Silvana - Haikei Doppelganger - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Silvana - Haikei Doppelganger

Haikei Doppelganger
Doppelganger's Introduction
「どうもこんにちは 君の分身です」
"Greetings! It is I, your doppelganger."
I rub my eyes, thinking it a jest.
影が二つ伸びて そしてまた幕は上がる
Two shadows stretch out, and the curtains rise once more.
"You once wished for another self," they say,
"And so, your heartfelt plea called me here today."
Oh, how I yearned for such a thing,
艱難辛苦 全ての代行者(エージェント)
A tireless agent to shoulder every plight,
To bring results, regardless of the cost.
But what a pointless, empty trade,
ねえ こんな事より
For there is something more,
Something of greater urgency.
Please, understand.
「ええやりますやります 何でもやります 僕は君の分身です」
"Of course, I will do as you ask. I am your doppelganger, after all."
With a sly grin, my savior spoke,
拝啓ドッペルゲンガー 君は 君は誰?
"Greetings, doppelganger. Who are you? Who am I?"
嗚呼 混濁と交差して 僕は誰?
Amidst the chaos and confusion, I wonder, who am I?
ねえ 有りもしない#0と#1
Oh, the elusive #0 and #1,
証明の根拠なんて 何処にも
Their existence unproven, their whereabouts unknown.
拝啓ドッペルゲンガー 誰は 誰は君?
"Greetings, doppelganger. Who are you? Who am I?"
蝕まれた存在に 世界は気付かないね
In my eroded state, the world remains oblivious.
鳴り止まない 醒め止まない 奇跡の輪廻が
An endless, relentless cycle of miracles unfolds,
Dyeing the world in a maddening hue.
Another peculiar Monday dawns,
As inconsistencies unravel before my eyes,,
Casting doubt upon my very being.
"Who are you, really?" they ask.
Wait a moment,
知らない昨日 知りもしない言葉
Words and memories I do not recognize,
そうやって いつの間にやら 影は溶けゆく
And just like that, my shadow begins to fade.
Who am I?
ねえどうか 存在を返して
Please, I beg of you, restore my existence.
「生憎様だがこっちはこっちで 随分心地が良くて」
"My apologies, but I have grown rather fond of this place."
「もうあなたの居場所は 此処にはない事 分かってるんでしょ」
"There is no room for you here anymore. Surely, you understand that?"
「ねえ奪われたんなら奪えばいいだろ 今度はお前の番だから」
"If something was taken from you, then take it back. Now, it is your turn."
With a sly grin, my invader spoke,
拝啓ドッペルゲンガー 君は 君は誰?
"Greetings, doppelganger. Who are you? Who am I?"
嗚呼 混濁と交差して 僕は誰?
Amidst the chaos and confusion, I wonder, who am I?
まあ そりゃそうか そうだよな
Well, I suppose it's only natural,
For there can only be one.
拝啓ドッペルゲンガー 誰は 誰は君?
"Greetings, doppelganger. Who are you? Who am I?"
零れ落ちた一粒 乾き果てる前に
As that precious tear falls, before it dries,
誰でもいい 何でもいい 器を下さい
Anyone, anything, I will become your vessel.
Dyeing the world in a maddening hue,
PRAY それはずうっと続く ヒトの業の連鎖
PRAY. An endless cycle it is, a human chain of causality.
PAIN 委ねあって 許しあって 満たされ往く
PAIN. Entwined, forgiven, we seek fulfillment.
PRAY 欠けたピース 無価値なペイン 冀望また愛も
PRAY. A broken piece, a worthless pain, desire and love,
PAIN 託し合って 生まれ替わる イニシエイション
PAIN. Entrusted, reborn, an initiation.
PRAY 「僕のほうがちゃんと君を生きてやるから」
PRAY. "I will live your life better than you ever could."
PAIN 「君も次の誰か ちゃんと救わなくちゃ」
PAIN. "You must save the next person, just as I saved you."
PRAY 「もう分かってんだろ 何をすればいいかさ」
PRAY. "You know what you must do."
PAIN どうか誰か僕に奇跡をくれよ
PAIN. Please, someone, grant me a miracle.
拝啓ドッペルゲンガー 君は 君は誰?
"Greetings, doppelganger. Who are you? Who am I?"
嗚呼 混濁と交差して 僕は誰?
Amidst the chaos and confusion, I wonder, who am I?
もう 止まらない 戻れない
There is no stopping now, no turning back.
どうもこんにちは 君の
"Greetings! It is I, your
拝啓ドッペルゲンガー それは それは僕
"Greetings, doppelganger. It is I, it is me."
蝕まれた存在に 世界が気付こうが
In my eroded state, the world may finally notice,
もう鳴り止まない 醒め止まない 奇跡の輪廻が
But an endless, relentless cycle of miracles unfolds,
Dyeing the world in a maddening hue.
Do your best.
「どうもこんにちは 君の分身です」
"Greetings! It is I, your doppelganger."

Writer(s): Kemu, kemu

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