Steve Kali - Wouche 7 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Steve Kali - Wouche 7

Wouche 7
Week 7
I dr Finschternis, hesch du dis Liecht verlore
In the darkness, you lost your light
Und wöu erblindet bisch, gsehsch du o nie dr Morge
And blinded, you'll never see the morning
So öpis simpus, wie; I wünsche dir ä guete Tag
Something simple, like; I wish you a good day
Chasch du nur säge, wöui fründlech bi und du mi fragsch
You can only say because I'm friendly and you ask me
Denn i ha das, wo au di Ängle weih
Because I have that which even angels crave
Mit däm zeigi, wo isch Gott - (mhmm)
With this I show where God is - (mhmm)
Es si Sache, wo di Pfarrer no nid gsägnet hei
These are things the priests haven't blessed yet
U du bisch eini, wo ds wott
And you're one who wants it
Denn du wosch
Because you want to
Schwäbe im Gheime
Float in secret
One shot, doch mir nämme no eine
One shot, but we'll take another
Denn Schuss het nid glängt, dass du wäggeisch
Because that shot wasn't enough to make you fade away
Höch flüge u när z'Läbe lah gheie
Fly high and just let life go
Sone Macht, denn iz bisch du scho mau high
Such power, now you're already high
Turn it up, yeah - Iz, wo scho aus dräiht
Turn it up, yeah - Now, it's already spinning out of control
Dihr wird klar, d'isch no ungertribe
Your vision clears, it's still understated
Bisch uf Wouche 7 oder bisch du uf cloud 9
Are you on Week 7 or are you on cloud 9
U ds isch für di z'schönschte Gschänk
And it's the most beautiful gift for you
Sone Ruusch gits nur ir Höchfrequänz
Such a rush only exists in the highest frequency
Hesch scho mau a dini Nöchschte dänkt
Have you ever thought about your neighbors
Oder wieder nume di vo jedem Mönsch entfärnt
Or again just distanced yourself from everyone
Denn dis Mittu het di zum Zwäck gmacht
Because your environment made you its purpose
Du hesch Schlächts gmacht, imne Dräckskaff
You did bad things, in a dirty town
Ke Ängu meh
No angel anymore
O we di zwägmachsch, du wosch wäg da - (wohäre)
Oh when you get rid of it, you're gone from here - (where to)
Du wosch
You want to
Zur Wouche 7, i däre Gägend sötte Ängle si und
Go to Week 7, angels should be in this area and
Isch ungertribe, aber we's rägnet, ja denn gränne si, drum
It's understated, but when it rains, yeah then they cry, so
Chunnsch du i Fride, cha me vergässe, dass mir Mänsche si
If you come in peace, one can forget that we are human
Denn aus, wo mir berüehre, wird befläckt u niemeh heilig, nei
Because everything we touch becomes stained and no longer holy, no
Zur Wouche 7, i däre Gägend sötte Ängle si und
Go to Week 7, angels should be in this area and
Isch ungertribe, aber we's rägnet, ja denn gränne si, drum
It's understated, but when it rains, yeah then they cry, so
Chunnsch du i Fride, cha me vergässe, dass mir Mänsche si
If you come in peace, one can forget that we are human
Denn aus, wo mir berüehre, wird befläckt u niemeh heilig, nei
Because everything we touch becomes stained and no longer holy, no
Dini Flügle jetz si schwarz, dis Glück het di verlah
Your wings are now black, your happiness has left you
Zum Glück hesch's no ir Nadle u ds drücksch dir jetz i Arm
Luckily you still have it in the needle and now you press it into your arm
Du gspürrsch, es leiht di lahm, doch di Flüssigkeit isch warm
You feel it making you numb, but the liquid is warm
Du füuhsch di dert beschützt doch bisch in Gfahr - (du flügsch viu z'höch)
You feel protected there but you're in danger - (you're flying too high)
U drum gheisch us aune Wouche, we di Flash ufhört
And so you leave all the weeks behind when the flash stops
Iz bisch uf einisch i dr Höu
Now you're suddenly in the hole
U du seihsch, du chasch's nid gloube, wöu dis Härz lut ghörsch
And you see, you can't believe it because you hear your heart beating loud
Du weisch nid was du söusch
You don't know what you should do
Du söusch
You should
Höre mit däm
Stop this
Bisch gfaue, drum sägi, ds ghört me nid gärn
You're trapped, so I say, you don't want to hear that
Ewig verbannt, i weiss nid, verdammt
Eternally banished, I don't know, damn
Was fürne Ängu no tödlecher wär - (Mhmm)
What for an angel would be more deadly - (Mhmm)
I weiss, dass du brönnt bisch
I know you're burning
aber z'meischte, wo brönnt i dr Höu isch
but most of what burns in hell is
U ds zeigt, we du dört nid ds Öu nimmsch
And that shows, if you don't take the oil there
du haut eifach verpönt zumne Mönsch wirsch
you simply become damned to a human
Und aus, wo du muesch, isch nur d'Seele verchoufe
And all you have to do is sell your soul
Jedä het gloubt, dasses besser würd loufe
Everyone believed that things would go better
Jedä vo däne, würd jedem zum Läbe empfähle
Every single one of them would recommend to everyone to live
Är söu däne Regle nid fouge
He shouldn't follow those rules
Weisch, du muesch gloube
You know, you have to believe
We i däne Kreise verchehrsch, muesch im Kreis umeloufe
When you associate with those circles, you have to walk in circles
Wöu di scho Feinde verfouge
Because your enemies already control you
Wettisch zur Wouche 7
You're betting on Week 7
Zur Wouche 7, i däre Gägend sötte Ängle si und
Go to Week 7, angels should be in this area and
Isch ungertribe, aber we's rägnet, ja denn gränne si, drum
It's understated, but when it rains, yeah then they cry, so
Chunnsch du i Fride, cha me vergässe, dass mir Mänsche si
If you come in peace, one can forget that we are human
Denn aus, wo mir berüehre, wird befläckt u niemeh heilig, nei
Because everything we touch becomes stained and no longer holy, no
Zur Wouche 7, i däre Gägend sötte Ängle si und
Go to Week 7, angels should be in this area and
Isch ungertribe, aber we's rägnet, ja denn gränne si, drum
It's understated, but when it rains, yeah then they cry, so
Chunnsch du i Fride, cha me vergässe, dass mir Mänsche si
If you come in peace, one can forget that we are human
Denn aus, wo mir berüehre, wird befläckt u niemeh heilig, nei
Because everything we touch becomes stained and no longer holy, no

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