Neetesh Jung Kunwar - Atma ko Awaj - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Neetesh Jung Kunwar - Atma ko Awaj

Atma ko Awaj
Voice of the Soul
यो सन्देश त्यो व्यक्तिकोलागि हो
This message is for that person
जो बन्द कोठामा बसेर आफूले आफैँलाई धिक्कार्दै
who sits in a closed room and curses himself
विगतमा घटिसकेका घटनाहरु सम्झेर
remembering past events
अमूल्य वर्तमानलाई नकार्दै
and negates the precious present
यो सन्देश हो त्यो निर्दोष मूर्खको लागी
This message is for that innocent fool
जसलाई थाहा छैन की भविष्यमा के लेखिएको
who doesn't know what's written in the future
स्वतन्त्रतालाई अँगाल्दै, आफ्नो उद्देश्य खोज्ने क्रममा
while embracing freedom, in the process of finding his purpose
पापी समाजद्वारा हेपिएको
is looked down upon by a sinful society
आज आएर हारेछु भन्दै निराश कहिल्यै नहुनु तिमी
Today, don't ever be disappointed saying you've lost
असफलताको भडास पोखी, झोक्राएर नरुनु तिमी
Don't vent your frustration about failure and cry
हेर, तिमी छौ यो संसार छ, साथीभाइ छ्न्, सुखी परिवार
Look, you are here, this world is here, friends are here, a happy family is here
छैनौ सबैतिर अन्धकार
It's not darkness everywhere
किनकी तिमीले सजाएको दुनिया
because the world you decorated
त्यो तिमीसँग मात्र तिमीसँगै हुने
it's only with you and will be with you
आफ्नो चाहना अनुसार तिमी यसलाई बदल्न सक्छौ भने
You can change it according to your wishes
बिनाश गर्नतिर किन लाग्छौ?
Why go towards destruction?
बूढापाखा भन्ने गर्छन्
The elders say
समय धन
time and money
यी दुई चिजहरुले मानिसलाई कहिल्यै पुग्दैन
these two things are never enough for a person
एता पैसा कमाईराछौ, ऊता उमेर ढल्कीँदै
You are earning money here, but age is catching up there
सोचमाथी सोच थपिँदै छ, निंद्रा राम्ररी लग्दैन
Thoughts upon thoughts are piling up, sleep doesn't come easy
एकदिन एक्कासी ऐनामा हेरेर भन्न थाल्छौ
And one day, suddenly looking in the mirror, you'll start saying
थुक्क धनी भए
Damn, I became rich
तर धनको लोभले आज मलाई गरिब बनाइदियो
but the greed for wealth made me poor today
एक्लो छाडिदियो
left me alone
फेरी सबैलाई यस्तो हूँदैन
Again, this doesn't happen to everyone
किनकी धन कती महत्त्वपूर्ण भनेर तब थाहा पाईन्छ
because you only realize how important wealth is
जब आवश्यक परेको क्षणमा तिम्रो हातमा हुँदैन
when you don't have it when you need it
त्यसैले जिवनको हरेक कदममा योसँग
Therefore, in every step of life, we have to learn to respect things
जोडिएका कुराहरुलाई हामीले आदर गर्न सिक्नुपर्छ
associated with this
सबैको आफ्नो आफ्नै बित्तिय आवस्थासँगै
Along with everyone's own financial situation
बेग्लाबेग्लै बिचार रहेका हुन्छन्
there are different thoughts
जुन कुरा तिमीसँग छैन
Just because you don't have something
त्यही कुरा अरुसँग भन्दैमा
that someone else has
त्यो खुसी छ, दुखी छु भन्न कदापी मिल्दैन
you can never say that he is happy and I am sad
तिमी तिमी हौ, चाहे लाखौँ कोशिश गरौँ, तिमी हूँन सक्दिन
You are you, no matter how hard I try, I can't be you
तिम्रो नक्कल गर्न सकूँला
I can imitate you
तर तिम्रो आत्मालाई आफ्नो नियन्त्रणमा लिन सक्दिनँ
but I cannot control your soul
एकअर्का भन्दा कम अथवा बेसी हुने मन्च
The stage where we are less or more than each other
जसलाई अंग्रेजीमा हामी platform भन्ने गर्छौँ
which we call a platform in English
त्यो हामी आफैले बनाको हो
that's what we made ourselves
एथार्थमा भन्नुपर्दा भिन्नता नै हामी बिचरहेको समानता हो
In fact, difference is the equality we are considering
अचेलको जमाना internet ले सजिएको
Nowadays, the era is decorated with the internet
मानिसहरु माया दोस्तीभन्दा पनी बढी
People, more than love and friendship
लाइक कमेन्टको पछाडी भाग्ने गर्छन्
run after likes and comments
Facebook Instagram जुन फोटो देख्दा वाह लाग्छ नी
Facebook and Instagram, the photos that look wow
वास्तविक जीवनमा त्यस्तो हुँदैन
it's not like that in real life
राखिएका अनेकौ फिल्टरहरुले गर्दा
Due to various filters applied
आफ्नै आँखमाथी बिश्वास लाग्न छोडिसक्यो
we have stopped trusting our own eyes
कठ्ठै बरी! बाउले भनेको अर्थीउपदेश सुन्न झर्को लाग्छ
It's hard! It's annoying to hear the advice your father gives you
तर कोही नचिन्ने मान्छेको भनाईलाई मनमै
But we take to heart the words of someone we don't know
लिएर हामी आफ्नै रुप बदल्न तिर लाग्छौँ
and we start to change ourselves
अन्त्यमा त्यो अन्जानलाई याद पनी हूँदैन उस्ले के लेखेको थियो भनेर
And in the end, we don't even remember that stranger and what he wrote
जती डुब्यो त्यती गहिरो यसको गहनता
The deeper you sink, the deeper its profundity
आखिरमा सदूपयोग गर्यो भने हामी सबैको भलो हुनेछ
Ultimately, if used properly, it will benefit us all
त्यसैले सतहमै बसेर तैरिन सिकौँ
Therefore, learn to swim on the surface
जिन्दगीको अनगिन्ती मोडहरुमा केहि
At countless turns in life, some
व्यक्तिहरुसँग हाम्रो नाम जोड्ने गर्दछ
people associate our name with others
भावनात्मक भएर उनीहरुसँग हामी धेरै वचनहरु साट्न पुग्छौँ
We end up sharing many words with them emotionally
तर यती याद गर्न जरुरी
But it's important to remember this
जसलाई मायाको सुख महसुस गर्ने आँट नी
The one who has the courage to feel the happiness of love
उसलाई बिछोडको पिडा खप्ने सहनशीलता उत्तिकै महत्त्वपूर्ण
has the same amount of tolerance to endure the pain of separation
गल्ती चाहे तिमी बाट होस, चाहे तिम्रो साथीबाट
Whether the mistake is yours or your friend's
गल्ती गर्दैमा मानिस गलत कहील्यै हुदैन
making a mistake never makes a person wrong
तिम्रो चाहनाभन्दा पनि ठुलो उसको खुसी हो
Her happiness is bigger than your desire
जन्म दिएकी आमाको आफ्नो सन्तानमा पुरै हक हूँदैन भने
If a mother who gives birth doesn't have full rights over her child
तिमीले कसरी उसलाई मेरो हो भन्न मिल्छ?
how can you say she's mine?
भनिन्छ माया नै सबैभन्दा ठुलो कुरो हो
It is said that love is the greatest thing
तर मायाभन्दा पनि ठुलो हो मानवता
But humanity is greater than love
अब उठ साथी, हरेश खाएर के गर्नू?
Now get up, buddy, what's the point of giving up?
सपना देख्ने भित्तामा, झुण्डिएर के मर्नू?
What's the point of hanging on the wall of dreams and dying?
दुश्मन रहेछन् मित्रहरू, छाडी गए राम्रै भो
If friends turned out to be enemies, it's good that they left
यहाँ जस्ले जसलाइ सम्झाई राछ त्यो दुबै रूप
Whoever is explaining to whom here, both forms
तिम्रै हो
are yours

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