We all need love, we all need affection, and the way that you're looking at me,
We all need love, we all need affection, and the way that you're looking at me,
I can feel a connection...
I can feel a connection...
Unanibamba baby Kwanza unavyochekecha, kinywaji kwa mkono, na kibeti kwa bega...
Unanibamba baby Kwanza unavyochekecha, kinywaji kwa mkono, na kibeti kwa bega...
ju siku hizi madem wanapenda doo, na machali pia tunazo drama, ya dunia ni mengi sana, no commitment mama, so nipe nafasi, nikupe mapenzi yangu ya kiluhya, halleluyah oooh,()
ju nowadays madem love doo, and machali we also have drama, the world is too much, no commitment mom, so give me a chance, give you my Luhya love, halleluyah oooh, ()
We all need love, nakupenda, tena nina imani sana,(ushanitega) x2we all need someone, nakupenda, tena nina imani sana,(ushanitega) x2so make love to me,(unconditionally bae) x2make love to me,(unconditionally bae)x2(Ali Kiba)
We all need love, nakupenda, tena nina imani sana,(ushanitega) x2we all need someone, nakupenda, tena nina imani sana,(ushanitega) x2so make love to me,(unconditionally bae) x2make love to me,(unconditionally bae)x2(Ali Kiba)
They all need love, me i want wife, wa kuishi na yeye, fuata vijana utakufa mapema magonjwa yamejaa, jina langu Ali, sasa lazima nilee, nikikosa kula nawe ndo chakula, nitakonda mazimaa, and i belie-eeeeve, nitakuwa nawewe, mwanzo mpaka mwisho, and i belie-eeeeve, baibe,()
They all need love, me i want wife, to live with her, follow the young you will die early the diseases are full, my name Ali, now I have to raise, if I miss eating with you is the food, I will thin the Bears, and i belie-eeeve, I will be with you, beginning to end, and i belie
- eeeve, baibe, ()
Ali, bumaye,
Ali, bumaye,
Sauti sol, bumaye,
Sounds sol, bumaye,
East Afrikabumaye,
East Africa,
Kenya, b
Kenya, b
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