounds like a myth
Rasa damai di lingkungan hanya mimpi siang bolong
Peace in the neighborhood is just a pipe dream
Tenang tergeser rasa was was dalam melangkah hati hati berjalan awas
Calmness is replaced by a sense of anxiety in every step, be careful walking, be careful
Tersandung bara orang saling tikam hanya karna
Stumbling over coals, people stabbing each other just because
Alat tukar masa jadi hakim buta hukum asal rajam
The medium of exchange becomes a blind judge, the law is arbitrary
Tajam bertutur kata dapat menghasut
Sharp words can destroy
Jujur dalam berkarya awas nanti hilang hangus
Be sincere in your work, be careful not to disappear and be scorched
Adil hanya untuk yang punya andil
Justice is only for those who have a pillow
Berdoa dengan kushuk jauhkan dari batil
Pray with devotion, keep away from falsehood
Satu sembah pemberi profit
One worship, the giver of profit
Dua serakah tamak licik
Two, greedy, cunning
Tiga persatuan korporasi
Three, corporate unity
Empat tuli
Four, deaf
Lima adil hanya untuk oligarki
Five, justice only for the oligarchy
Rakus meringkus sukar dalam berakal
Greed arrests, difficult to reason
Busuknya tercium tapi lepas penglihatan
The rot can be smelled but escapes sight
Ada hidup ada mati, ada hitam ada putih
There is life, there is death, there is black, there is white
Putih terkikis habis hitam mendominasi
White is eroded away, black dominates
Wajah baru gaya lama tak usang
New face, old style, never gets old
Ibuku pertiwi sudah jatuh sekarat
My motherland has fallen ill
Harapan terkubur dan kembali ke tanah
Hope is buried and returned to the earth
Bercinta kriminal saat tirani berkuasa
Making love is criminal when tyranny is in power
Hipokrisi demokrasi selesai voting
The hypocrisy of democracy is over after voting
Langsung banting Setir balik janji manis
Immediately change course, turn back on sweet promises
Lari lari dan berdalih
Run away and make excuses
Panah menancap garuda di dadaku
An arrow pierces the garuda in my chest
Bendera putih berkibar saat benar menuntut
The white flag flies when the truth demands
Keadilan sosial bagi selururuh warga elite
Social justice for all elite citizens
Kaum bawah kapiran tergusur para bandit
The lower class are displaced by bandits
Hutan hutan dibakar penuhi kantong maling
Forests are burned to fill the pockets of thieves
Hati hati bernafas racun terbang mengeliling ya dig
Be careful breathing, poison flies around in the dig
Satu sembah pemberi profit
One worship, the giver of profit
Dua serakah tamak licik
Two, greedy, cunning
Tiga persatuan korporasi
Three, corporate unity
Empat tuli
Four, deaf
Lima adil hanya untuk oligarki
Five, justice only for the oligarchy

Writer(s): Arya Givary Hiemstra, Balance Perdana

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