Smoking Souls - Cadenes i crisàlides - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Smoking Souls - Cadenes i crisàlides

Cadenes i crisàlides
Chains and Chrysalises
Espanta tindre't prop
I fear to have you near
Si he d'estimar-te
If I must love you
Espanta ser feliç
I fear to be happy
Si un dia has de plorar
If one day you must cry
Ser llàgrima i cristall, fragilitat
Being a tear and crystal, fragility
Espanta voler molt
I fear to want much
I ser volgut
And to be wanted
Espanta allò complet
I fear that which is whole
I el que és possible
And that which is possible
Ens espanta veure'ns vius
We are afraid to see ourselves alive
Fins que et canses
Until you tire
I somrius a dins la mar
And smile at the sea
Si la pena ha de morir, mata-la
If sorrow must die, kill it
Que caiga ja, que hem de seguir
Let it fall now, for we must continue
Vénen, vénen, vénen a per tu
They are coming, they are coming, they are coming for you
Temor a la memòria
Fear of memory
I a dins del cor porte
And in my heart I carry
Un nou món per habitar
A new world to inhabit
Espanta allò sincer
I fear that which is sincere
I l'incansable
And that which is tireless
El riure artificial
The artificial laugh
I l'altruista responsable
And the altruistic responsible person
La veu del poble derrotat
The voice of the defeated people
Espanta caminar
I fear to walk
Si he de trobar-te
If I must find you
Espanta la presó
I fear prison
I la repressió
And repression
I ens espanten els valents
And the brave frighten us
Els que volen amb el vent
Those who fly with the wind
Sense accidents
Without accidents
I si l'angoixa ha de morir, mata-la
And if anguish must die, kill it
Que caiga ja, que hem de seguir
Let it fall now, for we must continue
Vénen, vénen, vénen a per tu
They are coming, they are coming, they are coming for you
Temor a la memòria
Fear of memory
I a dins del cor porte
And in my heart I carry
Un nou món per habitar
A new world to inhabit
Vénen, vénen, vénen a per tu
They are coming, they are coming, they are coming for you
Cadenes i crisàlides
Chains and chrysalises
Si el món és la presó
If the world is a prison
Estaré pres per rebel·lió
I will be a prisoner for rebellion
Vénen, vénen, vénen a per tu
They are coming, they are coming, they are coming for you
Temor a la memòria
Fear of memory
I a dins del cor porte
And in my heart I carry
Un nou món per habitar
A new world to inhabit
Vénen, vénen, vénen a per tu
They are coming, they are coming, they are coming for you
Cadenes i crisàlides
Chains and chrysalises
Si el món és la presó
If the world is a prison
Estaré pres per rebel·lió
I will be a prisoner for rebellion
Si el teatre cau
If the theater falls
També caurà el teló
The curtain will also fall
Entre la pols un guió
Among the dust a script
Que parla de tu
That speaks of you
Dins de les entranyes
In the entrails
Hi ha un racó
There is a corner
La por en un caixó
Fear in a drawer
Se'ns ha oblidat
We have forgotten
La rebel·lia d'actuar
The rebellion of acting
I on mana el mariner
And where the sailor commands
No mana el capità, paràbola
The captain does not command, a parable
Que quan quede res ho tindrem tot
That when nothing is left we will have everything

Writer(s): Carles Cendra Caselles, Josep Bolufer Cendra, Pau Camps Escrivà

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