Reznik - Je To Tvoje Vina - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Reznik - Je To Tvoje Vina

Je To Tvoje Vina
It's Your Fault
Nikdo s tebou nechce trávit čas
Nobody wants to spend time with you
Seš nudnej buzerant
You're a boring faggot.
A víš proč ty zmrde?
You know why, motherfucker?
Víš proč to tak je?
Do you know why that is?
Poslouchej ty píčo!
Listen, you cunt!
Všechno je to jen a jen a jenom tvoje vina
It's all your fault and it's all your fault
Že seš kus zmrda, tvuj život je kokotina.
You're a piece of shit, your life is shit.
Tvoja žena je lína, máš zmrda místo syna
Your wife is lazy, you got a motherfucker instead of a son
Chybí ti disciplína a je to jenom tvoje vina.
You lack discipline and it's all your fault.
Je to jen a jen a jen a jenom tvoje vina
It's all your fault and all your fault and all your fault and all your fault and all your fault and all your fault
Že seš kus zmrda, tvuj život je kokotina.
You're a piece of shit, your life is shit.
Tvoja žena je lína, máš zmrda místo syna
Your wife is lazy, you got a motherfucker instead of a son
Chybí ti disciplína a je to jenom tvoje vina.
You lack discipline and it's all your fault.
Prestaň si stěžovat, že tvuj život je pohroma
Stop complaining that your life is a disaster
že furt sedíš doma, fotbal, pivo, telka, otoman.
sitting at home all the time, football, beer, TV, Ottoman.
Mužeš si za to sám, že si sám, nemáš plán
You're on your own, you don't have a plan
nemáš nic, nejsi pán, seš zasran a tatrman.
You ain't got nothin', you ain't the boss, you're a dick and a taterman.
Vypadáš jak Zeman, a naříkáš jako žena
You look like an Earthman, and you cry like a woman
a vím že tohle téma stejně nezajímá.
And I know this topic doesn't interest you anyway.
Dávno jsi rezignoval, máš zlomenýho ducha
You resigned a long time ago, your spirit is broken.
to že je to tvoje vina ti musím řvát do ucha.
I have to yell in your ear that it's your fault.
Je to tvoje vina! Nic ti nespadne do klína
It's your fault! Nothing will fall into your lap
v partě jseš jen nula lína, co chlastá litry vína
You're the only one in the gang who drinks liters of wine.
jenom prašivina, posral jsi co jsi mohl
Just scab, you fucked up what you could
nejradši bys jen dostával aniž by ses přitom pohl
You'd rather just get it without moving.
Mohl by si taky bejt, uplne v klidu zabitej
You could be killed, too, all right?
nikomu bys nechyběl, s truchlením nepočítej.
No one will miss you.don't count on mourning.
Jen sobě to vyčítej, je to jenom tvoje vina
Blame yourself, it's all your fault
sere na tebe rodina, působíš jak kyselina.
You're pissed off by your family, you act like acid.
Všechno je to jen a jen a jenom tvoje vina
It's all your fault and it's all your fault
Že seš kus zmrda, tvuj život je kokotina.
You're a piece of shit, your life is shit.
Tvoja žena je lína, máš zmrda místo syna
Your wife is lazy, you got a motherfucker instead of a son
Chybí ti disciplína, je to jenom tvoje vina.
You lack discipline, it's all your fault.
Je to jen a jen a jen a jenom tvoje vina
It's all your fault and all your fault and all your fault and all your fault and all your fault and all your fault
Že seš kus zmrda, tvuj život je kokotina.
You're a piece of shit, your life is shit.
Tvoja žena je lína, máš zmrda místo syna
Your wife is lazy, you got a motherfucker instead of a son
Chybí ti disciplína, je to jenom tvoje vina.
You lack discipline, it's all your fault.
Podívej se na sebe, dyt seš úplnej dement
Look at you, dyt you're a complete idiot
za tvuj zkurvenej život vážně nemůže parlament.
Parliament really can't be responsible for your fucking life.
Nemůže za to vláda, že ti nestojí kláda
It's not the government's fault you don't have a log anymore.
zradu svýho péra, svaluješ na premiéra.
Betraying your dick, you blame the prime minister.
Stěžuješ si na všechno a všechny kolem sebe
You complain about everything and everyone around you.
ale problém je v tobě, pláčeš na špatným hrobě.
But the problem is, you're crying on the wrong grave.
Vyčítej to sobě, že jseš kus debila, nicka
Blame yourself for being an asshole, Nick.
jenom troska lidská, postava tragická.
Just a human wreck, a tragic figure.
Proti systému, muže bojovat jen debil
Against the system, a man to fight only an asshole
systém můžeš využít, tak abys ho dojil.
You can use the system to milk him.
Kdo si stěžuje, ten se nikdy nesnažil
Anyone who complains has never tried.
místo toho smažil, narval perník do žil.
Instead, he fried, stuffed gingerbread into his veins.
Zemřela ti máma, je to jenom tvoje vina
Your mom died, it's all your fault
nebyla to rakovina, neunesla svýho syna.
It wasn't cancer.she didn't kidnap her son.
Takovýho kreténa proste tady nikdy nechce
He just never wants an asshole like that around here.
Měl by ses zabít, to je kurva moje lekce.
You should kill yourself, that's my fucking lesson.
Ty zmrde jeden
You motherfucker
Si vole víš jen stěžovat ty kundo
You only know how to complain, cunt.
ti ukážu zač je toho loket
I'll show you what an elbow is.
Je to všechno tvoje vina!
It's all your fault!
Všechno je to jen a jen a jenom tvoje vina
It's all your fault and it's all your fault
Že seš kus zmrda, tvuj život je kokotina.
You're a piece of shit, your life is shit.
Tvoja žena je lína, máš zmrda místo syna
Your wife is lazy, you got a motherfucker instead of a son
Chybí ti disciplína, je to jenom tvoje vina.
You lack discipline, it's all your fault.
Je to jen a jen a jen a jenom tvoje vina
It's all your fault and all your fault and all your fault and all your fault and all your fault and all your fault
Že seš kus zmrda, tvuj život je kokotina.
You're a piece of shit, your life is shit.
Tvoja žena je lína, máš zmrda místo syna
Your wife is lazy, you got a motherfucker instead of a son
Chybí ti disciplína, je to jenom tvoje vina.
You lack discipline, it's all your fault.

Writer(s): martin pohl

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