VNM - Szempejn Papyn - traduction des paroles en anglais

Szempejn Papyn - VNMtraduction en anglais

Szempejn Papyn
Champagne Daddy
Chcesz tego hajsu, ale bez fejmowego splendoru?
You want that money, but without the fame and splendor?
Ta pierdolona rap gra tu nie pozostawia wielkiego wyboru
This damn rap game doesn't leave you much choice, girl
Więc zapraszamy do miejsca, gdzie anonimowość żegna, pa
So welcome to the place where anonymity says goodbye
Nawet, jak nie wyświetla się, każdy twoją gębę zna
Even if it's not on display, everyone knows your face
Glamrapy, Beka z Rapsów, Popkillery, też MTV
Glam raps, Beka z Rapsów, Popkillers, even MTV
Onet, Interia, WP, CGMy, You ready be?
Onet, Interia, WP, CGMs, you ready to be?
Śmieszne fusy tu ględzą, będę tu sławny, wezmę ten kwit
Funny fools mumble here, "I'll be famous, I'll take that cash"
Wolałbym jak to mówił to J. Cole - robię bańkę, nie zna mnie nikt
I'd rather, like J. Cole said, "Make a million, nobody knows my ass"
Tutaj jak będziesz nieśmiałym typkiem synu szał opęta cię w mig
Here, if you're a shy guy, madness will possess you in a flash
Ale w takim razie, po co ci ten rap? Po co? Po co Ci?
But in that case, why do you need this rap? Why? Why do you need it?
Mi po to by wielokrotnymi ładne pizgać kwity Ty
Me, I need it to repeatedly slam down some nice bills, you see
Nauczyć ich matematyki tak jak sigma i Pi
To teach them mathematics like sigma and Pi
Lecz nie po to, by w spożywczym być pytany, "Kiedy nowy klip?"
But not to be asked in the grocery store, "When's the new video coming out?"
Nie po to, by w galerii robić foto w odzieżowym z kimś
Not to take photos in the mall with someone at the clothing store
Coraz większe te fejmy tu wygląda na to, że będę miał
The fame here is getting bigger and bigger, it seems like I'll have it
Ale biorę je tu na klatę luźno jak shotguna Steven Seagal
But I take it on the chest, loosely like Steven Seagal with a shotgun
Jesteś gotów by być inwigilowany?
Are you ready to be watched?
Showbiz wita z otwartymi ramionami
Showbiz welcomes you with open arms
Had a dream of living wealthy, making it big
Had a dream of living wealthy, making it big
Had a dream of living wealthy, making it big, dream "Szempejn Papyn"
Had a dream of living wealthy, making it big, dream "Champagne Daddy"
Dream "Szempejn Papyn", had a dream "Szempejn Papyn", dream "Szempejn Papyn"
Dream "Champagne Daddy", had a dream "Champagne Daddy", dream "Champagne Daddy"
Had a dream of living wealthy, making it big
Had a dream of living wealthy, making it big
Had a dream of living wealthy, making it big, dream "Szempejn Papyn"
Had a dream of living wealthy, making it big, dream "Champagne Daddy"
Dream "Szempejn Papyn", had a dream "Szempejn Papyn"
Dream "Champagne Daddy", had a dream "Champagne Daddy"
Kolejna klątwa, procent im więcej wypiję, nagram mniej
Another curse, the more percent I drink, the less I record
Ulubione alko, u mnie wszystko płynie - Panta Rhei
Favorite alcohol, everything flows with me - Panta Rhei
Jeden chuj czy z Fantą wódka czy bombon
I don't care if it's vodka with Fanta or candy
Nie wybrzydzam, bywało, że ze szklanki ruska pod kompot
I'm not picky, it's happened that I drank Russian compote from a glass
Na koncertach w całej Polsce lud dziś upić się najlepiej chce
At concerts all over Poland, people want to get drunk the best today
A jeździmy po całej Polsce, UPS, DPD
And we drive all over Poland, UPS, DPD
A kiedy nastanie tu świt dopiero wtedy ta bomba dociera do bani
And when dawn comes, that's when the bomb hits your head
Bywały tu kace, że rano musiałem te zęby szorować obiema rękami
There were hangovers here, that in the morning I had to brush my teeth with both hands
Co fajnie? Chyba nie, to łeb ogłupia tu strasznie
What's cool about it? I don't think so, it messes up your head terribly
Ale na scenie mi pokaż abstynenta, kupię Ci flaszkę
But show me a teetotaler on stage, I'll buy you a bottle
To samo u części słuchaczy, japa zlana cała potem
It's the same with some listeners, their faces are covered in sweat
Oczy jakby leciał tu na ośmiu kółkach - para wrotek
Eyes as if they were rolling here on eight wheels - a pair of roller skates
Całą kulturę dawno tu zalała wódy fala
This whole culture has long been flooded with a wave of vodka
W bani robi dziurę ładną jak papierosy, które jaram
It makes a nice hole in your head like the cigarettes I smoke
Jesteś gotów by być tydzień najebany?
Are you ready to be drunk for a week?
Showiz wita z otwartymi ramionami
Showbiz welcomes you with open arms
Had a dream of living wealthy, making it big
Had a dream of living wealthy, making it big
Had a dream of living wealthy, making it big, dream "Szempejn Papyn"
Had a dream of living wealthy, making it big, dream "Champagne Daddy"
Dream "Szempejn Papyn", had a dream "Szempejn Papyn", dream "Szempejn Papyn"
Dream "Champagne Daddy", had a dream "Champagne Daddy", dream "Champagne Daddy"
Had a dream of living wealthy, making it big
Had a dream of living wealthy, making it big
Had a dream of living wealthy, making it big, dream "Szempejn Papyn"
Had a dream of living wealthy, making it big, dream "Champagne Daddy"
Dream "Szempejn Papyn", had a dream "Szempejn Papyn"
Dream "Champagne Daddy", had a dream "Champagne Daddy"
Trzeci motyw, niunie co dawno porwały nić ascezy
Third motive, girls who long ago broke the thread of asceticism
Były kluby, gdzie zamiast trójkątów można by robić trapezy
There were clubs where instead of triangles, you could make trapezoids
Rozumiem fascynację, znika wtedy wstrzemięźliwość
I understand the fascination, restraint disappears then
Sam bym zrobił swą idolkę, jakbym miał tu gdzieś możliwość
I would make my own idol if I had the opportunity here somewhere
Ale niektóre niunie przejmie grodowy szał
But some girls will be taken over by the city madness
One tu zrobią każdego obojętnie kto by tu grał
They'll do anyone here, no matter who's playing
Mówi, "Kto idzie na hotel, lale bardzo tu złe"
He says, "Who's going to the hotel, the dolls are very bad here"
Kiedy słyszą, "Tamta to spoko, ale tamta to nie"
When they hear, "That one's okay, but that one's not"
Po części to efekt pierwszej zwrotki, po części drugiej zwrotki
Partly it's the effect of the first verse, partly the second verse
Bo na trzeźwo przy kolegach te same to grube cnotki
Because sober, with their friends, those same ones are fat prudes
Taki kolega wtedy u niej szanse ma nikłe
Such a friend then has slim chances with her
A kiedy dojdzie tu do czegoś on obudzi się rano z tryprem
And when it comes to something, he'll wake up in the morning with gonorrhea
Ta, "Szempejn Papyn", tak to jest ziomboy
Yeah, "Champagne Daddy", that's how it is, homie
Jeżeli jeszcze się wahasz synu, masz na koniec combo
If you're still hesitating, son, you have a combo at the end
Chcesz za fejmy śmigać z napitymi maniurami?
Do you want to ride with drunk groupies for fame?
Show biz wita z otwartymi ramionami
Showbiz welcomes you with open arms
Had a dream of living wealthy, making it big
Had a dream of living wealthy, making it big
Had a dream of living wealthy, making it big, dream "Szempejn Papyn"
Had a dream of living wealthy, making it big, dream "Champagne Daddy"
Dream "Szempejn Papyn", had a dream "Szempejn Papyn", dream "Szempejn Papyn"
Dream "Champagne Daddy", had a dream "Champagne Daddy", dream "Champagne Daddy"
Had a dream of living wealthy, making it big
Had a dream of living wealthy, making it big
Had a dream of living wealthy, making it big, dream "Szempejn Papyn"
Had a dream of living wealthy, making it big, dream "Champagne Daddy"
Dream "Szempejn Papyn", had a dream "Szempejn Papyn"
Dream "Champagne Daddy", had a dream "Champagne Daddy"

Writer(s): Tomasz Lewandowski, Wojciech Rusinek

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