Ummon guruhi - Ayt - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ummon guruhi - Ayt

Tell Me
Ayt, nega ko'zlaringda yosh?
Tell me, why are there tears in your eyes?
Beraolmading bardosh
You couldn't bear it
Nega qayt deb so'raysan?
Why do you ask me to come back?
Axir o'zing ketgansan!
After all, you were the one who left!
Nega endi afsuslar...
Why the regrets now...
Seni boshingni egar?
Does your head hang low?
Qo'lini siltab ketgan
The one who waved goodbye,
Bir kun yolvorib qaytar!
One day will beg for my return!
Nega ko'zlaringda yosh?
Why are there tears in your eyes?
Beraolmading bardosh
You couldn't bear it
Nega qayt deb so'raysan?
Why do you ask me to come back?
Axir o'zing ketgansan!
After all, you were the one who left!
Nega endi afsuslar...
Why the regrets now...
Seni boshingni egar?
Does your head hang low?
Qo'lini siltab ketgan
The one who waved goodbye,
Bir kun yolvorib qaytar!
One day will beg for my return!
Bilasanmi senga bo'lgan tuyg'ularim endi endi yo'q?
Do you know, my feelings for you are gone now?
To'kila-to'kila ko'zyoshlarim ham tugadi endi yo'q
My tears, shed endlessly, have also dried up
Sevib-sevila olmasdan yashadim seni deya
I lived loving you without being loved in return
Nimaga erishdim ayt, yolg'on va'dadan boshqa?
Tell me, what did I achieve, besides false promises?
Bilmadim, balki senga yetarli mehr bermadim
I don't know, maybe I didn't give you enough affection
Bilmadim-bilmadim, balki shunchaki men yoqmasdim
I don't know, maybe you just didn't like me
Unda nega tuni bilan kutarding meni kelishim?
Then why did you wait for me all night?
Kelsamda kular eding, bag'ringa bosar eding!
When I came, you would smile, and hold me close!
I know, you miss me!
I know, you miss me!
I know, miss kiss me!
I know, you miss kissing me!
I can't, come back you!
I can't, come back to you!
Go away, go away!
Go away, go away!
I know, you miss me!
I know, you miss me!
I know, miss kiss me!
I know, you miss kissing me!
I can't, come back you! (Go away!)
I can't, come back to you! (Go away!)
Go away, go away!
Go away, go away!
Bilasanmi sanga bo'lgan muhabbatim so'ndi?
Do you know, my love for you has faded?
Bilasanmi sanga bo'lgan tuyg'ularim o'ldi?
Do you know, my feelings for you have died?
Yuragimni baland poshnalaring teshib bo'ldi
Your high heels have pierced through my heart
Meni qiynayotgan axir tomchi [?] bo'ldi
The one who tormented me, has become a drop of [?*]
Kalta-kulta, yaltir-yulturlaring jonga tegdi
Your short, shiny dresses irritated me
Shuncha go'zal qiz bilan vaqt o'tib ketdi
Time passed with so many beautiful girls
Seni sevgan kunimdanoq baxtim uchib ketdi
From the day I loved you, my happiness flew away
Sendan kechgan kunimdanoq baxtim qaytib keldi!
From the day I left you, my happiness returned!
Bilasanmi sanga bo'lgan tuyg'ularim qolmadi?
Do you know, my feelings for you are gone?
Yuragim shuncha azob ko'rib, yakka shodlik ko'rmadi
My heart, having endured so much pain, never saw a single joy
Lekin u so'nmadi, sevishdan tonmadi
But it didn't die, it didn't tire of loving
Sabrimni sabrlarga ulardi u tunlari
My patience, it stretched to the limits on those nights
Bilasanmi sanga bo'lgan tuyg'ularim qolmadi?
Do you know, my feelings for you are gone?
Yuragim shuncha azob ko'rib, yakka shodlik ko'rmadi
My heart, having endured so much pain, never saw a single joy
Lekin u so'nmadi, sevishdan tonmadi
But it didn't die, it didn't tire of loving
Sabrimni sabrlarga ulardi u tunlari
My patience, it stretched to the limits on those nights
I know, you miss me!
I know, you miss me!
I know, miss kiss me!
I know, you miss kissing me!
I can't, come back you!
I can't, come back to you!
Go away, go away!
Go away, go away!
I know, you miss me!
I know, you miss me!
I know, miss kiss me!
I know, you miss kissing me!
I can't, come back you!
I can't, come back to you!
Go away, go away!
Go away, go away!
Sen uchun kim edim?
Who was I to you?
O'zi men kim edim?
Who was I, anyway?
Har doim jim edim
I was always silent
Qalbingga sig'masdim
I couldn't fit into your heart
Ha, endi sen kimsan?
Yes, now who are you?
Men uchun kim eding?
Who were you to me?
Nega ketgan eding?
Why did you leave?
Nega qaytib kelding?
Why did you come back?
Ket! Ket!
Leave! Leave!
Bir umr birga bo'lamiz deb doim men o'ylardim
I always thought we'd be together forever
Har tunu-kun seni seni sevardim
Every night and day, I loved you
Meni bilsang seni umuman eslagim ham
If you knew me, you wouldn't even think of me
at all!
Sen mendan kechgansan
You left me
Sen meni bilmabsan
You didn't know me
To'kila-to'kila ko'zyoshlaring tugaganda ko'ramiz
We'll see when your tears dry up
Sevib sevila olmasang yolg'iz meni deya
If you can't love and be loved, only for me
Tushunarmikinsan solsam gar sen meni solgan muhitga
Would you understand if I put you in the same situation I was in?
I know, you miss me!
I know, you miss me!
I know, miss kiss me!
I know, you miss kissing me!
I can't, come back you!
I can't, come back to you!
Go away, go away!
Go away, go away!
I know, you miss me!
I know, you miss me!
I know, miss kiss me!
I know, you miss kissing me!
I can't, come back you!
I can't, come back to you!
Go away, go away!
Go away, go away!
I know, you miss me!
I know, you miss me!
I know, miss kiss me!
I know, you miss kissing me!
I can't, come back you!
I can't, come back to you!
Go away, go away!
Go away, go away!


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