Xamdam Sobirov - Ayriliq - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Xamdam Sobirov - Ayriliq

Agarda bu devor baland bolsa chiqmagin
If this wall is tall, don't climb it
Ozingda bolib qoy dostlaringni sotmagin
Stay in yourself, don't sell out your friends
Sirlaring boy berib botqoqlarda botmagin
Don't reveal your secrets and sink in the quagmire
Yomonliklar qilib yaxshilikni kutmagin
Don't do evil and expect good
Sen oylagan hayot ozing uchun rangbarang
The life you think of is colorful for you
Atrofga qaragin odamlarga sir arang
Look around, people rarely share their secrets
Dunyoga sigmayman axvolimni bir sorang
I don't fit into this world, ask me how I am
Ichimda dart tola jim turibmanku qarang
My soul is aching, yet I keep silent, just look
Dengizda qolib ketti dartlarim tubsizlikda
My spears are lost at the bottom of the sea
In the sea
From the seas
Boronga aylanar sevgim sensizlikda
My love will turn into a storm in your absence
From the sea
Har qanaqa yomonni
Every evil
Yomoni tomoni bor insonni
Every evil person has a side
Dardini sababi bor ozi
There is a reason for his pain
Shu davosini topmaydi
He can't find a cure for this
Kongliga otilib bolganda oq
He becomes evil when he betrays his beloved
Sevganidan ayrilib qolgan boladi
He is left without his love
Foydasi yoq
It's no use
Ortimga qaraganda
When I look back
Hayotim qop qora rangda
My life is a dark color
Balki ayrilamiz endi
Maybe we'll break up now
Hammasi yaxshi bolganda
When everything was going well
In the sea
Oqimga qarshi suzib ketamiz
We swim against the current
Atrofda pastlar kop
There are many mean people around
Gap talashib netamiz
We can't stop talking
Qarama qarshi
Kozguda aksi
Reflection in the mirror
Korinadi gozalligi
You see his beauty
Olib boradi seni
It takes you
Jar yoqasiga
To the edge of the cliff
Goyo unga yaxshi
Like it's good for him
Qani mano
Oh my
Yashashdan bormi mano
Is there any point in living
Qarama qarshi
Kozguda aksi
Reflection in the mirror
Ichi tola hasrat
His soul is full of longing
Yogdiradi kulfat
He's plagued by troubles
Hayoti zulmat
His life is darkness
Qani mano
Oh my
Yashashdan bormi mano
Is there any point in living
Bormi mano
Is there any point
In the sea
Qolib ketti dartlarim
My spears are left behind
In the abyss
In the sea
From the seas
Boronga aylanar sevgim sensizlikda
My love will turn into a storm in your absence
Dengizdan 2x
From the sea 2x

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