Woo!. yeah, yeah (dear), my two, chunda badi, singasinga (dear) check it out
Wanaponiona hukosa amani ka'bitozi aliye jinyea
When they see me, they lack peace, like a zombie who has been cursed
Wanasema hizi hawafanyi sikiza vocal inavyo enea
They say they don't do these, listen to the vocal as it booms
Hawaachi kuniongelea, siachi kuendelea
They do not stop talking about me, I do not stop continuing
Wanachunga dada zao nami siachi kuwamendea
They watch over their sisters, but I do not stop seducing them
Piga miruzi ita jibwa la kufugwa, we ni mchumba wa juzi bongo movie shamba kubwa
Play the drums and it will be brought to be tamed, you were yesterday's fiancée, big movie farm
Nipe fuba, nipe msuba, nduki niende nao
Give me some boobs, give me some butts, let me go with the guns
Badili mapozi ka' umelaza mbavu juu ya ubao'
Change poses like you have laid your ribs on the board
Wangapi wanamwenzi sister P, miti huteleza siku anapokufa chimpanzee
How many have spouses sister P, trees slide on the day a chimpanzee dies
Peace kwa jengua na wanawe, niko sugu kama unyayo unaopekua juu ya mawe
Peace to Jengua and his sons, I am tough like the sole that digs on stones
Nawakaza kama spanner za fundi, natema verse yenye laana kama adhana ya bundi
I tighten it like a mechanic's spanner, spit out a verse that curses like an owl's call
Natoa tiba isiyotolewa amana na tumbi, nami ndo yule bondia anaepambana na kundi'
I give a cure that is not given in trust by the belly, and I am the boxer who fights with a group
Chunda badi mujahidina, heshima sina, natafuna midundo ka' pilau ya hitima, wamoto nawazima'
Chunda badi mujahidina, I have no respect, I chew beats like a pilau of destiny, I extinguish the fire
Hawajui kuchana siwapi mic nawatupia ndizi kama kima
They don't know how to comb, I don't give them mics, I throw bananas at them like a monkey
Chunda badi mujahidina nakupa tag kama chunda badi spenko' stereo flow, street ngoma mbona mbishi noma stereo so...
Chunda badi mujahidina I give you a tag like chunda badi spenko' stereo flow, street songs are raw, stereo so...
Yoo! chunda badi singasinga maradona, mishe bila idadi mara sinza mara boma hata simba nyama choma nakula bagi' naenzi utamaduni ka' kibabu cha kijadi
Yo! Chunda badi singasinga Maradona, countless mishes, sometimes Sinza sometimes Boma, even Simba grilled meat, I eat a lot, I value culture like a traditional elder
Best rapper, kwako b*tch records, kila leo kila kesho nitakwepo-sikia midundo kwenye speaker caterpillar flow haina poo, midundo huwa naibaka bila soo.
Best rapper, for you b*tch records, every today every tomorrow I will be there-hear the beats on the speaker, caterpillar flow has no poo, beats are always raped without soo.
Toboa gozi kama buibui kucha, tozi kikojozi mweye buibui future natanua domo bila promo za vipindi, juu nna lemba chini buti kama ndocha la kihindi
Pierce the skin like a spider's nail, poke the piss pot with a spider, future I stretch the mouth without promo of episodes, because I have a valley under my boots like an Indian rhino
Sionekani facebook nipo chimbo napiga window acha maDJ wasipige nyimbo
I am not seen on facebook, I am in the bush shooting windows, let the DJs not play songs
Wapige bolingo, solo niko singo kwenye lindo ni sime na beto kwa kibindo
Let them play bolingo, solo I am a bull on the guard, I am a cement and concrete beam
Killer, thriller super multimiller, sifichwi na mademu ndani za chupa za kimila
Killer, thriller super multimiller, I am not hidden by girls in traditional bottle prisons
Mwambieni mwanawazimu sada, chundabadi ni kolabo la wendawazimu saba.
Tell him, mad boy sada, chundabadi is a collaboration of seven madmen.
Chunda badi mujahidina nakupa tag kama chunda badi spenko, sterio flow street ngoma mbona mbishi noma stereo so
Chunda badi mujahidina I give you a tag like chunda badi spenko, sterio flow street songs are raw, stereo so
Super hand, super some ommy dimpos,
Super hand, super some ommy dimpos,
Mi ni super gang super babu ommy wrinkles
I am super gang super grandpa ommy wrinkles
Tunatazamiwa na jicho tungo safi kama zimebarikiwa na bishop,
We are watched by a clean eye as if blessed by a bishop,
Leo navuma za kuvuma na zivume, nadunda na wachumba kwa mitumba ya karume
Today I blow up with the roar of thunder, I rumble with lovers for Karume's used clothes
Osama bin laden Gaddafi, nagonga mdundo kwa mistari kama nyundo kwa patasi.
Osama bin laden Gaddafi, I hit the beat with lines like a hammer to a chisel.
Tanzania, siasa inapotoka, peace kwa wanangu hawaniachi nnapochoka
Tanzania, when politics goes wrong, peace to my children they do not leave me when I am tired
Shingoni sina mkufu wala cheni
I don't have a necklace or a chain around my neck
Sionekani mtaani ka' nimekimbizwa na madeni
I am not seen on the streets like I have been chased by debts
Nachapa maMC wanakimbia balaa,
I am hitting MCs they are running disaster,
Nawapuna shilingi kama bia za bar, gear za malaya wa dar, zubaa' nikwache kwenye mataa nawachapa na mikia ya taa
I pluck shillings like beers of the bar, gear of the prostitutes of Dar, zubaa' leave me on the streets I am beating them with light tails
Chunda badi mujahidina nakupa tag kama chunda badi spenko, stereo flow hii ngoma mbn mbishi noma stereo so
Chunda badi mujahidina I give you a tag like chunda badi spenko, stereo flow, this song is raw, stereo so
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