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Ajouter des paroles
1 Prologue
2 Firelink Shrine
3 Taurus Demon
4 Bell Gargoyle
5 Pinwheel
6 Gaping Dragon
7 Chaos Witch Quelaag
8 Daughters of Chaos
9 Iron Golem
10 Ornstein & Smough
11 Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight
12 Great Grey Wolf Sif
13 Ceaseless Discharge
14 Centipede Demon
15 Four Kings
16 Seath the Scaleless
17 Gravelord Nito
18 Bed of Chaos
19 The Ancient Dragon
20 Crossbreed Priscilla
21 Dark Sun Gwyndolin
22 Gwyn, Lord of Cinder
23 Nameless Song
24 Sanctuary Guardian
25 Knight Artorias
26 Battle of Stoicism
27 Manus, Father of the Abyss
28 Kalameet
29 Dark Souls
30 Overture
31 A Moment's Peace
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