Swings - 국초세대 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Swings - 국초세대

The Korean Baby Boomer Generation
전쟁 이후, 한국에는 baby boom
After the war, Korea experienced a baby boom
나에게는 이모 분, 삼촌
I have two aunts and three uncles
미국에서 돌아왔을 때가 96
I returned to the US in 1996
국민학교가 초등학교로 바뀐 해였고
The year elementary school became elementary school
한국말도 못했을 때부터 이미
I couldn't speak Korean when I arrived
학원에 다니고 있었어 피아노, 바이올린
But I was already attending piano and violin classes
속셈, 태권도, 합기도, 모두 아시죠
Math, Taekwondo, Hapkido, you know
때는 HOT가 가요계를 쓸고
At that time, HOT dominated the music industry
갑자기 어른들이 용돈을 주셨어
And suddenly our parents gave us less allowance
뉴스엔 우는 아저씨들 그러냐 물었어
On the news, I saw crying men and asked why
섞여 나오는 대답은 "IMF"
They sighed and said, "IMF"
아빠도 피해자. 물론 견뎌내서 다행인데
My dad was a victim too, but thankfully he persevered
모든 선생들은 대학에 무조건 가래
All the teachers said to go to college without fail
우리보다 열정적이었어, 이해 됐어
They were more passionate than us, and I didn't understand
가겠다면 화내, '춤은 장난해?
If you said no, they'd get angry and say, 'What kind of joke is this?
연고댄 나도 갔지만 가야해'
Even if I didn't have a specific reason, I didn't want to go, but you have to'
중학교에 올라갈 모든 변했어
When I entered middle school, everything changed
같은 교복 같은 머리 작아지는 정체성
The same uniforms, the same haircuts, our identities were shrinking
개의 대학으로 모두가 목표를 정해
Everyone set their goals for a handful of universities
춤이 좋았지 공부할때면 맘이 불편해
I liked to dance, and studying made me uncomfortable
같은 스타일의 아이들은 줄어들었고
Kids like me were becoming fewer and fewer
모두가 연어떼 같이 같은 목적질 향해서
And everyone was swimming upstream like a school of salmon
미친듯이 달려가 근데 웃고 있진 않아
Running like crazy but not smiling
나도 두려웠었지, 절대로 우리 아빠
I was scared too, I never wanted to end up like my dad
처럼 되기 싫었어, 회사에서 시간 킬하는
Killing time at the office
집에선 잠만 자는. 매일 일하는. 개인 시간은?
Sleeping as soon as he got home, working every day. What about personal time?
어른이 되는 좋을게 없더라 하나도
Being an adult didn't seem to have any perks
그래서 연예인이 부러웠었지 아마도
That's why I envied celebrities back then
고등학교 그저 빡셌을
High school was just more intense
죽어가는 그리고 늙어가는
Dreams of death and a face growing old
분, 어릴 공부했던 애들은 전부
The kids who studied hard when they were younger
들어가려 했던 대학에 들어갔으려나
Probably got into the universities they wanted
어쩌다 대학교에 들어가게 되었지 나도
Somehow I ended up in university
나쁘지 않어, campus, 이쁜 여자,
It wasn't bad, big campus, pretty girls, and
다양한 분야에서 똘똘했던 사람들
Smart people from all different fields
'졸업 뭐해?'란 질문에 뭐라 하냐면
When asked, 'What are you going to do after you graduate?'
중학교 아이들과 같은 표정 짓고
I made the same face as those kids in middle school
'회사나 들어가야지, 장가/시집 준비도'
'I guess I should get a job, and get ready to get married'
행복하지 하대, '지겨운 경쟁이란 전쟁
They say they're not happy, 'This boring competition is like a war
언제 끝나냐 전생에 대체 어떤
When will it end? What sins did I commit in my past life
짓고 살았길래' 술에 취할때면 보통
to deserve this?' And usually when they're drunk
이렇게 말하지, '더 좋은 대학 있었어'
They say, 'I could have gone to a better university'
회사에 취직한 애들은 관두고 싶대
The ones who got jobs all want to quit
'내가 모르는 어떤 사장/회장을 위해
'Why should I be a worker ant for some CEO/chairman
일개미가 돼야 해' 근데 관두질 하지
that I don't even know?' But they can't quit
왜냐 만들어진 체계에 우린 이미 속았으니
Because we've already been tricked by the system
자유를 추구하는 동시에 버리지 못해 요람
We seek freedom but can't leave our comfort zone
오만, 불만족과 야속함은 세대의 공감
Arrogance, dissatisfaction, and frustration are the common sentiments of my generation

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