Sadegh - Jatoon Khaali (feat. Farhaad & Pedram Azad) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sadegh - Jatoon Khaali (feat. Farhaad & Pedram Azad)

Jatoon Khaali (feat. Farhaad & Pedram Azad)
Jatoon Khaali (feat. Farhaad & Pedram Azad)
دلم واسه جای خالیتون تنگه
My heart aches for the space you left behind.
کاش امروز بودین چرا تقدیر مرگ؟
I wish you were here today. Why did fate choose death?
شاید یه روزی که دیدمتون
Maybe one day, when I see you,
یه جور بغلتون بگیرم که چاپ بشید رو تنم
I'll hug you so tightly that you'll be imprinted on my body.
جاتونه رو سرم
Your place is on my head.
نیستین و منم کُفری اَ بودنم
You're not here, and I'm tired of being alive.
من اَ دیوونگی دیوونه تر
I'm more insane than crazy.
دیگه خودمم نمیفهمم چیه توو سرم
I don't even understand what's in my head anymore.
کُل دنیا قابتون و میدن نشون
The whole world shows your worth.
شیرتون حلالتون جنمِ جیگرتون
Your lion, your bravery, your heart.
ماها خون بدیم خون خوارا بگیرن پول
We bleed, and the blood-thirsty take money.
تُف توو شرفی که به خیالش میبره نون
Spit on the honor that thinks it can earn bread.
توو خون سر سفره میزنه نون
It earns bread with blood on the table.
کارد بخوره به شیکمتون
May a knife pierce your stomach.
هولوکاستای ایران باستان
The Holocaust of ancient Iran.
خونی که ریخت رو دو سر داستان
The blood that was spilled on both sides of the story.
دل آسمونم گرفته دروغه رنگش
The sky's heart is heavy. Its color is a lie.
از این رسالت نزولی تا چوپون ننگش
From this declining mission to its shameful shepherd.
یادتون رفته هشت سال جنگو؟
Have you forgotten the eight years of war?
پشت مَرد زن و شهامتِ موی بلندش
Behind the man, the woman, and the courage of her long hair.
بابا یادتون رفتش
Father, have you forgotten?
همشو یادتون رفتش
You've forgotten everything.
میگن صبر کن تا به خدا برسی
They say wait until you reach God.
که من شاکی ام از صبر و صاحب صبرش
I'm a plaintiff against patience and its owner.
انگا رفتیم ما از یاد
It's as if we've been forgotten.
گاهی روز میگذره قَدِ ده سال
Sometimes a day passes like ten years.
لعنتی انقد داره بد در میاد
Damn it, it's getting so bad.
گاهی خرج کردنش شده وسواس
Sometimes spending it has become an obsession.
عمرِ ناقابل کوتاهه مزه اش
The short, fleeting life, its taste.
یه ملت خالی شما پولدارش بر فرض
An empty nation, and you are its wealthy, hypothetically.
جایی که ما داریم نفس میکشیم
The place where we breathe,
به نظرم جاییه که بو داره هر فصل
I think it's a place that smells every season.
روزاشو دوره کرد
It circled its days.
زود به انتها رسید
It reached its end quickly.
نمیشه باورش
It's unbelievable.
نموند براش کسی
No one remained for it.
شبا براش چه زشته
How ugly its nights are.
کی حکمشو نوشته؟
Who wrote its sentence?
توو ماجراش میساخت
It was building in its story.
از عدالت فرشته
An angel of justice.
روزاشو دوره کرد
It circled its days.
زود به انتها رسید
It reached its end quickly.
نمیشه باورش
It's unbelievable.
نموند براش کسی
No one remained for it.
شبا براش چه زشته
How ugly its nights are.
کی حکمشو نوشته؟
Who wrote its sentence?
توو ماجراش میساخت
It was building in its story.
از عدالت فرشته
An angel of justice.
سر فرشته عدالت افتاد پایین
The angel of justice fell down.
اونجا که پای قضاوت گیر کرد با دین
Where the foot of judgment got caught with religion.
اونجا که واسه صداقت نیستش آیین
Where there is no ritual for honesty.
لای محکوما یه جای لیستش ماییم
We are on a list, among the condemned.
جماعتٍ همیشه باردار
A community always carrying a burden.
یه شتر مال تو نی چه برسه کاروان
A camel is not yours, let alone a caravan.
اَ کهنه زخم میمونه برای تو آرمان
An old wound remains an ideal for you.
یه مشت کار اشتبِ بدون کاردان
A bunch of wrong work without a skilled worker.
پَ ، فرو میری توو خودت و خودت
So, you sink into yourself and yourself.
یه آدمی میسازی از یه اسطوره که گهِ
You create a man from a myth that's shit.
یه شام آخری میشی که تابلوش فروشه
You become a last supper whose painting is for sale.
اون دکتر پر خون که پاک موند روپوشش
That blood-soaked doctor who kept his coat clean.
ابر ، باد ، تاریکی ، شب
Cloud, wind, darkness, night.
کی کامل میشه ماه این شهر؟
When will this city's moon be full?
ناجی هم اینورا خوابه بی شک
The savior is also asleep around here, for sure.
این کمرا بیشتر از این تا نمیشن
These cameras, they won't last any longer.
واسه چقد پول کردی ترش؟
How much money did you make it sour for?
وقتی کوچیکه از بالای قله برج
When the little one is from the top of the tower's peak,
به کدوم آدمیت کردی پشت؟
What humanity did you turn your back on?
انقدر بچه رو زدی توی نقطه اوج
You've hit the child so hard at its peak.
با بهشتتون تریپ کردم
I've tripped on your paradise.
به کدوم طناب شما میدین گردن؟
What rope do you give to your neck?
دم کاسبِ حقتون گرم
Warm regards to your right-handed businessman.
دنیاتونو با وهم کلید کردن
You've locked your world with an illusion.
بعد مرگ بیا پیش من اصلا
Come to me after death, alright.
یه سیگار رو لبمه یه شیشه توو دستم
A cigarette on my lip, a glass in my hand.
با خدات بستم به شیوه و رسمم
I'm bound to your God, with my method and custom.
پی بیلیطی توام اما گیشه رو بستن
I'm looking for a ticket, but the ticket booth is closed.
گوله که نمی تونه ایده بکشه
A bullet can't pull an idea.
قبرمو کندی و تن تو توشه
You dug my grave and your body is in it.
تازه حیرت میکنی وقتی
You'll be shocked when
خبر سقوط یه روز برسه گوشِت
The news of the fall reaches your ear one day.
روزاشو دوره کرد
It circled its days.
زود به انتها رسید
It reached its end quickly.
نمیشه باورش
It's unbelievable.
نموند براش کسی
No one remained for it.
شبا براش چه زشته
How ugly its nights are.
کی حکمشو نوشته؟
Who wrote its sentence?
توو ماجراش میساخت
It was building in its story.
از عدالت فرشته
An angel of justice.

Writer(s): Sadegh Vahedi

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