Miquel Pujadó - Cançó de Les Quatre Cançons - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Miquel Pujadó - Cançó de Les Quatre Cançons

Cançó de Les Quatre Cançons
Song of the Four Songs
En trobar-me un rossinyol que anava a França,
Upon encountering a nightingale headed for France,
Ja passada la frontera del Portús,
Having already crossed the border at Le Perthus,
Vaig sentir al fons de mi una esgarrifança
I felt a shiver deep inside me
I vaig dir-li, posant cara de pallús:
And I said to him, putting on a foolish face:
"Rossinyol, sigues bon nano i encomana'm
"Nightingale, be a good lad and give my regards
A la mare, que ara viu allà on vas tu.
To my mother, who now lives where you are going.
No et pots perdre, fa espardenyes de bon cànem
You can't miss her, she makes good hemp espadrilles
Al costat mateix del centre Pompidó."
Right next to the Pompidou Center."
Ell que em mira despectiu i em diu: "Andouille!
He looked at me scornfully and said: "Andouille!
Comment oses-tu me parler ce patois?
How dare you speak to me in this patois?
Si jamais on se revoit, gare à tes couilles,
If we ever meet again, watch out for your balls,
J'ai le bec dur et pointu et j'plaisante pas."
I have a hard and sharp beak and I'm not joking."
Dit això, fa un vol rasant i, amb punteria,
Saying that, he swooped down and, with precision,
Deixa anar sobre el meu cap -i arriba a port-
Let go over my head -and reached his target-
Una tifa xovinista que podia
A chauvinistic turd that could
Com un litre de Chanel al rocafort.
Like a liter of Chanel on Roquefort."
Què se n'ha fet, dels rossinyols
What has become of the nightingales
Dels nostres avis,
Of our grandparents,
Que refilant fonien dols
Who, whistling, poured out sweetness
-Diuen els savis-?
-The wise men say-?
Si el temps ens nega tot perdó,
If time denies us all forgiveness,
Que almenys ens deixi la cançó!
May it at least leave us the song!
Quan l'Amèlia jeia al llit greument malalta,
When Amelia lay in bed seriously ill,
Entre dames i servents i noble gent,
Among ladies and servants and noble people,
I amb les roses de la febre arran de galta,
And with the roses of fever close to her cheek,
M'hi acostava per sentir el seu testament:
I approached her to hear her testament:
"Tres castells jo tinc a França, els tres en venda,
"I have three castles in France, all three for sale,
I ja m'he polit les joies del comtat
And I have already polished the jewels of the county
Per pagar els meus creditors, per pagar Hisenda,
To pay my creditors, to pay Hisenda,
I el que no he venut ho tinc hipotecat.
And what I haven't sold is mortgaged.
Com les pobres ja sabem marxar soletes
As the poor already know how to leave alone
I de mi ningú no n'ha de treure un clau,
And no one has to take a nail out of me,
Ja us podeu anar, carronyers, a fer punyetes,
You can all go screw yourselves, vultures,
I el darrer, per cert, que apagui el llum, si us plau.
And the last one, by the way, turn off the light, please.
I vós, mare, el meu marit que tant us flipa
And you, mother, my husband who freaks you out so much
Ja el podeu guardar per sempre al vostre llit.
You can keep him forever in your bed.
Com que em moro sifilítica, però tipa,
Since I am dying syphilitic, but classy,
Puc jurar-vos que us el passo ben servit!"
I can swear to you that I pass it on well served!"
Què se n'ha fet, dels testaments
What has become of the testaments
Dels nostres avis,
Of our grandparents,
Que els bons hereus feien contents
With which the good heirs were content
-Diuen els savis-?
-The wise men say-?
Si el temps...
If time...
"Adéu, clavell morenet..." és la tonada
"Goodbye, dark carnation..." is the tune
Que ell cantava arrossegat per dos civils.
That he sang as he was dragged along by two civilians.
Jo vaig dir-me: "Els bandolers són gent honrada
I said to myself: "Highwaymen are honorable people
Que caldria vacunar contra els bacils."
That should be vaccinated against bacilli."
I m'hi acosto amb un garrot, tot fent-me l'orni,
And I approached him with a stick, pretending to be deaf,
Fins a ser a prop dels polls verdosos repel·lents.
Until I was close to the repulsive greenish balls.
D'un gest decidit, els faig saltar el tricorni
With a decisive gesture, I make their cocked hats jump
I els esclafo els dos cervells inexistents.
And crush their two nonexistent brains.
"Pots marxar" -li dic- "Ets lliure". Però emmudeixo
"You can go" -I tell him- "You're free." But I go silent
En sentir el petó glaçat d'una arma al nas
Hearing the icy kiss of a gun on my nose
I la veu del lladregot que em diu: "No em queixo
And the voice of the thief who says to me: "I don't complain
Pel que has fet, i t'agraeixo el que faràs."
For what you have done, and I thank you for what you will do."
Va afaitar-me un bon rellotge, la cartera,
He shaved me a good watch, my wallet,
La camisa, un queixal d'or, i va fugir
My shirt, a gold tooth, and ran away
Tot deixant-me al marge de la carretera,
Leaving me on the side of the road,
Ben lligat i emmordassat, com un cretí.
Well tied and gagged, like a moron.
Què se n'ha fet, dels bandolers
What has become of the highwaymen
Dels nostres avis,
Of our grandparents,
Que no robaven per diners
Who did not steal for money
-Diuen els savis-?
-The wise men say-?
Si el temps ens nega tot perdó,
If time denies us all forgiveness,
Que almenys ens deixi la cançó!
May it at least leave us the song!
I vaig fer-me empresonar en passar per Lleida,
And I got myself imprisoned while passing through Lleida,
I em fermaren junt amb d'altres vint-i-dos,
And they locked me up along with twenty-two others,
Convençut que una Odissea, que una Eneida
Convinced that an Odyssey, that an Aeneid
Em cridava des del llòbrec calabós.
Was calling me from the gloomy dungeon.
Jo que trec i dicto una cançó inspirada
I who take out and dictate an inspired song
I començo a declamar-la a ple pulmó,
And begin to declaim it at the top of my lungs,
Esperant que la princesa, enamorada,
Hoping that the princess, in love,
Vindrà a veure qui és el seu dolç trobador.
Will come to see who her sweet troubadour is.
Però qui arriba, lletja, bruta, escabellada,
But who arrives, ugly, dirty, disheveled,
És l'obesa filla de l'escarceller
Is the obese daughter of the jailer
Tot bramant: "Ja m'has fotut la migdiada!"
Shouting: "You've ruined my nap!"
I brandant una navalla de barber.
And brandishing a barber's razor.
Ara em diuen que les forques són parades
Now they tell me that the pitchforks are stopped
I que és meu, tot meu, l'honor d'anar al davant
And that the honor of going to the front is mine, all mine
Per fer néixer, amb les darreres sacsejades,
To give birth, with the last shakes,
La mandràgora que d'altres tastaran.
To the mandrake that others will taste.
Què se n'ha fet, de les presons
What has become of the prisons
Dels nostres avis,
Of our grandparents,
Plenes d'intrigues i passions
Full of intrigue and passion
-Diuen els savis-?
-The wise men say-?
Si el temps ens nega tot perdó,
If time denies us all forgiveness,
Que almenys ens deixi la cançó!
May it at least leave us the song!

Writer(s): miquel pujado, georges brassens

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