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The best of
1 Esso Einai
2 Haneshama Lach
3 Lulei Toratcha
4 Barchi Nafshi
5 Hashmieini
6 Simcha Leartzecha
7 Od Avinu Chai
8 Ein Keeloheinu
9 Shifchi Kamaim
10 Mimkomo
11 Lashana Habaa
12 Barchenu Avinu
13 Mizmor Shir
14 Shalom
15 Boi VeShalom
16 Yisrael Betach Bashem
17 Ose Shalom
18 Od Yishama
19 Yachad
20 Lecha Dodi
21 Asher Bara
22 Ma Ashiv
23 Tov Lehodot
24 Ki Va Moed
25 Shalom Aleichem I
26 Shalom Aleichem II
27 Harachaman Hu Yezakeinu
28 Vaani Bechasdecha
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