The London Fox Players - Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus - Morning Songbirds paroles de chanson

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The London Fox Players - Creations Praise - Worship (20 Favourite Hymns and Worship Songs Accompanied by the Sounds of Nature)

1 Whisper of Creation - Thunderstorm & Rain
2 May Jesus Christ Be Praised - Morning Birdsong
3 The Lord's My Shepherd - Forest Stream
4 Be Still and Know That I am God - Gentle Seashore
5 When I Survey - Playful Dolphins
6 Like a River Glorious - Mountain River
7 What a Friend We Have - Deep Forest Wildlife
8 For the Beauty of the Earth - Mountain Bay
9 Lead Us, Heavenly Father, Lead Us - Birds & Wind In Trees
10 All For Jesus - Ocean Waves
11 I am Trusting Thee Lord Jesus - Lakeside Wildlife
12 Hear Me, Lord - Gentle Rain & Distant Thunder
13 Take My Life and Let it Be - Rainforest
14 Rejoice, the Lord is King - Whalesong
15 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty - Wind & Approaching Storm
16 Fairest Lord Jesus - Rain Storm
17 O Love That Wilt Not Let Go - Forest Stream & Waterfalls
18 Deep Calls to Deep - Oregon Beach
19 Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus - Morning Songbirds
20 The Day Thou Gavest Lord, Is Ended - Forest Nightlife

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