Ummon - Hammamiz Birga - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ummon - Hammamiz Birga

Hammamiz Birga
Hammamiz Birga
Yo'q, mehribonim yo'q, gulbahorim yo'q.
No, my love, my spring is gone,
Topolmasligim bilib, og'riydi yuragim.
Knowing that I don't have you, my heart aches.
Beg'uborim yo'q, dil oromim yo'q,
I have no peace, no peace of mind,
Topolmasligim bilib, og'riydi yuragim.
Knowing that I don't have you, my heart aches.
Sani sog'indim bugun hammadan ko'proq,
I missed you today more than anyone else,
Hamma yaqinlarim yonimda, faqat san yo'q.
My loved ones are all around me, but only you are missing.
Sansiz ko'nglimga sig'maydi hech qanday bayram,
Without you, there is no room for any holiday in my heart,
Baxt bizni tark etdi yomon qilar alam.
Happiness has left us - the world is cruel.
Tanam bo'ysungani bilan ichimdagi hislarimni
Although my body submits, I cannot control the feelings inside me
Boshqara olmayabman, olib bo'lmayabdi dam.
I cannot rest, I cannot take a break.
Tushlarimda san, tursam ham o'zing, faqat yo'qliging,
You are in my dreams, and when I wake up, you are still there, but you're gone,
Qalbim og'rib ochiladi ko'zlarim.
My heart aches and my eyes open.
Dilimda qolib ketdi qancha aytar so'zlarim,
So many words are left in my heart to tell you,
Go'zalim, sog'indim sani yomon.
My beautiful, I miss you so much.
Yog'ayotgan yomg'irlar deydilar "bari tamom",
The rain that is falling says "it's all over",
Yo'q, yolg'on, ishonmayman sani yo'qotganimga.
No, it's a lie, I don't believe that I have lost you.
Ketdingmi qaytmas bo'lib bir umrga?
Have you gone forever?
To'rt devor orasida qolib ketdim yolg'iz.
I am left alone within these four walls.
Qaylarga uchib ketding, aytgin mansiz?
Where did you fly away to, tell me without me?
Yo'q, mehribonim yo'q, gulbahorim yo'q.
No, my love, my spring is gone,
Topolmasligim bilib, og'riydi yuragim.
Knowing that I don't have you, my heart aches.
Beg'uborim yo'q, dil oromim yo'q,
I have no peace, no peace of mind,
Topolmasligim bilib, og'riydi yuragim.
Knowing that I don't have you, my heart aches.
Kuzgi yomg'ir yog'ardi shivirlab,
The autumn rain fell in torrents,
Baqirdim bor ovoz bilan,
I shouted at the top of my voice,
Tomog'imdagi tomirlarim titrab,
The veins in my throat throbbing,
Nolalarim yetib bormadimi san taraf?
Did my cries reach you?
Sog'indingmi mani, ayt hech bo'lmasa pichirlab?
Do you miss me, tell me at least in a whisper?
Pichirlab ertalabgacha gaplashishlarimiz esimdan ketmas,
I can't forget our whispered conversations until morning,
So'ngra uxlab qolar eding jim-jit.
And then you would fall asleep, so quietly.
Faqat eshitilar edi olayotganing nafas,
Only the sound of your breathing could be heard,
Hozir esa shu ham eshitilmas.
But now even that cannot be heard.
Bo'ldi, tamom,
It's over, it's over,
Bo'ldi, sani ko'zlaringga tik qarash armon bo'ldi.
It's become a dream to look you straight in the eyes.
Somon bo'ldi terim ortidagi go'sht.
The flesh behind my bones has turned to straw.
Bo'm-bo'sh ko'chalarda yurib izladim nafis iforing,
I walked the empty streets looking for your graceful figure,
Ko'rish istagida diydoring.
Longing to see you.
Sog'indim sani ishon,
I miss you, believe me,
Tikondek botar yuragimga nimadir.
Something like a thorn digs into my heart.
Gavharsan, gulsan, dursan,
You are a gem, a flower, a pearl,
Dunyodagi eng mehribon insonsan man uchun...
The kindest person in the world for me...
Sog'indim mehringni, mehribonim seni,
I miss your love, my love, you,
Faqat seni...
Only you...
Sog'indim, sog'indim, ko'zlaring, yuzlaring,
I miss you, I miss you, your eyes, your face,
Faqat seni...
Only you...
Yo'q, mehribonim yo'q, gulbahorim yo'q.
No, my love, my spring is gone,
Topolmasligim bilib, og'riydi yuragim.
Knowing that I don't have you, my heart aches.
Beg'uborim yo'q, dil oromim yo'q,
I have no peace, no peace of mind,
Topolmasligim bilib, og'riydi yuragim.
Knowing that I don't have you, my heart aches.
Og'riydi yuragim...
My heart aches...

Writer(s): Zohid Riskiyev

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