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1 Hair Dryer In Operation
2 HiFi Store With Radios And TVs
3 Shoveling Dirt On Concrete
4 Turning Pages Of A Book
5 Jigsaw In Operation
6 Frying Bacon
7 Filing Cabinet Drawers Opened And Closed
8 Filing Cabinet Drawer, Closing
9 Electric Can Opener In Operation
10 Manual Can Opener
11 Scrubbing Floor With A Brush
12 Movie Camera, Old Clockwork Type
13 Manual Pencil Sharpener
14 Drawer, Opened
15 Chair Scraping On Floor
16 Closet Door, Closed
17 Closet Door, Opened
18 Drawer, Closed
19 Door Slammed In Corridor
20 Door Opening Version 2
21 Door Opening Version 1
22 Door Closing Version 2
23 Door Closing Version 1
24 Drawer Opened, Searched And Closed
25 Crumpling Up Paper
26 Crumbling A Letter And Throwing It Away
27 Tearing Paper (Short)
28 Stapling With A Staple Gun
29 Squeaky Drawer, Opened
30 Squeaky Drawer, Closed
31 Spraying Hair With Hair Spray
32 Watering With Hose
33 Water Pouring Into Glass
34 Water Cooler - Draining And Getting Drink
35 Vacuum Cleaner In Operation
36 Trash Compactor In Operation
37 Garbage Truck, Unloading
38 Garbage Truck, Loading
39 Tractor Starts And Drives Off
40 Tractor Start, Idle And Stop
41 Tractor Driving By
42 Tractor Approaches And Stops
43 Ratchet tightening nut
44 Police Radio In Operation
45 Police Car Departs With Siren
46 Police Car Approach and Stop With Siren
47 Office - General Atmosphere
48 Newsroom - General Atmosphere
49 Laundromat general atmosphere
50 Hydraulic lift in operation
51 Heavy breathing
52 Handsaw sawing wood
53 Hammering Nails Into Wood
54 Grating Carrots
55 Gavel Hammering In Court
56 Gas Jet Burning
57 School Bell - Several Rings
58 School Bell - Several Slow Rings
59 Scissors Cutting Hair
60 Typing a letter
61 Teletypes in newsroom
62 Tearing material long
63 Sweeping floor - general atmosphere
64 Small Bell Several Rings
65 Shop Door Opening With Bell
66 Shop Door Bell - Several Rings
67 Tearing material short
68 Garage - Repairing Cars
69 Fire alarm bell
70 Computer Disc Drive
71 Circular Saw In Operation
72 Chopping - with falling tree
73 Chopping With An Axe
74 Chain Saw, Cutting Tree
75 Car wash (interior perspective)
76 Camera - flash charge and pop
77 Camera - 35mm - automatic sequence
78 Camera (35mm) Auto Motor Drive
79 Computer keyboard
80 Computer printer
81 Construction, General Atmosphere
82 Counter Bell - 1 Ring
83 Filing Cabinet Drawer Opening
84 Factory With Conveyor Belt
85 Factory With Automated Machines
86 Elevator door opening
87 Elevator door closing
88 Electric Pencil Sharpener
89 Dockside - General Atmosphere
90 Digging dirt in garden
91 Counter Bell 2 Rings
92 Writing on blackboard
93 Woodwork construction shop
94 Welding with gas
95 Water Filling Sink
96 Aerosol Burst (Long)
97 Aerosol Burst (Medium)
98 Aerosol Burst (Short)
99 Airport Security Area Atmosphere
100 Airport Ticket Area Atmosphere
101 Blender In Operation
102 Brief Case, Closed
103 Brief Case, Opened
104 Broom dropped on floor
105 Cafeteria - General Atmosphere
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