Xindl X - Hollywood - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Xindl X - Hollywood

Někdy bych chtěl s tebou vyrazit do kina
Sometimes I'd like to take you to the movies,
Jenom ty a a na plátně volovina
Just you and me, watching some nonsense on the screen,
O chlapíkovi, co děla u policie
About a guy who works for the police
A poslední den do důchodu
And it's his last day before retirement.
A celkem si je jistej tím,
And he's pretty sure
že se do důchodu těší na to,
That he's looking forward to retirement,
bude mít klid a nebude muset nic řešit
To having peace and quiet and not having to deal with anything.
Bude si užívat stáří,
He'll enjoy his old age,
Chodit na túry na Říp a na ryby,
Go hiking on Říp and fishing,
Ale ty plány se zmaří.
But those plans will fall apart.
V den jeho vodchodu do důchodu jedno mladý kotě
On the day of his retirement, a young girl
Po srážce s nožem zbyde hrobníkovi na lopatě.
After an encounter with a knife, ends up on the gravedigger's shovel.
Všechny noviny se ptají,
All the papers are asking,
Kdo to zavinil a každej policajt chce dostat tu svini.
Who did it, and every cop wants to get the bastard.
Celý oddělení šílí,
The whole department is going crazy,
Jenom ten detektiv sedí s prutem u rybníka,
Only that detective sits with a rod by the pond,
Před sebou basu piv a žádnej div,
A case of beer in front of him, and no wonder
že se mu nechce vstávat a něco řešit,
That he doesn't want to get up and deal with anything,
Radši chce se zase navát.
He'd rather get drunk again.
A jeho kolegové podle stop na dívčině těle
And his colleagues, based on the marks on the girl's body,
Zkouší najít pachatele a furt ho přemlouvají,
Try to find the perpetrator and keep persuading him,
s nima dál právo hájí a pomůže jim vraha najít.
To keep upholding the law with them and help them find the killer.
Ale ten pán s pleší je odpovědí nepotěší,
But the bald gentleman doesn't please them with his answer,
je v důchodu,
He's retired now,
Nechce čeřit vodu,
He doesn't want to stir up trouble,
Spíš chodí na pěší túry a na bleší trhy a tu vraždu nikdo nevyřeší.
He prefers to go on hikes and to flea markets, and the murder remains unsolved.
na takovej film bych někdy chtěl vzít,
Yeah, I'd like to take you to a movie like that sometime,
V temným sále se přežrat popcornem
Stuff ourselves with popcorn in the dark theater
A colou se zpít a ději na plátně se pohrdavě smát
And get drunk on cola, and laugh condescendingly at the plot on the screen
A říkat vole vole to je Hollywood,
And say, damn, that's Hollywood,
Vole vole to je Hollywood,
Damn, that's Hollywood,
Vole vole to by se v reálným životě nikdy nemohlo stát.
Damn, that could never happen in real life.
Taky bych chtěl vidět film o sportovcovi,
I'd also like to see a movie about an athlete,
Co není moc dobrej v tom co dělá,
Who isn't very good at what he does,
Ale co ví, že když se něco chce,
But who knows that if you want something,
Tak to kurva jde,
Then damn it, you can do it,
A tak trénuje a trénuje a trénuje a trénuje.
And so he trains and trains and trains and trains.
Nešetří síly, vše obětuje svýmu cíli,
He spares no effort, sacrifices everything for his goal,
Nezná odpočinku,
He doesn't know rest,
Neustále zvedá činku a trénuje a trénuje a k hovnu mu to je.
He constantly lifts weights and trains and trains and it's all for nothing.
Nikdy se nezlepší nikdy v ničem neuspěje.
He will never improve, he will never succeed in anything.
Ten sportovec je synem toho detektiva
That athlete is the son of that detective
A ten se na svýho syna skrz prsty celej život dívá,
And he looks at his son through his fingers all his life,
Jeho záliby mu nevoněj a furt kéruje do něj,
He doesn't like his hobbies and keeps nagging him,
Ale není to svině,
But he's not a bastard,
My co by diváci víme,
We, as viewers, know,
že k krutosti ho nutí cosi z minulosti,
That he's forced to be cruel by something from the past,
Nějaký hnusný trauma,
Some nasty trauma,
Co ho v noci ze sna budí,
That wakes him up from his sleep at night,
Ale ve skutečnosti mu tepe zlatý srdce v hrudi.
But in reality, a heart of gold beats in his chest.
Ale to zlatý srdce se nikdy neprojeví
But that heart of gold will never show itself
A to trauma z dětství - jeho syn o něm neví
And that childhood trauma - his son doesn't know about it
A ani se nedozví a vztahy mezi nima vždycky budou zlý,
And he never will, and the relationship between them will always be bad,
Syn se bude chtít otci zavděčit,
The son will want to please his father,
Nebude vědět čím a spoustu nocí probrečí.
He won't know how, and he'll cry many nights.
A když pak otec bude umírat na zhoubnou cystu,
And when the father dies of a malignant cyst,
Ani tehdy ti dva k sobě nenajdou cestu.
Even then, the two of them will not find their way to each other.
na takovej film bych někdy chtěl vzít,
Yeah, I'd like to take you to a movie like that sometime,
V temným sále se přežrat popcornem
Stuff ourselves with popcorn in the dark theater
A colou se zpít a ději na plátně se pohrdavě smát
And get drunk on cola, and laugh condescendingly at the plot on the screen
A říkat vole vole to je Hollywood,
And say, damn, that's Hollywood,
Vole vole to je Hollywood,
Damn, that's Hollywood,
Vole vole to by se v reálným životě nikdy nemohlo stát.
Damn, that could never happen in real life.
Ten syn je zamilovanej do holky vod vedle,
That son is in love with the girl next door,
Myslí jenom na ni,
He thinks only of her,
Je z prostě vedle,
He's simply crazy about her,
Srdce mu z toho puká,
His heart is breaking,
Zažíva muka, protože ona oči jen pro kluka, co ji šuká.
He's suffering because she only has eyes for the guy who's screwing her.
A navíc problém je ten,
And the problem is,
že ten její kluk je kretén,
That her boyfriend is a jerk,
Je hnutej a dutej a permanentně sjetej,
He's a useless, empty-headed, and permanently stoned,
Vod rána do večera tu holku tyranizuje
He tyrannizes the girl from morning to night
A když přijde domů ani si boty nezuje.
And when he comes home, he doesn't even take off his shoes.
Prostě život ničí,
He's simply destroying her life,
Vona je z toho v piči a tak slzy roní a sportovec je tu pro ni.
She's fucked up from it, so she sheds tears and the athlete is there for her.
A dost se tím trápí,
And he's very worried about it,
Ale jeho láska vydrží,
But his love endures,
řiká se že se to změní a vona mu podrží.
He says things will change and she'll hold on for him.
Věří, že trpělivost přináší růže,
He believes that patience brings roses,
Tak je trpělivej,
So he's patient,
Nosí růže a taky prádlo na půdu,
He brings her roses and also laundry to the attic,
Když zrovna může,
Whenever he can,
Snes by i modrý z nebe,
He would bring her the moon from the sky,
mu z toho jebe.
He's going crazy from it.
A když se holka ze samýho žalu vyleje a pak je na něj protivná,
And when the girl gets drunk from all the sorrow and then she's nasty to him,
On na ni milej je, jako tolerance sama,
He's kind to her, like tolerance itself,
I když protivná a nalitá - pro něj je to dáma.
Even though she's nasty and drunk - for him, she's a lady.
Je chápavej jako mistr Yoda,
He's understanding like Master Yoda,
říká jí, že se to poddá.
He tells her that things will get better.
Je na ni milej, přestože vona v krvi dvě promile,
He's kind to her, even though she has two per mille in her blood,
Ale vona stejně zůstane s tím svým debilem.
But she'll still stay with her idiot.
na takovej film bych někdy chtěl vzít,
Yeah, I'd like to take you to a movie like that sometime,
V temným sále se přežrat popcornem a colou se zpít
Stuff ourselves with popcorn and get drunk on cola in the dark theater
A ději na plátně se pohrdavě smát
And laugh condescendingly at the plot on the screen
A říkat vole vole to je Hollywood,
And say, damn, that's Hollywood,
Vole vole to je Hollywood,
Damn, that's Hollywood,
Vole vole to by se v reálným životě nikdy nemohlo stát.
Damn, that could never happen in real life.
na takovej film bych někdy chtěl vzít,
Yeah, I'd like to take you to a movie like that sometime,
V temným sále se přežrat popcornem a colou se zpít
Stuff ourselves with popcorn and get drunk on cola in the dark theater
A ději na plátně se pohrdavě smát
And laugh condescendingly at the plot on the screen
A říkat vole vole to je Hollywood,
And say, damn, that's Hollywood,
Vole vole to je Hollywood,
Damn, that's Hollywood,
Vole vole to by se v reálným životě nikdy nemohlo stát,
Damn, that could never happen in real life,
Vole vole to by se v reálným životě nikdy nemohlo stát.
Damn, that could never happen in real life.

Writer(s): ondřej ládek

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