Sima Martausová - Venuša - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sima Martausová - Venuša

Vrátim sa späť, budem si robiť také fotky, čo nie hneď
I'll be back, I'll take photos that aren't instant
Za svojím dňom nechám tri bodky na neskôr
I'll leave three dots for my day later
Nemusí každý človek vnímať čaro hôr
Not everyone has to perceive the charm of the mountains
Nemusia do detailov poznať život môj
They don't have to know the details of my life
Vrátim sa späť, prijmem sa verne, ako mám sa prijať ja
I'll be back, I'll accept myself as I am
Na nervy lezú mi tie fotky pozadia
I'm annoyed by those background photos
Ktoré opantali takmer väčšinu
Which have captivated almost everyone
A preto zakladám si tri-tri-desinu
That's why I'm starting my own three-three-tenth
Vrátim sa tam, kde nezáleží, koľko mám kíl
I'll go back where it doesn't matter how much I weigh
Vrátim sa tam, kde nezáleží, koľko mám hocičoho, hocikde a hocijako
I'll go back where it doesn't matter how much I have of anything, anywhere, or in any way
Ja budem takou, najlepšou verziou môjho ja a všetkých drakov
I will be that, the best version of me and all the dragons
Čo ma strašia, vyzvem do boja,
Which scare me, I will challenge them to fight,
Nakoniec dám ich do polievky pre zlodejky
In the end I'll put them in soup for thieves
Ktoré kradli tajne moje nápady
Who secretly stole my ideas
Takto si ja s nimi poradím
This is how I will deal with them
Vrátim sa tam, kde nezáleží, koľko mám kíl
I'll go back where it doesn't matter how much I weigh
Vrátim sa tam, kde nezáleží, koľko mám hocičoho, hocikde a hocijako
I'll go back where it doesn't matter how much I have of anything, anywhere, or in any way
Čas náskok, napriek večne mladým prísadám
Time has a head start, despite the eternally young ingredients
Ako z Venuše si pripadám,
I feel like I'm from Venus,
Keď nerozumieš mojim náladám
When you don't understand my moods
Vrátim sa tam
I'll go back there

Writer(s): Sima Martausova

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