Xindl X - Mindráček - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Xindl X - Mindráček

Little Complex
V jedný zemi žije pán, a říkejme mu třeba Vondráček
In one land lives a man, let's call him Vondráček
A jemu sedí na rameni dráček jménem Mindráček
And on his shoulder sits a little dragon named Little Complex
Když jdou lidi kolem, ten drak plive voheň
When people pass by, the dragon breathes fire
A ta výheň posílá Vondráčka do kolen
And that fire sends Vondráček to his knees
Ten plamen mu tvrdí, že není ostatním roven
The flame tells him he's not equal to others
A on neví, jak z toho ven
And he doesn't know how to get out of it
se sebevíc snaží
No matter how hard he tries
se sebevíc tváří, že to v paži
No matter how much he pretends he doesn't care
Ten plamen ho smaží
The flame fries him
A i když lamentuje, stejně ten plamen tu je
And even though he laments, the flame is still there
Plamen, co očerní každou jeho přednost
A flame that blackens every one of his virtues
A praští ho přes nos, když věří, že přes noc
And hits him on the nose when he believes that overnight
Dokáže se svým životem hnout
He can move with his life
Ta víra shoří na troud
That faith burns to ashes
velký auto a velkej kancl a velkej strach, že Pepa ho větší
He has a big car and a big office and a big fear that Pepa has a bigger one
Je velkej kluk, co velkej vliv a v noci velký slzy do polštáře brečí
He's a big boy with a big influence and at night big tears cry into his pillow
Každou noc se propadá do roku devadesát pět
Every night he falls back to the year ninety-five
A je mu zase šestnáct let
And he's sixteen again
A je v pernamentní křeči a dojem, že všichni mluví cizí řečí
And he's in permanent spasm and has the impression that everyone speaks a foreign language
I když vo sobě tvrdí, že je hustej
Even though he claims to be cool
Dobře ví, že bez svého skejtu by byl jen kus steaku Orestován plamenem vlastního draka a tak na sobě maká
He knows well that without his skateboard he would just be a piece of steak Roasted by the flame of his own dragon and so he works on himself
spoustu energie a neví, co s
He has a lot of energy and doesn't know what to do with it
A naproti bydlí holka co vo sní
And across the street lives a girl he dreams about
Jenže je na něj hrozně hustá
But she's too cool for him
A on neví, jak to ustát
And he doesn't know how to handle it
Myslí na to, co by mu mohly dělat její ústa
He thinks about what her lips could do to him
A nepomůže mu ani Ústav sociální péče
And not even the Social Welfare Institute will help him
Protože ona na něj peče
Because she's baking on him
Dnes luxusní jachtu a luxusní job a luxusní buchtu
Today he has a luxury yacht and a luxury job and a luxury babe
Co si nechá dělat dudy z nudy
Who gets her pipes cleaned out of boredom
velký volant, tak řídí svůj život
He has a big steering wheel, so he steers his life
Neptá se proč, ptá se jen kudy
He doesn't ask why, he just asks which way
Chtěl se stát asketou a sketou se stal
He wanted to become an ascetic and a skete he became
Kurevskou sketou
A fucking skete
Když dráček mindráček dává ti kouř
When the little complex dragon gives you smoke
Pošli ty plameny dál
Send those flames on
Dál, dál, dál, dál
On, on, on, on
A když ostatním nestačí, tak mu dráček mindráček
And when it's not enough for others, the little complex dragon
Půjčí křídla a to celkem bez vytáček
Lends wings and that without any fuss
Žene ho do zatáček, což je jen zatáček
Drives him into turns, which is just a turn
Dokud ten drak je tu s ním, on je jak na fetu
As long as the dragon is there with him, he's like on speed
A ty nikdy si nestihneš rychlost jeho letu
And you'll never catch the speed of his flight
Nikdy nepochopíš jeho zápal
You'll never understand his passion
Ty nemáš v zádech horkej dech
You don't have hot breath on your back
Tobě nešlehá dennodenně plamen kolem ramen
You don't have flames whipping around your shoulders day and night
Žene se vpřed je vítr či bouře
He rushes forward whether it's wind or storm
Jenže oči zahalený kouřem
But his eyes are covered with smoke
Ten cestu ztrácí směřuje k prohře
He loses his way, heading for defeat
Je s ním amen
Amen with him
spustou názorů a spoustu vizí
He has a lot of opinions and a lot of visions
A spostu představ, jak je všem vnutí
And a lot of ideas on how to impose them on everyone
plno kámošů za plno prachů
He has a lot of friends for a lot of money
A v jeho plným životě není k hnutí
And in his full life there is no more movement
Dál, není k hnutí, dál.
On, there is no movement, on.

Writer(s): Ondřej Ládek

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