Reznik - Pořád Jenom Hate - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Reznik - Pořád Jenom Hate

Pořád Jenom Hate
Always Hate
"Drž hubu, ty svině, do kouta si píčo lehni"
"Shut up, motherfucker, get your cunt in the corner."
"Jseš moje votrokyně, teď svojí prdel zvedni-"
"You're my slave, now get your ass up -"
"Tak myslím že to stačilo" ("Mám pokračovat? Mám pokračovat??")
"I think that's enough "(should I continue? Shall I continue??")
"Ne nemusíte"
"No you don't"
Pořád jenom hate, tak to bejt,
Always hate, that's the way it should be.,
Pořád jenom hate, tak to kurva bejt.
Still hate, that's the fucking way it is.
Pořád jenom hate, tak to bejt,
Always hate, that's the way it should be.,
Vod doby, co sem tady,
From the time I was here,
Sem nenaviděnej šmejd.
I'm a hated bastard.
Pořád jenom hate, tak to bejt,
Always hate, that's the way it should be.,
Pořád jenom hate, tak to kurva bejt.
Still hate, that's the fucking way it is.
Pořád jenom hate, tak to bejt,
Always hate, that's the way it should be.,
Vod doby, co sem tady,
From the time I was here,
Sem nenaviděnej šmejd.
I'm a hated bastard.
Mattoni není, to ve mně zase pění,
Mattoni's gone, it's foaming in me again,
čim to bude, že vaše voda
what will it be that your water
Pořád chutná po semeni.
It still tastes of semen.
Chcete s lidma vymrdat, what the fuck, propadák,
You want to fuck people, what the fuck, flop,
U dálnice hoří orlice, zmrdi vole je to tak.
There's an eagle on the highway, motherfuckers.
Polejvat záhony tou vaší mrdkou Mattoni,
Watering the beds with your spunk Mattoni,
Prej, že moje hudební tvorba porušuje český zákony.
They say my music violates Czech laws.
Ste posraný buzny, jen produkty totality,
You fucking faggots are just products of totality,
Moje krutý hity nutí lidi vyjít z rigidity,
My cruel hits make people come out of rigidity,
Popový shity sou zalitý dávkou ZNK kvality,
Pop shits are already filled with a dose of ZNK quality,
A proč ti zmrdi lhali ti a tu cenu vzali ti?
And why did the motherfuckers lie to you and take the award away from you?
Sou to buzeranti, pevně držej svoje pozice,
They're faggots, hold their positions tight,
Nepřijímaj k sobě novice, co nectěj jejich tradice.
They don't accept novices who don't honor their traditions.
Povinná felace, to dostane na Slavíka,
Mandatory blowjob that gets you on The Nightingale,
Denně hulit dicka, vyškolit Těšínskýmu slavíka,
Daily to smoke dick, to train a Tešín Nightingale,
Morální panika z tvorby toho zmrda Řezníka,
Moral panic from the making of that motherfucker Butcher,
Zchvátila republiku, ta teď moji mrdku polyká!
She's taken over the Republic, and now she's swallowing my cum!
Pořád jenom hate, tak to bejt,
Always hate, that's the way it should be.,
Pořád jenom hate, tak to kurva bejt.
Still hate, that's the fucking way it is.
Pořád jenom hate, tak to bejt,
Always hate, that's the way it should be.,
Vod doby, co sem tady,
From the time I was here,
Sem nenaviděnej šmejd.
I'm a hated bastard.
Pořád jenom hate, tak to bejt,
Always hate, that's the way it should be.,
Pořád jenom hate, tak to kurva bejt.
Still hate, that's the fucking way it is.
Pořád jenom hate, tak to bejt,
Always hate, that's the way it should be.,
Vod doby, co sem tady,
From the time I was here,
Sem nenaviděnej šmejd.
I'm a hated bastard.
Kdybych byl pěknej, tak by vo psalo Bravo,
If I was pretty, it would say Bravo.,
Johny Machettovi nastříkám do ksichtu Savo.
I'm gonna spray Johnny Machett in the face with Savo.
Rovnou celej lavor, bude muset nosit masku,
Straight All lavor, will have to wear a mask,
Pak všichni konečně zjistěj, že produkuje sračku.
Then everyone finally finds out he's producing shit.
Janda je zlosyn, zkurvenej zloděj z Osy,
Janda is a villain, a fucking Wasp thief,
Krade tantiemy, nemusí se vo prosit.
He steals royalties, he doesn't have to ask for them.
Zmrdy budu kosit, jim všem kopu hroby,
I'm gonna mow down motherfuckers, I'm gonna dig their graves,
Krajčo šnupe svoje prdy, je to zamrdanej hobbit.
Krajko snorts his farts, he's a fucking hobbit.
Tyhle zmrdy hubit, všichni sou kurva slabý
These motherfuckers kill, they're all fucking weak
A kdo je Marek Ztracený, poslouchaj ho jen báby.
And who is Mark lost, listen to him only women.
Proč by politici měli mojí tvorbu komentovat,
Why politicians should comment on my work,
Okamura se z toho začal znova pomočovat.
Okamura started urinating again.
Marvanová, Samková sou prudérní svině,
Marvanová, Samková are prude pigs,
roky neprcaly, mají písek ve vagíně.
They haven't pissed in years, they have sand in their vagina.
Morální panika, lidi vracej slavíka,
Moral panic, people return the Nightingale,
Neměly ste se vy zmrdi nikdy začít srát do Řezníka!
You motherfuckers should never have started shitting in a butcher shop!
Pořád jenom hate, tak to bejt,
Always hate, that's the way it should be.,
Pořád jenom hate, tak to kurva bejt.
Still hate, that's the fucking way it is.
Pořád jenom hate, tak to bejt,
Always hate, that's the way it should be.,
Vod doby, co sem tady,
From the time I was here,
Sem nenaviděnej šmejd.
I'm a hated bastard.
Pořád jenom hate, tak to bejt,
Always hate, that's the way it should be.,
Pořád jenom hate, tak to kurva bejt.
Still hate, that's the fucking way it is.
Pořád jenom hate, tak to bejt,
Always hate, that's the way it should be.,
Vod doby, co sem tady,
From the time I was here,
Sem nenaviděnej šmejd.
I'm a hated bastard.
Jít do zmrdů vostře, vystrojit jim pohřeb,
Go to the motherfuckers sharpens, dress up them Funeral,
To je na vrcholu mojí pyramidy potřeb.
This is at the top of my Pyramid of needs.
Zmrde, sem na vodstřel, první na seznamu,
Motherfucker, come here for a shot, first on the list,
Nedostal sem svý prachy, ale díky za reklamu.
I didn't get my money, but thanks for the ad.
Mrdám to, jak pannu, mám furt dostatek munice,
Fuck it like a virgin, I still have plenty of ammo,
Za sto let po budou pojmenovaný ulice.
In 100 years, Streets will be named after me.
Stejný jak dekadence, kultovní pro zasvěcence,
Same as decadence, cult for Insiders,
Moralistický mrdky z toho postihla inkontinence!
Moralistic spunk from this afflicted incontinence!
Pořád jenom hate, tak to bejt,
Always hate, that's the way it should be.,
Pořád jenom hate, tak to kurva bejt.
Still hate, that's the fucking way it is.
Pořád jenom hate, tak to bejt,
Always hate, that's the way it should be.,
Vod doby, co sem tady,
From the time I was here,
Sem nenaviděnej šmejd.
I'm a hated bastard.
Pořád jenom hate, tak to bejt,
Always hate, that's the way it should be.,
Pořád jenom hate, tak to kurva bejt.
Still hate, that's the fucking way it is.
Pořád jenom hate, tak to bejt,
Always hate, that's the way it should be.,
Vod doby, co sem tady,
From the time I was here,
Sem nenaviděnej šmejd.
I'm a hated bastard.

Writer(s): martin pohl

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