Ummon - Meni Aldadi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ummon - Meni Aldadi

Meni Aldadi
Deceived Me
Men seni boshqacha deb o'ylardim, o'zgacha,
I thought you were different, unique,
Lek sen ham ekansan oddiy, sen ham ekansan o'sha-o'sha.
But you are also ordinary, you are also the same-same.
Aytgin, bunchalar arzon bizni bog'lab turgan rishtalar bahosi,
Tell me, is the value of the bonds that tie us together so cheap,
Bunchalar ham yolg'on ko'zlaring qarosi?
Are the blacks of your eyes so false?
Sening so'zlaringda yo'q haqiqat,
There is no truth in your words,
Men oxiri shunga bo'ldim iqror:
I finally realized this:
Men senga hamma sirlarim yig'ib,
I have gathered all my secrets to you,
Aytib bergan ekanman bekor.
I told them to you in vain.
Bugun yolg'iz o'zim, dardlarimni
Today I am alone, my sorrows
Yomg'irlarga aytib ovunaman.
I confide in the rains to be comforted.
Sen meni tashlab ketgan jarlikdan,
From the cliff you left me,
Albatta, bir kun kelib qutulaman.
Surely, one day I will be free.
Qaytib kelganda bahor,
When spring returns,
Erib ketganda so'nggi yog'gan qor,
When the last snowfall melts,
Bog'lar ichra takror,
In the gardens again,
Ko'risholmaymiz diydor.
We will not meet face to face.
Lablari meni aldadi,
Your lips deceived me,
Tubsiz zulmatga tashladi,
Into a bottomless darkness you cast me,
Oxir yolg'iz qoldirib,
Leaving me alone in the end,
Hatto xayrlashmadi.
Without even a goodbye.
Men seni boshqacha deb o'ylardim shu kungacha,
I thought you were different until this day,
Kuzatmasdim, tekshirmasdim, ishonardim o'tgan tungacha,
I would not have watched, I would not have checked, I would have believed you until last night,
Afsus shuncha yil adashib kelgan ekanman bugungacha.
Alas, I have been lost for so many years until today.
Shu kungacha men senga borimni berdim, azizam,
Until this day I gave you my heart, my dear,
Bir umr birga bo'lamiz, bo'lasan rafiqam,
We will be together for a lifetime, you will be my companion,
Deb o'ylardim, afsus adashdim, seni tanlab adashdim.
I thought, alas I was wrong, I was wrong to choose you.
Kimlar nimalar demadi sen haqingda,
Who has not said what about you,
Men esa yoningni olib, bo'ldim yoningda.
But I took your side and stood by you.
Kulgim kelmasa ham, kuldim kuldirganingda,
Even when I did not feel like laughing, I laughed when you made me laugh,
Kuysang, besh battar kuydim yuragim tubida.
When you burned, I burned five times worse in the depths of my heart.
Ortimizdan gapirganlar bo'ldi haq,
Those who talked between us were right,
U esa aldardi ko'zlarimga tik qarab.
But she deceived me by looking me straight in the eye.
Uzun qizil tirnoqlari bilan yuragimga
With her long red fingernails, she wrote her name on my heart
Ismin yozib ketdi atay, o'chmas qilib tirnab.
On purpose, scratching it indelibly.
Olisdagi baxtlilar yordam qo'lin beringlar,
Those who are happy far away, lend me a helping hand,
Baxtsizlikdan charchadim, meni olib ketinglar.
I'm tired of misery, take me away.
Yolg'izgina Allohim, o'zingdirsan guvohim,
Solitary My God, you alone are my witness,
Yolg'izlikdan charchadim, o'zing bo'lgin panohim.
I'm tired of loneliness, be my refuge.
So'z demay ketgani xanjardan battar botdi
Leaving without a word stung worse than a dagger
Yuragimga, tuyg'ularimga.
My heart, my feelings.
Malham bo'lib kelmadi o'zidan qolgan bitmas
The endless wounds she left behind were no balm
Yaralarimga, alamlarimga.
My pains, my anguish.
Qaytib kelganda bahor,
When spring returns,
Erib ketganda so'nggi yog'gan qor,
When the last snowfall melts,
Bog'lar ichra takror,
In the gardens again,
Ko'risholmaymiz diydor.
We will not meet face to face.
Lablari meni aldadi,
Your lips deceived me,
Tubsiz zulmatga tashladi,
Into a bottomless darkness you cast me,
Oxir yolg'iz qoldirib,
Leaving me alone in the end,
Hatto xayrlashmadi.
Without even a goodbye.

Writer(s): zohid riskiyev

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