Ummon - Oq Gulim - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ummon - Oq Gulim

Oq Gulim
White Flower
Nega bugun, nega bugun
Why today, why today
Bunchalar qiyin menga?
Is everything so difficult for me?
Nega bu tun, nega bu tun
Why this night, why this night
Emas yurak butun?
Is my heart broken into pieces?
Qora ko'zlar meniki edi,
Black eyes were mine,
Kimga qarar endi?
Who will they look at now?
Endi bu tun mani umrim
Now this night, my life,
Sog'inib o'tar seni.
I spend missing you.
Nega har tong, nega har tong
Why every morning, why every morning
Uyg'otar meni armon?
Does longing awaken me?
Nahot har on, nahot har on
Why every ten minutes, why every ten minutes
Bo'lmaymiz yonma-yon?
Can't we be together again?
Tim qora, uzun sochlarin bugun
The dark, long hair you had today
Bilmam kim erkalar.
I don't know who it belongs to now.
Sog'inchim uzun, uzundan-uzun
My longing is immense, immense
Tinmay yurak mahzun.
My heart is perpetually sorrowful.
Oq gulim, sog'inib ketdim,
White flower, I miss you,
Sensiz qorong'u qiynalib ketdim.
Without you, it's dark and I'm struggling.
So'nggi bor ber menga imkon,
Give me one last chance,
Seni bir ko'ray, hidlaringga to'yay.
To see you again, to immerse myself in your scent.
Hayotimning eng shirin onlari
The sweetest moments of my life,
Bunchalar tez, qaytmas bo'lib ketdi?
Were they gone so quickly, never to return?
Hayotimning eng go'zal tonglari
The most beautiful dawns of my life,
O'z go'zalliklarin yo'qotdi.
They have lost their beauty.
Xayolimning eng nafis bog'lari
The most exquisite gardens of my imagination,
Xazonlarga aylanib qotdi.
They have turned to autumn.
Hayotimning eng qimmat insoni
The most precious person in my life,
Bunchalar kam baholadi sevgim mani?
Why did they value my love so little?
Kechalari bedorman, uyqu yo'q,
My nights are sleepless, no rest,
Ko'chalar tuman, taskin yo'q.
The streets are foggy, no relief.
Necha bora qildim qo'ng'iroq,
How many times have I called you,
Hatto bir bor yozib yubormading javob.
But you never even texted me back.
Endi sani kimdan so'rab, qaydan izlay?
Now who should I ask about you, where should I look for you?
Ber sado, sani topay.
Give me a sign, and I will find you.
Usiz kechalar qanchalar qiyin o'tishini bilsa edi,
If only you knew how difficult it is to get through the nights without you,
Balki mani hech qachon tashlab ketmas edi.
Perhaps you never would have left me.
Nahot unutding sen meni?
Have you forgotten me?
Nahot ko'rmayman endi seni?
Will I never see you again?
Sog'inch ichimdan ezaverar,
Longing torments me,
Nigohing qo'msayverar,
Your gaze haunts me,
Sendan qoldi chuqur yod.
I am filled with memories of you.
Har tong uyg'otar meni armon,
Every dawn awakening me with longing,
Har tong nafis shamol esar men tomon.
Every dawn a gentle breeze blows towards me.
Hidlaring kelib turardi ulardan,
Your scent would come to me from them,
Sog'inch sinaydi irodam har tong.
Longing tests my willpower every morning.
Oq gulim, sog'inib ketdim,
White flower, I miss you,
Sensiz qorong'u qiynalib ketdim.
Without you, it's dark and I'm struggling.
So'nggi bor ber menga imkon,
Give me one last chance,
Seni bir ko'ray, hidlaringga to'yay. (
To see you again, to immerse myself in your scent.

Writer(s): zohid riskiyev

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