UNIC - Lafaz Yang Tersimpan - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction UNIC - Lafaz Yang Tersimpan

Lafaz Yang Tersimpan
Lafaz Yang Tersimpan (Words Left Unsaid)
Luluh hatiku yang sayu
My weary heart is broken now,
Menatap wajahmu tenang dalam lena
As I watch you sleep, your face so calm and serene.
Kasih ku zahirkan laku
My love for you is evident in my actions,
Sedangkan bibirku jauh dari lafaznya
Though my words are absent, my lips remain quiet.
Dan raut tuamu membekas jiwaku
And the wrinkles on your face leave a mark on my soul,
Meredakan rindu mendamaikan kalbu
Easing my yearning, bringing peace to my heart.
Tak mungkin kutemu iras sentuhanmu
I can't possibly find a touch like yours,
Biarpun kuredah seluruh dunia
Even if I search the entire world.
Mencari gantimu hooo...
Seeking your replacement, ooh...
Betapa sukarnya menyusun bicara
How difficult it is to form words,
Meluahkan rasa
To express my feelings,
Menuturkan sayang
To speak of my love,
Kasih yang terlimpah
The love that overflows.
Hanyalah sekadar tingkah
It is merely a facade,
Cuma ungkapan kebisuan yang
Just an expression of the silence that
Melindungkan kalimah rahsia
Protects the secret words.
Masih kubiarkan waktu
I still let time pass,
Melarikan lafaz kasihku padamu
Taking my words of love to you.
Mengapakah sukar menyusun bicara
Why is it so hard to form words,
Meluahkan rasa menuturkan sayang
To express my feelings, to speak of my love?
Kasih yang terlimpah
The love that overflows
Hanyalah sekadar tingkah
Is merely a facade,
Cumalah ungkapan bisu kalimah rahsia
Just an expression of the silent, secret words.
Apakah yang hilang andai dilisankan
What would be lost if I spoke,
Bait penghargaan penuh kejujuran
Words of sincere appreciation?
Tak mungkin terlihat cinta yang merona
The love that glows won't be visible,
Jika hanya renungan mata yang bersuara
If only the gaze of my eyes could speak.
Bukan atur kata
Not through spoken words
Tiada lagi ertinya pengucapan
Words have no more meaning,
Andai akhir nafas di hujung helaan
If my last breath is in my final sigh.
Sebelum mata rapat terpejam
Before my eyes close forever,
Usah biar kehilangan
Let's not let loss replace
Menggantikan lafaz yang tersimpan
The words left unspoken.

Writer(s): Atie, Shaiful

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