Ummon guruhi - Xiyonat - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ummon guruhi - Xiyonat

Bilaman, bugun ketting mendan so'ngi bor
I know, today is the last time you will leave me
Sezaman, sensiz yashash bo'lmaydi oson
Darling, it won't be easy to live without you
Yuragim, sezib bugun xiyonatingni
My heart, today I felt your treachery
Ko'zlarim, ko'rdi bugun yolg'onlaringni
My eyes, today they saw your lies
Inson nimaga sevar va nimalarga erishar?
Why do people love and what do they achieve?
Vaholanki va'dalar berayotgan lablar aldar
Even though the lips that make promises deceive
Muhabbatga ishontirishga undar!
They try to convince you to believe in love!
Nima o'zi u muhabbat baxtmi yoki razolat?
What is this love, happiness or disgrace?
Qani kim javob berar?
Who can answer?
Agarda sevganinga qilganingda tunda qo'ng'iroq...
If you call your beloved at night...
Bo'lsa band, so'ngra esa xizmat
It's busy, then out of service
So'ngra esa minglab xayollar tonggacha qiynar
Then thousands of thoughts torment you until dawn
Tun esa o'tadi go'yoki asr lekin qiladi sabr!
The night passes like a century, but you endure!
Yuragim sezib bugun xiyonatingni
My heart, today I felt your treachery
Ko'zlarim ko'rdi bugun yolg'onlaringni
My eyes, today they saw your lies
Bilaman, bugun ketting mendan so'ngi bor
I know, today is the last time you will leave me
Sezaman, sensiz yashash bo'lmaydi oson
Darling, it won't be easy to live without you
Yo'qotgim kelmaydi afsus kech
I don't want to lose you, it's too late
Bugun u ketadi qaytmaydi hech
Today he leaves and never comes back
Aqlimga sig'maydi nahotki sevmaydi endi meni?
It's hard to believe that he doesn't love me anymore
Yo'qotgim kelmaydi afsus kech
I don't want to lose you, it's too late
Bugun u ketadi qaytmaydi hech
Today he leaves and never comes back
Aqlimga sig'maydi nahotki sevmaydi endi meni?
It's hard to believe that he doesn't love me anymore
Otdi tong minglab azoblar chekib o'tdi tun
The morning broke after a night of a thousand torments
Badani butun lek yuragida qon
His whole body was in pain, but his heart was bleeding
So'ngra esa berkitilgan raqamdan qildi u qo'ng'iroq
Then she called from a blocked number
Qiz esa alo deya javob
The girl answered with "Hello"
Nechun kechasi bilan aloqalar band?
Why were your calls out of service at night?
Degan savolga qaysi yuz bilan beradi javob?
With what face will she answer that question?
Axir, xiyonat deganlari shu emasmi?
After all, isn't that what betrayal is?
Axir, hammasi shundan boshlanmasmidi?
After all, didn't it all start with that?
Men tunu-kun o'ylab ketganinga sabab topolmadim
I couldn't find a reason why I thought about it day and night
Farq shundaki faqat men senga o'xshab kecholmadim
The only difference is that I couldn't become like you
Yo'qotgim kelmaydi afsus kech
I don't want to lose you, it's too late
Bugun u ketadi qaytmaydi hech
Today he leaves and never comes back
Aqlimga sig'maydi nahotki sevmaydi endi meni?
It's hard to believe that he doesn't love me anymore
Yo'qotgim kelmaydi afsus kech
I don't want to lose you, it's too late
Bugun u ketadi qaytmaydi hech
Today he leaves and never comes back
Aqlimga sig'maydi nahotki sevmaydi endi meni?
It's hard to believe that he doesn't love me anymore

Writer(s): ummon guruhi

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